blob: 48314600130c9ce9ef1c70d782028aeb41469afc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <array>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include "test/blob_utils.h"
struct BlobFile {
BlobFile(std::unique_ptr<blobfs::BlobInfo> i, size_t writes_remaining)
: info(std::move(i)), writes_remaining(writes_remaining) {
bytes_remaining = info->size_data;
BlobFile() {}
std::unique_ptr<blobfs::BlobInfo> info;
fbl::unique_fd fd;
size_t writes_remaining;
size_t bytes_remaining;
// Keeps track of a collection of blobfs files, doing pseudo-random operations
// with them, in a thread-safe way.
// The basic mode of operation simply generates traffic for the filesystem.
class BlobList {
explicit BlobList(const char* mount_path) : mount_path_(mount_path) {}
// Cycles through |num_opertaions| filesystem operations. |rand_state| should
// be initialized to the desired seed for the random operations (and data).
void GenerateLoad(uint32_t num_operations, unsigned int* rand_state);
// Verifies the contents of all fully-written blobs in the list.
void VerifyFiles();
// Closes the file descriptors for all the blobs in the blob list.
// This function is not thread-safe in the sense that if other threads are
// doing operations, when this function returns there may be open files.
void CloseFiles();
enum class QueueId : uint32_t;
BlobFile GetFileFrom(QueueId queue);
void PushFileInto(QueueId queue, BlobFile file);
QueueId GetRandomQueue(unsigned int* rand_state) const;
void CloseFilesFromQueue(QueueId queue);
// Adds a new blob entry to the list. The blob's data will be filled in
// |num_writes| operations.
void CreateBlob(unsigned int* rand_state, size_t num_writes = 1);
// Truncates the blob on disk to the size of the randomly generated data.
void TruncateBlob();
// Writes random data to the blob.
void WriteData();
// Reads and verifies the file contents.
void ReadData();
// Removes the blob from the list and underlying filesystem.
void UnlinkBlob(unsigned int* rand_state);
// Closes the file and re-opens it.
void ReopenBlob();
const char* mount_path_;
fbl::Mutex list_lock_;
uint32_t blob_count_ TA_GUARDED(list_lock_) = 0;
std::array<std::list<BlobFile>, 3> lists_ TA_GUARDED(list_lock_); // One per QueueId.