blob: a52a158a6dce13ba441c5e7d93a0edd7e59ed614 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/identifier.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci-spec/protocol.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/sco/sco_connection.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/transport.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt::sco {
// ScoConnectionManager handles SCO connections for a single BR/EDR connection. This includes
// queuing outbound and inbound connection requests and handling events related to SCO connections.
class ScoConnectionManager final {
// Request handle returned to clients. Cancels request when destroyed.
class RequestHandle final {
explicit RequestHandle(fit::callback<void()> on_cancel) : on_cancel_(std::move(on_cancel)) {}
RequestHandle(RequestHandle&&) = default;
RequestHandle& operator=(RequestHandle&&) = default;
~RequestHandle() { Cancel(); }
void Cancel() {
if (on_cancel_) {
fit::callback<void()> on_cancel_;
// |peer_id| corresponds to the peer associated with this BR/EDR connection.
// |acl_handle| corresponds to the ACL connection associated with these SCO connections.
// |transport| must outlive this object.
ScoConnectionManager(PeerId peer_id, hci_spec::ConnectionHandle acl_handle,
DeviceAddress peer_address, DeviceAddress local_address,
fxl::WeakPtr<hci::Transport> transport);
// Closes connections and cancels connection requests.
// Initiate and outbound connection. A request will be queued if a connection is already in
// progress. On error, |callback| will be called with an error result. The error will be
// |kCanceled| if a connection was never attempted, or |kFailed| if establishing a connection
// failed. Returns a handle that will cancel the request when dropped (if connection establishment
// has not started).
using OpenConnectionResult = fitx::result<HostError, fbl::RefPtr<ScoConnection>>;
using OpenConnectionCallback = fit::callback<void(OpenConnectionResult)>;
RequestHandle OpenConnection(hci_spec::SynchronousConnectionParameters parameters,
OpenConnectionCallback callback);
// Accept inbound connection requests using the parameters given in order. The parameters will be
// tried in order until either a connection is successful, all parameters have been rejected, or
// the procedure is canceled. On success, |callback| will be called with the connection object and
// the index of the parameters used to establish the connection. On error, |callback| will be
// called with an error result. If another Open/Accept request is made before a connection request
// is received, this request will be canceled (with error |kCanceled|). Returns a handle that will
// cancel the request when destroyed (if connection establishment has not started).
using AcceptConnectionResult =
std::pair<fbl::RefPtr<ScoConnection>, size_t /*index of parameters used*/>>;
using AcceptConnectionCallback = fit::callback<void(AcceptConnectionResult)>;
RequestHandle AcceptConnection(std::vector<hci_spec::SynchronousConnectionParameters> parameters,
AcceptConnectionCallback callback);
using ScoRequestId = uint64_t;
using ConnectionResult =
std::pair<fbl::RefPtr<ScoConnection>, size_t /*index of parameters used*/>>;
using ConnectionCallback = fit::callback<void(ConnectionResult)>;
class ConnectionRequest final {
ConnectionRequest(ScoRequestId id_arg, bool initiator_arg, bool received_request_arg,
std::vector<hci_spec::SynchronousConnectionParameters> parameters_arg,
ConnectionCallback callback_arg)
: id(id_arg),
callback(std::move(callback_arg)) {}
ConnectionRequest(ConnectionRequest&&) = default;
ConnectionRequest& operator=(ConnectionRequest&&) = default;
~ConnectionRequest() {
if (callback) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "sco", "Cancelling SCO connection request (id: %zu)", id);
ScoRequestId id;
bool initiator;
bool received_request;
size_t current_param_index = 0;
std::vector<hci_spec::SynchronousConnectionParameters> parameters;
ConnectionCallback callback;
hci::CommandChannel::EventHandlerId AddEventHandler(const hci_spec::EventCode& code,
hci::CommandChannel::EventCallback cb);
// Event handlers:
hci::CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnSynchronousConnectionComplete(
const hci::EventPacket& event);
hci::CommandChannel::EventCallbackResult OnConnectionRequest(const hci::EventPacket& event);
// Returns true if parameters matching the corresponding transport were found in the current
// request, or false otherwise. Mutates the current request's parameter index to that of the
// matching parameters (or past the end on failure).
bool FindNextParametersThatSupportSco();
bool FindNextParametersThatSupportEsco();
ScoConnectionManager::RequestHandle QueueRequest(
bool initiator, std::vector<hci_spec::SynchronousConnectionParameters>, ConnectionCallback);
void TryCreateNextConnection();
void CompleteRequestOrTryNextParameters(ConnectionResult);
void CompleteRequest(ConnectionResult);
void SendCommandWithStatusCallback(std::unique_ptr<hci::CommandPacket> command_packet,
hci::ResultFunction<> cb);
void SendRejectConnectionCommand(DeviceAddressBytes addr, hci_spec::StatusCode reason);
// If either the queued or in progress request has the given id and can be cancelled, cancel it.
// Called when a RequestHandle is dropped.
void CancelRequestWithId(ScoRequestId);
// The id that should be associated with the next request. Incremented when the current value is
// used.
ScoRequestId next_req_id_;
// If a request is made while in_progress_request_ is waiting for a complete event, it gets queued
// in queued_request_.
std::optional<ConnectionRequest> queued_request_;
std::optional<ConnectionRequest> in_progress_request_;
// Holds active connections.
std::unordered_map<hci_spec::ConnectionHandle, fbl::RefPtr<ScoConnection>> connections_;
// Handler IDs for registered events
std::vector<hci::CommandChannel::EventHandlerId> event_handler_ids_;
PeerId peer_id_;
const DeviceAddress local_address_;
const DeviceAddress peer_address_;
hci_spec::ConnectionHandle acl_handle_;
fxl::WeakPtr<hci::Transport> transport_;
// Keep this as the last member to make sure that all weak pointers are
// invalidated before other members get destroyed.
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<ScoConnectionManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace bt::sco