blob: ccb55081af7ad2d5570d27b9ca9c467f985e8080 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Selects the Cobalt environment to send data to. Choices:
# "LOCAL" - record log data locally to a file
# "DEVEL" - the non-prod environment for use in testing
# "PROD" - the production environment
cobalt_environment = "PROD"
# Generates the global_metrics_registry.pb file.
metrics_registry("global_metrics_registry") {
global = true
# Remove test projects from the registry.
exclude_projects = [
# Include the global_metrics_registry.pb in the config data for Cobalt.
config_data("cobalt_registry") {
for_pkg = "cobalt"
deps = [ ":global_metrics_registry" ]
sources = [ "$target_gen_dir/global_metrics_registry.pb" ]
outputs = [ "global_metrics_registry.pb" ]
# Create build_type_* packages to include in different products.
build_type_config_data("build_type") {
for_pkg = "cobalt"
source_set("lib") {
sources = [
public_deps = [
deps = [ "//sdk/lib/fit-promise" ]
executable("app") {
output_name = "cobalt"
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
# In the default config, Cobalt will upload all metrics (including max_release_stage=DEBUG metrics)
config_data("config") {
for_pkg = "cobalt"
sources = [ "configs/default_config.json" ]
outputs = [ "config.json" ]
# In the "user" config, Cobalt will behave like it will on an end-user device, meaning it will only
# upload metrics marked with max_release_stage=GA.
config_data("user_config") {
for_pkg = "cobalt"
sources = [ "configs/user_config.json" ]
outputs = [ "config.json" ]
# In the "userdebug" config, Cobalt will behave like it will on an end-user device, except that it
# will upload DEBUG metrics.
config_data("userdebug_config") {
for_pkg = "cobalt"
sources = [ "configs/userdebug_config.json" ]
outputs = [ "config.json" ]
fuchsia_component("component-v2") {
component_name = "cobalt"
manifest = "meta/cobalt.cml"
deps = [ ":app" ]
resource("cobalt_environment") {
# Environment selection for cobalt.
if (cobalt_environment == "PROD") {
sources = [ "configs/prod_environment" ]
} else if (cobalt_environment == "DEVEL") {
sources = [ "configs/devel_environment" ]
} else if (cobalt_environment == "LOCAL") {
sources = [ "configs/local_environment" ]
} else {
assert(false, "Unknown cobalt_environment: $cobalt_environment")
outputs = [ "data/cobalt_environment" ]
resource("cobalt_devel_environment") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "configs/devel_environment" ]
outputs = [ "data/cobalt_environment" ]
resource("analyzer_devel_public") {
# Cobalt 1.0 analyzer public key for devel environment.
sources =
[ rebase_path("//third_party/cobalt/keys/analyzer_public.cobalt_key") ]
outputs = [ "data/keys/analyzer_devel_public" ]
resource("shuffler_devel_public") {
# Cobalt 1.0 shuffler public key for devel environment.
sources =
[ rebase_path("//third_party/cobalt/keys/shuffler_public.cobalt_key") ]
outputs = [ "data/keys/shuffler_devel_public" ]
resource("analyzer_prod_public") {
# Cobalt 1.0 analyzer public key for prod environment.
sources = [ rebase_path(
"//third_party/cobalt/keys/analyzer_prod_public.cobalt_key") ]
outputs = [ "data/keys/analyzer_prod_public" ]
resource("shuffler_prod_public") {
# Cobalt 1.0 shuffler public key for prod environment.
sources = [ rebase_path(
"//third_party/cobalt/keys/shuffler_prod_public.cobalt_key") ]
outputs = [ "data/keys/shuffler_prod_public" ]
fuchsia_package("cobalt") {
deps = [
metrics_registry("testapp_metrics_registry") {
# This must match the ID of the test_app2 Cobalt project as specified in:
# third_party/cobalt_config/projects.yaml
project_id = 657579885
namespace = "testapp_registry"
generate_cc = true
generate_binarypb = true
executable("cobalt_app_unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
deps = [