blob: 6cfc94ea53b628b05af6779a81686afa89b81d8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "use_video_decoder.h"
#include <garnet/lib/media/raw_video_writer/raw_video_writer.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/clone.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/media/codec_impl/fourcc.h>
#include <lib/media/test/codec_client.h>
#include <lib/media/test/frame_sink.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/arraysize.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <thread>
#include "util.h"
namespace {
constexpr bool kRawVideoWriterEnabled = true;
// This example only has one stream_lifetime_ordinal which is 1.
// TODO(dustingreen): actually re-use the Codec instance for at least one more
// stream, even if it's just to decode the same data again.
constexpr uint64_t kStreamLifetimeOrdinal = 1;
// Scenic ImagePipe doesn't allow image_id 0, so offset by this much.
constexpr uint32_t kFirstValidImageId = 1;
constexpr uint8_t kLongStartCodeArray[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
constexpr uint8_t kShortStartCodeArray[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
// If readable_bytes is 0, that's considered a "start code", to allow the caller
// to terminate a NAL the same way regardless of whether another start code is
// found or the end of the buffer is found.
// ptr has readable_bytes of data - the function only evaluates whether there is
// a start code at the beginning of the data at ptr.
// readable_bytes - the caller indicates how many bytes are readable starting at
// ptr.
// *start_code_size_bytes will have length of the start code in bytes when the
// function returns true - unchanged otherwise. Normally this would be 3 or 4,
// but a 0 is possible if readable_bytes is 0.
bool is_start_code(uint8_t* ptr, size_t readable_bytes,
size_t* start_code_size_bytes_out) {
if (readable_bytes == 0) {
*start_code_size_bytes_out = 0;
return true;
if (readable_bytes >= 4) {
if (!memcmp(ptr, kLongStartCodeArray, sizeof(kLongStartCodeArray))) {
*start_code_size_bytes_out = 4;
return true;
if (readable_bytes >= 3) {
if (!memcmp(ptr, kShortStartCodeArray, sizeof(kShortStartCodeArray))) {
*start_code_size_bytes_out = 3;
return true;
return false;
// Test-only. Not for production use. Caller must ensure there are at least 5
// bytes at nal_unit.
uint8_t GetNalUnitType(const uint8_t* nal_unit) {
// Also works with 4-byte startcodes.
static const uint8_t start_code[3] = {0, 0, 1};
uint8_t* next_start = static_cast<uint8_t*>(memmem(nal_unit, 5, start_code,
sizeof(start_code))) +
return *next_start & 0xf;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) IvfHeader {
uint32_t signature;
uint16_t version;
uint16_t header_length;
uint32_t fourcc;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint32_t frame_rate;
uint32_t time_scale;
uint32_t frame_count;
uint32_t unused;
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) IvfFrameHeader {
uint32_t size_bytes;
uint64_t presentation_timestamp;
enum class Format {
} // namespace
void QueueH264Frames(CodecClient* codec_client, uint8_t* input_bytes,
size_t input_size) {
// We assign fake PTS values starting at 0 partly to verify that 0 is
// treated as a valid PTS.
uint64_t input_frame_pts_counter = 0;
// Raw .h264 has start code 00 00 01 or 00 00 00 01 before each NAL, and
// the start codes don't alias in the middle of NALs, so we just scan
// for NALs and send them in to the decoder.
auto queue_access_unit = [&codec_client, &input_frame_pts_counter](
uint8_t* bytes, size_t byte_count) {
size_t bytes_so_far = 0;
// printf("queuing offset: %ld byte_count: %zu\n", bytes -
// input_bytes.get(), byte_count);
while (bytes_so_far != byte_count) {
std::unique_ptr<fuchsia::media::Packet> packet =
if (!packet->has_header()) {
Exit("broken server sent packet without header");
if (!packet->header().has_packet_index()) {
Exit("broken server sent packet without packet index");
// For input we do buffer_index == packet_index.
const CodecBuffer& buffer =
size_t bytes_to_copy =
std::min(byte_count - bytes_so_far, buffer.size_bytes());
if (bytes_so_far == 0) {
uint8_t nal_unit_type = GetNalUnitType(bytes);
if (nal_unit_type == 1 || nal_unit_type == 5) {
packet->set_start_access_unit(bytes_so_far == 0);
packet->set_known_end_access_unit(bytes_so_far + bytes_to_copy ==
memcpy(buffer.base(), bytes + bytes_so_far, bytes_to_copy);
bytes_so_far += bytes_to_copy;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_size;) {
// Until clang-tidy correctly interprets Exit(), this "= 0" satisfies it.
size_t start_code_size_bytes = 0;
if (!is_start_code(&input_bytes[i], input_size - i,
&start_code_size_bytes)) {
if (i == 0) {
"Didn't find a start code at the start of the file, and this "
"example doesn't scan forward (for now).");
} else {
"Fell out of sync somehow - previous NAL offset + previous "
"NAL length not a start code.");
if (i + start_code_size_bytes == input_size) {
Exit("Start code at end of file unexpected");
size_t nal_start_offset = i + start_code_size_bytes;
// Scan for end of NAL. The end of NAL can be because we're out of
// data, or because we hit another start code.
size_t find_end_iter = nal_start_offset;
size_t ignore_start_code_size_bytes;
while (find_end_iter <= input_size &&
input_size - find_end_iter,
&ignore_start_code_size_bytes)) {
FXL_DCHECK(find_end_iter <= input_size);
if (find_end_iter == nal_start_offset) {
Exit("Two adjacent start codes unexpected.");
FXL_DCHECK(find_end_iter > nal_start_offset);
size_t nal_length = find_end_iter - nal_start_offset;
queue_access_unit(&input_bytes[i], start_code_size_bytes + nal_length);
// start code + NAL payload
i += start_code_size_bytes + nal_length;
// Send through QueueInputEndOfStream().
// We flush and close to run the handling code server-side. However, we don't
// yet verify that this successfully achieves what it says.
// input thread done
void QueueVp9Frames(CodecClient* codec_client, uint8_t* input_bytes,
size_t input_size) {
uint64_t input_frame_pts_counter = 0;
auto queue_access_unit = [&codec_client, &input_frame_pts_counter](
uint8_t* bytes, size_t byte_count) {
std::unique_ptr<fuchsia::media::Packet> packet =
// For input we do buffer_index == packet_index.
const CodecBuffer& buffer =
// VP9 decoder doesn't yet support splitting access units into multiple
// packets.
FXL_DCHECK(byte_count <= buffer.size_bytes());
memcpy(buffer.base(), bytes, byte_count);
IvfHeader* header = (IvfHeader*)&input_bytes[0];
for (size_t i = header->header_length; i < input_size;) {
if (i + sizeof(IvfFrameHeader) > input_size)
Exit("Frame header truncated.");
IvfFrameHeader* frame_header = (IvfFrameHeader*)&input_bytes[i];
if (i + sizeof(IvfFrameHeader) + frame_header->size_bytes > input_size)
Exit("Frame truncated.");
// We don't use frame_header->presentation_timestamp, because we want to
// send through frame index in timestamp_ish field instead, for consistency
// with .h264 files which don't have timestamps in them, and so tests can
// assume frame index as timestamp_ish on output.
queue_access_unit(&input_bytes[i + sizeof(IvfFrameHeader)],
i += sizeof(IvfFrameHeader) + frame_header->size_bytes;
// Send through QueueInputEndOfStream().
// We flush and close to run the handling code server-side. However, we don't
// yet verify that this successfully achieves what it says.
// input thread done
static void use_video_decoder(
async::Loop* main_loop, fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr codec_factory,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator> sysmem, Format format,
const std::string& input_file, const std::string& output_file,
uint8_t md_out[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH],
std::vector<std::pair<bool, uint64_t>>* timestamps_out, uint32_t* fourcc,
FrameSink* frame_sink) {
FXL_DCHECK(!timestamps_out || timestamps_out->empty());
memset(md_out, 0, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH);
async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToThread);
// payload data for bear.h264 is 00 00 00 01 start code before each NAL, with
// SPS / PPS NALs and also frame NALs. We deliver to Codec NAL-by-NAL without
// the start code, since the Codec packet
VLOGF("reading h264 file...\n");
size_t input_size;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> input_bytes =
read_whole_file(input_file.c_str(), &input_size);
VLOGF("done reading h264 file.\n");
// Since the .h264 file has SPS + PPS NALs in addition to frame NALs, we don't
// use oob_bytes for this stream.
// TODO(dustingreen): Determine for .mp4 or similar which don't have SPS / PPS
// in band whether .mp4 provides ongoing OOB data, or just at the start, and
// document in codec.fidl how that's to be handled.
VLOGF("before CodecClient::CodecClient()...\n");
CodecClient codec_client(&loop, std::move(sysmem));
const char* mime_type;
switch (format) {
case Format::kH264:
mime_type = "video/h264";
case Format::kVp9:
mime_type = "video/vp9";
[&codec_factory, codec_client_request = codec_client.GetTheRequestOnce(),
mime_type]() mutable {
VLOGF("before codec_factory->CreateDecoder() (async)\n");
fuchsia::media::FormatDetails input_details;
fuchsia::mediacodec::CreateDecoder_Params params;
// This is required for timestamp_ish values to transit the
// Codec.
VLOGF("before codec_client.Start()...\n");
// This does a Sync(), so after this we can drop the CodecFactory without it
// potentially cancelling our Codec create.
// We don't need the CodecFactory any more, and at this point any Codec
// creation errors have had a chance to arrive via the
// codec_factory.set_error_handler() lambda.
// Unbind() is only safe to call on the interfaces's dispatcher thread. We
// also want to block the current thread until this is done, to avoid
// codec_factory potentially disappearing before this posted work finishes.
std::mutex unbind_mutex;
std::condition_variable unbind_done_condition;
bool unbind_done = false;
[&codec_factory, &unbind_mutex, &unbind_done, &unbind_done_condition] {
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(unbind_mutex);
unbind_done = true;
} // ~lock
// All of codec_factory, unbind_mutex, unbind_done,
// unbind_done_condition are potentially gone by this point.
{ // scope lock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(unbind_mutex);
while (!unbind_done) {
} // ~lock
VLOGF("before starting in_thread...\n");
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> in_thread = std::make_unique<std::thread>(
[&codec_client, &input_bytes, input_size, format]() {
switch (format) {
case Format::kH264:
QueueH264Frames(&codec_client, input_bytes.get(), input_size);
case Format::kVp9:
QueueVp9Frames(&codec_client, input_bytes.get(), input_size);
// Separate thread to process the output.
// codec_client outlives the thread (and for separate reasons below, all the
// frame_sink activity started by out_thread).
std::unique_ptr<std::thread> out_thread = std::make_unique<
std::thread>([main_loop, &codec_client, output_file, md_out,
&timestamps_out, &fourcc, frame_sink]() {
// The codec_client lock_ is not held for long durations in here, which is
// good since we're using this thread to do things like write to an output
// file.
media::RawVideoWriter<kRawVideoWriterEnabled> raw_video_writer(
SHA256_CTX sha256_ctx;
// We allow the server to send multiple output constraint updates if it
// wants; see implementation of BlockingGetEmittedOutput() which will hide
// multiple constraint updates before the first packet from this code. In
// contrast we assert if the server sends multiple format updates with no
// packets in between since that's not compliant with the protocol rules.
// In this example, we only deal with one output format once we start seeing
// stream output data show up, since our raw_video_writer is only really
// meant to store one format per file.
std::shared_ptr<const fuchsia::media::StreamOutputFormat> stream_format;
const fuchsia::media::VideoUncompressedFormat* raw = nullptr;
while (true) {
std::unique_ptr<CodecOutput> output =
if (output->stream_lifetime_ordinal() != kStreamLifetimeOrdinal) {
"server emitted a stream_lifetime_ordinal that client didn't set "
"on any input");
if (output->end_of_stream()) {
VLOGF("output end_of_stream() - done with output\n");
// Just "break;" would be more fragile under code modification.
goto end_of_output;
const fuchsia::media::Packet& packet = output->packet();
if (!packet.has_header()) {
// The server should not generate any empty packets.
Exit("broken server sent packet without header");
// cleanup can run on any thread, and codec_client.RecycleOutputPacket()
// is ok with that. In addition, cleanup can run after codec_client is
// gone, since we don't block return from use_h264_decoder() on Scenic
// actually freeing up all previously-queued frames.
auto cleanup =
packet_header = fidl::Clone(packet.header())]() mutable {
// Using an auto call for this helps avoid losing track of the
// output_buffer.
std::shared_ptr<const fuchsia::media::StreamOutputFormat> format =
if (!packet.has_buffer_index()) {
// The server should not generate any empty packets.
Exit("broken server sent packet without buffer index");
// This will remain live long enough because this thread is the only
// thread that re-allocates output buffers.
const CodecBuffer& buffer =
!stream_format ||
(stream_format->has_format_details() &&
if (stream_format &&
(!format->has_format_details() ||
!format->format_details().has_format_details_version_ordinal() ||
format->format_details().format_details_version_ordinal() !=
.format_details_version_ordinal())) {
"codec server unexpectedly changed output format mid-stream - "
"unexpected for this stream");
if (!packet.has_valid_length_bytes() ||
packet.valid_length_bytes() == 0) {
// The server should not generate any empty packets.
Exit("broken server sent empty packet");
if (!packet.has_start_offset()) {
// The server should not generate any empty packets.
Exit("broken server sent packet without start offset");
// We have a non-empty packet of the stream.
if (!stream_format) {
// Every output has a format. This happens exactly once.
stream_format = format;
if (!stream_format->has_format_details()) {
const fuchsia::media::FormatDetails& format_details =
if (!format_details.has_domain()) {
if (!format_details.domain().is_video()) {
const fuchsia::media::VideoFormat& video_format =
if (!video_format.is_uncompressed()) {
raw = &video_format.uncompressed();
if (fourcc) {
*fourcc = raw->fourcc;
switch (raw->fourcc) {
case make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2'): {
size_t y_size =
raw->primary_height_pixels * raw->primary_line_stride_bytes;
if (raw->secondary_start_offset < y_size) {
Exit("raw.secondary_start_offset < y_size");
// NV12 requires UV be same line stride as Y.
size_t total_size =
raw->secondary_start_offset +
raw->primary_height_pixels / 2 * raw->primary_line_stride_bytes;
if (packet.valid_length_bytes() < total_size) {
Exit("packet.valid_length_bytes < total_size");
case make_fourcc('Y', 'V', '1', '2'): {
size_t y_size =
raw->primary_height_pixels * raw->primary_line_stride_bytes;
size_t v_size =
raw->secondary_height_pixels * raw->secondary_line_stride_bytes;
size_t u_size = v_size;
size_t total_size = y_size + u_size + v_size;
if (packet.valid_length_bytes() < total_size) {
Exit("packet.valid_length_bytes < total_size");
if (raw->secondary_start_offset < y_size) {
Exit("raw.secondary_start_offset < y_size");
if (raw->tertiary_start_offset < y_size + v_size) {
Exit("raw.tertiary_start_offset < y_size + v_size");
Exit("fourcc != NV12 && fourcc != YV12");
if (!frame_sink) {
SHA256_Update_VideoParameters(&sha256_ctx, *raw);
if (!output_file.empty()) {
switch (raw->fourcc) {
case make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2'):
raw->primary_width_pixels, raw->primary_height_pixels,
buffer.base() + packet.start_offset() +
raw->secondary_start_offset - raw->primary_start_offset);
Exit("write to file only implemented for NV12");
// PTS values are separately verified by use_h264_decoder_test since it'll
// be nice to know separately if they're broken and how vs. frame format
// and frame pixel data being broken, especially if there's just one
// broken run that can't easily be reproduced.
if (timestamps_out) {
packet.has_timestamp_ish() ? packet.timestamp_ish() : 0));
if (!frame_sink) {
switch (raw->fourcc) {
case make_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '2'): {
// Y
uint8_t* y_src = buffer.base() + packet.start_offset() +
for (uint32_t y_iter = 0; y_iter < raw->primary_height_pixels;
y_iter++) {
SHA256_Update(&sha256_ctx, y_src, raw->primary_width_pixels);
y_src += raw->primary_line_stride_bytes;
// UV
uint8_t* uv_src = buffer.base() + packet.start_offset() +
for (uint32_t uv_iter = 0; uv_iter < raw->primary_height_pixels / 2;
uv_iter++) {
// NV12 requires eacy UV line be same width as a Y line, and
// same stride as a Y line.
SHA256_Update(&sha256_ctx, uv_src, raw->primary_width_pixels);
uv_src += raw->primary_line_stride_bytes;
case make_fourcc('Y', 'V', '1', '2'): {
// Y
/*start=*/buffer.base() + packet.start_offset() +
raw->primary_width_pixels, raw->primary_line_stride_bytes,
// V
/*start=*/buffer.base() + packet.start_offset() +
raw->secondary_width_pixels, raw->secondary_line_stride_bytes,
// U
/*start=*/buffer.base() + packet.start_offset() +
raw->secondary_width_pixels, raw->secondary_line_stride_bytes,
Exit("SHA frame hashing only implemented for NV12 and YV12");
if (frame_sink) {
image_id = packet.header().packet_index() + kFirstValidImageId,
&vmo = buffer.vmo(),
vmo_offset = buffer.vmo_offset() + packet.start_offset() +
format, cleanup = std::move(cleanup)]() mutable {
frame_sink->PutFrame(image_id, vmo, vmo_offset, format,
[cleanup = std::move(cleanup)] {
// The ~cleanup can run on any thread (the
// current thread is main_loop's thread),
// and codec_client is ok with that
// (because it switches over to |loop|'s
// thread before sending a Codec message).
// ~cleanup
// If we didn't std::move(cleanup) before here, then ~cleanup runs here.
if (!SHA256_Final(md_out, &sha256_ctx)) {
// output thread done
// ~raw_video_writer
// decode for a bit... in_thread, loop, out_thread, and the codec itself are
// taking care of it.
// First wait for the input thread to be done feeding input data. Before the
// in_thread terminates, it'll have sent in a last empty EOS input buffer.
VLOGF("before in_thread->join()...\n");
VLOGF("after in_thread->join()\n");
// The EOS queued as an input buffer should cause the codec to output an EOS
// output buffer, at which point out_thread should terminate, after it has
// finalized the output file.
VLOGF("before out_thread->join()...\n");
VLOGF("after out_thread->join()\n");
// We wait for frame_sink to return all the frames for these reasons:
// * As of this writing, some noisy-in-the-log things can happen in Scenic
// if we don't.
// * We don't want to cancel display of any frames, because we want to see
// the frames on the screen.
// * We don't want the |cleanup| to run after codec_client is gone since the
// |cleanup| calls codec_client.
// * It's easier to grok if activity started by use_h264_decoder() is done
// by the time use_h264_decoder() returns, given use_h264_decoder()'s role
// as an overall sequencer.
if (frame_sink) {
// TODO(dustingreen): Make this less hacky - currently we sleep 10 seconds
// to give Scenic a chance to display anything. Despite this, we don't see
// many frames displayed - TBD why not (it's not the cost of SW-based
// YUV-to-RGB conversion, since removing most of that cost doesn't change
// # of frames displayed).
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "sleeping 10 seconds...";
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "done sleeping.";
std::mutex frames_done_lock;
bool frames_done = false;
std::condition_variable frames_done_condition;
fit::closure on_frames_returned = [&frames_done_lock, &frames_done,
&frames_done_condition] {
{ // scope lock
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(frames_done_lock);
frames_done = true;
// The notify while still under the lock prevents any possibility of
// frames_done_condition being gone too soon.
// Don't touch the captures beyond this point.
} // ~lock
[frame_sink, on_frames_returned =
std::move(on_frames_returned)]() mutable {
// The just-posted wait will set frames_done using the main_loop_'s thread,
// which is not this thread.
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "waiting for all frames to be returned from Scenic...";
{ // scope lock
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(frames_done_lock);
while (!frames_done) {
} // ~lock
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "all frames have been returned from Scenic";
// Now we know that there are zero frames in frame_sink, including zero
// frame cleanup(s) in-flight (in the sense of a pending/running cleanup
// that's touching codec_client to post any new work. Work already posted
// via codec_client can still be in flight. See below.)
// Because CodecClient posted work to the loop which captured the CodecClient
// as "this", it's important that we ensure that all such work is done trying
// to run before we delete CodecClient. We need to know that the work posted
// using PostSerial() won't be trying to touch the channel or pointers that
// are owned by CodecClient before we close the channel or destruct
// CodecClient (which happens before ~loop).
// We call loop.Quit();loop.JoinThreads(); before codec_client.Stop() because
// there can be at least a RecycleOutputPacket() still working its way toward
// the Codec (via the loop) at this point, so doing
// loop.Quit();loop.JoinThreads(); first avoids potential FIDL message send
// errors. We're done decoding so we don't care whether any remaining queued
// messages toward the codec actually reach the codec.
// We use loop.Quit();loop.JoinThreads(); instead of loop.Shutdown() because
// we don't want the Shutdown() side-effect of failing the channel bindings.
// The Shutdown() will happen later.
// By ensuring that the loop is done running code before closing the channel
// (or loop.Shutdown()), we can close the channel cleanly and avoid mitigation
// of expected normal channel closure (or loop.Shutdown()) in any code that
// runs on the loop. This way, unexpected channel failure is the only case to
// worry about.
VLOGF("before loop.Quit()\n");
VLOGF("before loop.JoinThreads()...\n");
VLOGF("after loop.JoinThreads()\n");
// Close the channels explicitly (just so we can more easily print messages
// before and after vs. ~codec_client).
VLOGF("before codec_client stop...\n");
VLOGF("after codec_client stop.\n");
// loop.Shutdown() the rest of the way explicitly (just so we can more easily
// print messages before and after vs. ~loop). If we did this before
// codec_client.Stop() it would cause the channel bindings to fail because
// async waits are failed as cancelled during Shutdown().
VLOGF("before loop.Shutdown()...\n");
VLOGF("after loop.Shutdown()\n");
// The FIDL loop isn't running any more and the channels are closed. There
// are no other threads left that were started by this function. We can just
// delete stuff now.
// success
// ~codec_client
// ~loop
// ~codec_factory
void use_h264_decoder(async::Loop* main_loop,
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr codec_factory,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator> sysmem,
const std::string& input_file,
const std::string& output_file,
uint8_t md_out[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH],
std::vector<std::pair<bool, uint64_t>>* timestamps_out,
uint32_t* fourcc, FrameSink* frame_sink) {
use_video_decoder(main_loop, std::move(codec_factory), std::move(sysmem),
Format::kH264, input_file, output_file, md_out,
timestamps_out, fourcc, frame_sink);
void use_vp9_decoder(async::Loop* main_loop,
fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr codec_factory,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator> sysmem,
const std::string& input_file,
const std::string& output_file,
uint8_t md_out[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH],
std::vector<std::pair<bool, uint64_t>>* timestamps_out,
uint32_t* fourcc, FrameSink* frame_sink) {
use_video_decoder(main_loop, std::move(codec_factory), std::move(sysmem),
Format::kVp9, input_file, output_file, md_out,
timestamps_out, fourcc, frame_sink);