blob: d22d561e86c3cfb6d006571ae7b916ae812507e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "converter.h"
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "rapidjson/error/en.h"
#include "rapidjson/filereadstream.h"
#include "rapidjson/filewritestream.h"
#include "rapidjson/prettywriter.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/split_string.h"
namespace {
void CheckParseResult(rapidjson::ParseResult parse_result) {
EXPECT_TRUE(parse_result) << "JSON parse error: "
<< rapidjson::GetParseError_En(parse_result.Code()) << " (offset "
<< parse_result.Offset() << ")";
void TestConverter(const char* json_input_string, rapidjson::Document* output,
bool product_versions_available = false) {
rapidjson::Document input;
ConverterArgs args;
// Test a timestamp value that does not fit into a 32-bit int type.
args.timestamp = 123004005006;
args.masters = "example_masters";
args.bots = "example_bots";
args.log_url = "";
args.use_test_guids = true;
if (product_versions_available) {
args.product_versions = "";
Convert(&input, output, &args);
// Check that the output serializes successfully as JSON. The rapidjson
// library allows rapidjson::Values to contain invalid JSON, such as NaN
// or infinite floating point values, which are not allowed in JSON.
rapidjson::StringBuffer buf;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buf);
// This function checks that the JSON value |actual| is a number that is
// approximately equal to |expected|.
// This changes |actual| to be a placeholder string value so that later
// comparisons can ignore the numeric value.
// The reason for doing an approximate check is that rapidjson does not
// always preserve exact floating point numbers across a write+read+write:
// The last significant digit of a number will sometimes change across a
// read+write round-trip, even for JSON data that rapidjson previously
// wrote.
void AssertApproxEqual(rapidjson::Document* document, rapidjson::Value* actual, double expected) {
double actual_val = actual->GetDouble();
double tolerance = 1.0001;
double expected_min = expected * tolerance;
double expected_max = expected / tolerance;
if (expected_min > expected_max) {
// Handle negative values.
std::swap(expected_min, expected_max);
EXPECT_TRUE(expected_min <= actual_val && actual_val <= expected_max)
<< "Got value " << actual_val << ", but expected value close to " << expected << " (between "
<< expected_min << " and " << expected_max << ")";
actual->SetString("compared_elsewhere", document->GetAllocator());
std::vector<std::string> SplitLines(const char* str) {
return fxl::SplitStringCopy(str, "\n", fxl::kKeepWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantAll);
void PrintLines(const std::vector<std::string>& lines, size_t start, size_t end, char prefix) {
for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
printf("%c%s\n", prefix, lines[i].c_str());
// Print a simple line-based diff comparing the given strings. This uses a
// primitive diff algorithm that only discounts matching lines at the
// starts and ends of the string.
void PrintDiff(const char* str1, const char* str2) {
std::vector<std::string> lines1 = SplitLines(str1);
std::vector<std::string> lines2 = SplitLines(str2);
size_t i = 0;
size_t j = 0;
// Searching from the start, find the first lines that differ.
while (lines1[i] == lines2[i])
// Searching from the end, find the first lines that differ.
while (lines1[lines1.size() - j - 1] == lines2[lines2.size() - j - 1])
// Print the common lines at the start.
PrintLines(lines1, 0, i, ' ');
// Print the differing lines.
PrintLines(lines1, i, lines1.size() - j, '-');
PrintLines(lines2, i, lines2.size() - j, '+');
// Print the common lines at the end.
PrintLines(lines1, lines1.size() - j, lines1.size(), ' ');
void AssertJsonEqual(const rapidjson::Document& doc1, const rapidjson::Document& doc2) {
rapidjson::StringBuffer buf1;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer1(buf1);
rapidjson::StringBuffer buf2;
rapidjson::PrettyWriter<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer2(buf2);
EXPECT_EQ(doc1, doc2);
if (doc1 != doc2) {
PrintDiff(buf1.GetString(), buf2.GetString());
TEST(TestTools, SplitLines) {
auto lines = SplitLines(" aa \n bb\n\ncc \n");
ASSERT_EQ(lines.size(), 5u);
EXPECT_STREQ(lines[0].c_str(), " aa ");
EXPECT_STREQ(lines[1].c_str(), " bb");
EXPECT_STREQ(lines[2].c_str(), "");
EXPECT_STREQ(lines[3].c_str(), "cc ");
EXPECT_STREQ(lines[4].c_str(), "");
// Test the basic case that covers multiple time units.
// This also covers converting spaces to underscores in
// the test name.
TEST(CatapultConverter, Convert) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleNullSyscall",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [101.0, 102.0, 103.0, 104.0, 105.0],
"unit": "nanoseconds"
"label": "Example Other Test",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [200, 6, 100, 110],
"unit": "ms"
const char* expected_output_str = R"JSON(
"guid": "dummy_guid_0",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_1",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_2",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_3",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"Build Log",
"guid": "dummy_guid_4",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"name": "ExampleNullSyscall",
"unit": "ms_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_5",
"maxNumSampleValues": 5,
"numNans": 0
"name": "Example_Other_Test",
"unit": "ms_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_6",
"maxNumSampleValues": 4,
"numNans": 0
rapidjson::Document expected_output;
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][1], 0.000105);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][2], -9.180875);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][3], 0.000103);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][4], 0.000101);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][5], 0.000515);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][6], 2.5e-12);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][1], 200);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][2], 4.098931);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][3], 104);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][4], 6);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][5], 416);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][6], 6290.666);
AssertJsonEqual(output, expected_output);
// Test covers multiple time units and
// converting spaces to underscores in the test name.
// With new json format (test_name, metric) instead of label.
TEST(CatapultConverter, ConvertWithNewJsonFormat) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"test_name": "ExampleWithRealTimeMetric",
"metric": "real_time",
"values": [101.0, 102.0, 103.0, 104.0, 105.0],
"unit": "nanoseconds"
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"test_name": "Example Other Test",
"metric": "input_latency",
"values": [200, 6, 100, 110],
"unit": "ms"
const char* expected_output_str = R"JSON(
"guid": "dummy_guid_0",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_1",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_2",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_3",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"Build Log",
"guid": "dummy_guid_4",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"name": "ExampleWithRealTimeMetric",
"unit": "ms_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_5",
"maxNumSampleValues": 5,
"numNans": 0
"name": "Example_Other_Test/input_latency",
"unit": "ms_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_6",
"maxNumSampleValues": 4,
"numNans": 0
rapidjson::Document expected_output;
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][1], 0.000105);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][2], -9.180875);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][3], 0.000103);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][4], 0.000101);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][5], 0.000515);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][6], 2.5e-12);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][1], 200);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][2], 4.098931);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][3], 104);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][4], 6);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][5], 416);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][6], 6290.666);
AssertJsonEqual(output, expected_output);
// Test with product_versions available.
TEST(CatapultConverter, ConvertWithReleaseVersion) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleNullSyscall",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [101.0, 102.0, 103.0, 104.0, 105.0],
"unit": "nanoseconds"
"label": "Example Other Test",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [200, 6, 100, 110],
"unit": "ms"
const char* expected_output_str = R"JSON(
"guid": "dummy_guid_0",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_1",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_2",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_3",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_4",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"Build Log",
"guid": "dummy_guid_5",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"name": "ExampleNullSyscall",
"unit": "ms_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"a_productVersions": "dummy_guid_3",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_4",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_5"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_6",
"maxNumSampleValues": 5,
"numNans": 0
"name": "Example_Other_Test",
"unit": "ms_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"a_productVersions": "dummy_guid_3",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_4",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_5"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_7",
"maxNumSampleValues": 4,
"numNans": 0
rapidjson::Document expected_output;
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output, true /* product_versions_available */);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][1], 0.000105);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][2], -9.180875);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][3], 0.000103);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][4], 0.000101);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][5], 0.000515);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][6], 2.5e-12);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[7]["running"][1], 200);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[7]["running"][2], 4.098931);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[7]["running"][3], 104);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[7]["running"][4], 6);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[7]["running"][5], 416);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[7]["running"][6], 6290.666);
AssertJsonEqual(output, expected_output);
TEST(CatapultConverter, ConvertThroughputUnits) {
// The example values here are:
// 99 * 1024 * 1024 (99 mebibytes/second).
// 87 * 1,000,000 (87 megabits/second).
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleThroughput",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [103809024],
"unit": "bytes/second"
"label": "ExampleThroughput",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [87000000],
"unit": "bits/second"
const char* expected_output_str = R"JSON(
"guid": "dummy_guid_0",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_1",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_2",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_3",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"Build Log",
"guid": "dummy_guid_4",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"name": "ExampleThroughput",
"unit": "unitless_biggerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_5",
"maxNumSampleValues": 1,
"numNans": 0
"name": "ExampleThroughput",
"unit": "unitless_biggerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_6",
"maxNumSampleValues": 1,
"numNans": 0
rapidjson::Document expected_output;
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][1], 99);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][2], 4.595119);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][3], 99);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][4], 99);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][5], 99);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][6], 0);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][1], 87000000);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][2], 18.28141);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][3], 87000000);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][4], 87000000);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][5], 87000000);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[6]["running"][6], 0);
AssertJsonEqual(output, expected_output);
TEST(CatapultConverter, ConvertBytesUnit) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleWithBytes",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [200, 6, 100, 110],
"unit": "bytes"
const char* expected_output_str = R"JSON(
"guid": "dummy_guid_0",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_1",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_2",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_3",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"Build Log",
"guid": "dummy_guid_4",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"name": "ExampleWithBytes",
"unit": "sizeInBytes_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_5",
"maxNumSampleValues": 4,
"numNans": 0
rapidjson::Document expected_output;
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][1], 200);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][2], 4.098931);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][3], 104);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][4], 6);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][5], 416);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][6], 6290.666);
AssertJsonEqual(output, expected_output);
TEST(CatapultConverter, ConvertPercentageUnit) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleWithPercentages",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [0.001, 19.3224, 100.0],
"unit": "percent"
const char* expected_output_str = R"JSON(
"guid": "dummy_guid_0",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_1",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_2",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_3",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"Build Log",
"guid": "dummy_guid_4",
"type": "GenericSet",
"values": [
"name": "ExampleWithPercentages",
"unit": "n%_smallerIsBetter",
"description": "",
"diagnostics": {
"pointId": "dummy_guid_0",
"bots": "dummy_guid_1",
"masters": "dummy_guid_2",
"logUrls": "dummy_guid_3",
"benchmarks": "dummy_guid_4"
"running": [
"guid": "dummy_guid_5",
"maxNumSampleValues": 3,
"numNans": 0
rapidjson::Document expected_output;
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][1], 100);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][2], 0.21955998);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][3], 39.7741);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][4], 0.001);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][5], 119.3224);
AssertApproxEqual(&output, &output[5]["running"][6], 2813.705);
AssertJsonEqual(output, expected_output);
// Test handling of zero values. The meanlogs field in the output should
// be 'null' in this case.
TEST(CatapultConverter, ZeroValues) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleValues",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [0],
"unit": "milliseconds"
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
rapidjson::Value null;
rapidjson::Value& meanlogs_field = output[5]["running"][2];
EXPECT_EQ(meanlogs_field, null);
// Test handling of negative values. The meanlogs field in the output
// should be 'null' in this case.
TEST(CatapultConverter, NegativeValues) {
const char* input_str = R"JSON(
"label": "ExampleValues",
"test_suite": "my_test_suite",
"values": [-1],
"unit": "milliseconds"
rapidjson::Document output;
TestConverter(input_str, &output);
rapidjson::Value null;
rapidjson::Value& meanlogs_field = output[5]["running"][2];
EXPECT_EQ(meanlogs_field, null);
class TempFile {
TempFile(const char* contents) {
int fd = mkstemp(pathname_);
EXPECT_GE(fd, 0);
ssize_t len = strlen(contents);
EXPECT_EQ(write(fd, contents, len), len);
EXPECT_EQ(close(fd), 0);
~TempFile() { EXPECT_EQ(unlink(pathname_), 0); }
const char* pathname() { return pathname_; }
char pathname_[26] = "/tmp/catapult_test_XXXXXX";
// Test the ConverterMain() entry point. This does not check the contents
// of the JSON output; it only checks that the output is valid JSON.
TEST(CatapultConverter, ConverterMain) {
TempFile input_file("[]");
TempFile output_file("");
const char* args[] = {
EXPECT_EQ(ConverterMain(std::size(args), const_cast<char**>(args)), 0);
// Check just that the output file contains valid JSON.
FILE* fp = fopen(output_file.pathname(), "r");
char buffer[100];
rapidjson::FileReadStream input_stream(fp, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
rapidjson::Document input;
rapidjson::ParseResult parse_result = input.ParseStream(input_stream);
// Code copied from "//src/lib/uuid/", which does not currently
// successfully compile as a host side tool.
inline bool IsHexDigit(char c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f');
inline bool IsLowerHexDigit(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'); }
bool IsValidUuidInternal(const std::string& guid, bool strict) {
constexpr size_t kUUIDLength = 36U;
if (guid.length() != kUUIDLength)
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < guid.length(); ++i) {
char current = guid[i];
if (i == 8 || i == 13 || i == 18 || i == 23) {
if (current != '-')
return false;
} else {
if ((strict && !IsLowerHexDigit(current)) || !IsHexDigit(current))
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if the input string conforms to the version 4 UUID format.
// Note that this does NOT check if the hexadecimal values "a" through "f"
// are in lower case characters, as Version 4 RFC says they're
// case insensitive. (Use IsValidOutputString for checking if the
// given string is valid output string)
bool IsValidUuid(const std::string& guid) { return IsValidUuidInternal(guid, false /* strict */); }
// Returns true if the input string is valid version 4 UUID output string.
// This also checks if the hexadecimal values "a" through "f" are in lower
// case characters.
bool IsValidUuidOutputString(const std::string& guid) {
return IsValidUuidInternal(guid, true /* strict */);
TEST(CatapultConverter, GenerateUuid) {
for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
auto uuid = GenerateUuid();
} // namespace