blob: 0d278e440cdd34fdce263ef493c25f9b55f221d7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generate rust library for the config
fuchsia_component_manifest("ui_config_manifest") {
# Note: This component name is unused since this manifest target is only added to
# generate the rust config library
component_name = "config_system_recovery"
# Config structure is currently defined in this shard
manifest = "meta/shards/ui.shard.cml"
fuchsia_structured_config_rust_lib("recovery_ui_config") {
cm_label = ":ui_config_manifest"
group("system") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("fdr") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# TODO ( Handle FDR via integration tests.
# ":system_recovery_fdr_test",
group("installer") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# TODO ( This directive does not pick up any tests.
group("ota") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
# TODO ( Handle FDR via integration tests.
# ":fdr",
core_shard("system_recovery_core_shard") {
shard_file = "meta/core_shards/system_recovery.core_shard.cml"
core_shard("system_recovery_fdr_core_shard") {
shard_file = "meta/core_shards/system_recovery_fdr.core_shard.cml"
core_shard("system_recovery_installer_core_shard") {
shard_file = "meta/core_shards/system_recovery_installer.core_shard.cml"
resource("recovery_logo") {
sources = [ recovery_logo_path ]
outputs = [ "data/logo.riv" ]
resource("icons") {
sources = [ icons_path ]
outputs = [ "data/ota_icons.riv" ]
resource("instructions") {
sources = [ instructions_path ]
outputs = [ "data/instructions.txt" ]
resource("qr_codes") {
sources = [ qr_codes_path ]
outputs = [ "data/qr_codes.riv" ]
resource("roboto_regular") {
sources = [ "//prebuilt/third_party/fonts/roboto/Roboto-Regular.ttf" ]
outputs = [ "data/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" ]
rustc_library("fdr_lib") {
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
source_root = "src/"
sources = [ "src/" ]
rustc_library("ota_lib") {
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
test_deps = [
source_root = "src/"
sources = [
fuchsia_unittest_package("ota_lib_unittests") {
deps = [ ":ota_lib_test" ]
rustc_binary("bin") {
name = "system_recovery"
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
test_deps = [
features = [
sources = [ "src/" ]
if (enable_recovery_ui_v2) {
deps += [
features += [ "ota_ui" ]
sources += [ "src/" ]
rustc_binary("bin_ota") {
name = "system_recovery_ota"
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
source_root = "src/"
deps = [
features = [
test_deps = [ "//third_party/rust_crates:assert_matches" ]
sources = [ "src/" ]
# Start system_recovery_ota component
fuchsia_component_manifest("manifest_ota") {
component_name = "system_recovery_ota"
manifest = "meta/system_recovery_ota.cml"
fuchsia_component("component_ota") {
cm_label = ":manifest_ota"
deps = [
fuchsia_unittest_package("ota_unittests") {
deps = [ ":bin_ota_test" ]
# End system_recovery_ota component
# Start system_recovery component
fuchsia_component_manifest("manifest") {
component_name = "system_recovery"
manifest = "meta/system_recovery.cml"
fuchsia_component("component") {
cm_label = ":manifest"
deps = [
fuchsia_structured_config_values("values_from_gn") {
cm_label = ":manifest"
values = {
display_rotation = board_display_rotation
fuchsia_package("system_recovery") {
deps = [
# End system_recovery component
rustc_binary("bin_fdr") {
name = "system_recovery_fdr"
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
test_deps = [ "//src/lib/fuchsia" ]
sources = [ "src/" ]
# Start system_recovery_fdr component TODO(
fuchsia_component_manifest("manifest_fdr") {
component_name = "system_recovery_fdr"
manifest = "meta/system_recovery_fdr.cml"
fuchsia_component("component_fdr") {
cm_label = ":manifest_fdr"
deps = [
fuchsia_structured_config_values("values_from_gn_fdr") {
cm_label = ":manifest_fdr"
values = {
display_rotation = board_display_rotation
fuchsia_package("system_recovery_fdr") {
deps = [
# End system_recovery_fdr component
fuchsia_test_component("system_recovery_bin_test") {
deps = [ ":bin_test" ]
manifest = "meta/tests/system_recovery_bin_test.cml"
fuchsia_test_package("system_recovery_tests") {
test_components = [ ":system_recovery_bin_test" ]
deps = [
test_specs = {
environments = [ nuc_env ]
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"
rustc_binary("bin_installer") {
name = "system_recovery_installer"
edition = "2021"
source_root = "installer/"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
test_deps = [
sources = [
# Start system_recovery_installer component
fuchsia_component_manifest("manifest_installer") {
component_name = "system_recovery_installer"
manifest = "meta/system_recovery_installer.cml"
fuchsia_component("component_installer") {
cm_label = ":manifest_installer"
deps = [
fuchsia_structured_config_values("values_from_gn_installer") {
cm_label = ":manifest_installer"
values = {
display_rotation = board_display_rotation
fuchsia_package("system_recovery_installer") {
deps = [
# End system_recovery_installer component
fuchsia_component("system_recovery_installer_bin_test") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":bin_installer_test" ]
manifest = "meta/tests/system_recovery_installer_bin_test.cml"
fuchsia_test_package("system_recovery_installer_tests") {
test_components = [ ":system_recovery_installer_bin_test" ]
deps = [
test_specs = {
environments = [ nuc_env ]
log_settings = {
max_severity = "ERROR"