blob: 03d55eda73ad04431aa3342380be4dda4a3f5dcc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <arch/exception.h>
#include <kernel/dpc.h>
#include <kernel/event.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <vm/vm_address_region.h>
#include <object/channel_dispatcher.h>
#include <object/dispatcher.h>
#include <object/excp_port.h>
#include <object/futex_node.h>
#include <object/thread_state.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/debug.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/string_piece.h>
class ProcessDispatcher;
class ThreadDispatcher final :
public SoloDispatcher<ThreadDispatcher, ZX_DEFAULT_THREAD_RIGHTS> {
// Traits to belong in the parent process's list.
struct ThreadListTraits {
static fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<ThreadDispatcher*>& node_state(
ThreadDispatcher& obj) {
return obj.dll_thread_;
// When in a blocking syscall, or blocked in an exception, the blocking reason.
// There is one of these for each syscall marked "blocking".
// See syscalls.abigen.
enum class Blocked {
// Not blocked.
// The thread is blocked in an exception.
// The thread is sleeping (zx_nanosleep).
// zx_futex_wait
// zx_port_wait
// zx_channel_call
// zx_object_wait_one
// zx_object_wait_many
// zx_interrupt_wait
// pager
static zx_status_t Create(fbl::RefPtr<ProcessDispatcher> process, uint32_t flags,
fbl::StringPiece name,
fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher>* out_dispatcher,
zx_rights_t* out_rights);
static ThreadDispatcher* GetCurrent() {
return get_current_thread()->user_thread;
// Dispatcher implementation.
zx_obj_type_t get_type() const final { return ZX_OBJ_TYPE_THREAD; }
zx_koid_t get_related_koid() const final;
// Performs initialization on a newly constructed ThreadDispatcher
// If this fails, then the object is invalid and should be deleted
zx_status_t Initialize(const char* name, size_t len);
zx_status_t Start(uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t sp, uintptr_t arg1, uintptr_t arg2,
bool initial_thread);
void Exit() __NO_RETURN;
void Kill();
// Suspends the thread.
// Returns ZX_OK on success, or ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE iff the thread is dying or dead.
zx_status_t Suspend();
void Resume();
// accessors
ProcessDispatcher* process() const { return process_.get(); }
// Returns true if the thread is dying or dead. Threads never return to a previous state
// from dying/dead so once this is true it will never flip back to false.
bool IsDyingOrDead() const;
zx_status_t set_name(const char* name, size_t len) final __NONNULL((2));
void get_name(char out_name[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN]) const final __NONNULL((2));
uint64_t runtime_ns() const { return thread_runtime(&thread_); }
zx_status_t SetExceptionPort(fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> eport);
// Returns true if a port had been set.
bool ResetExceptionPort();
fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> exception_port();
// Send a report to the associated exception handler of |eport| and wait
// for a response.
// Note this takes a specific exception port as an argument because there are several:
// debugger, thread, process, and system. The kind of the exception port is
// specified by |eport->type()|.
// Returns:
// ZX_OK: the exception was handled in some way, and |*out_estatus|
// specifies how.
// ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_KILLED: the thread was killed (probably via zx_task_kill)
zx_status_t ExceptionHandlerExchange(fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> eport,
const zx_exception_report_t* report,
const arch_exception_context_t* arch_context,
ThreadState::Exception* out_estatus);
// Record entry/exit to being in an exception.
void EnterException(fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> eport,
const zx_exception_report_t* report,
const arch_exception_context_t* arch_context);
void ExitExceptionLocked() TA_REQ(get_lock());
// Called when an exception handler is finished processing the exception.
// If |eport| is non-nullptr, then the exception is only continued if
// |eport| corresponds to the current exception port.
zx_status_t MarkExceptionHandled(PortDispatcher* eport);
zx_status_t MarkExceptionNotHandled(PortDispatcher* eport);
// Called when exception port |eport| is removed.
// If the thread is waiting for the associated exception handler, continue
// exception processing as if the exception port had not been installed.
void OnExceptionPortRemoval(const fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort>& eport);
// Assuming the thread is stopped waiting for an exception response,
// fill in |*report| with the exception report.
// Returns ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE if not in an exception.
zx_status_t GetExceptionReport(zx_exception_report_t* report);
// Fetch the state of the thread for userspace tools.
zx_status_t GetInfoForUserspace(zx_info_thread_t* info);
// Fetch per thread stats for userspace.
zx_status_t GetStatsForUserspace(zx_info_thread_stats_t* info);
// For debugger usage.
zx_status_t ReadState(zx_thread_state_topic_t state_kind, void* buffer, size_t buffer_len);
zx_status_t WriteState(zx_thread_state_topic_t state_kind, const void* buffer,
size_t buffer_len);
// Profile support
zx_status_t SetPriority(int32_t priority);
// For ChannelDispatcher use.
ChannelDispatcher::MessageWaiter* GetMessageWaiter() { return &channel_waiter_; }
// Blocking syscalls, once they commit to a path that will likely block the
// thread, use this helper class to properly set/restore |blocked_reason_|.
class AutoBlocked final {
explicit AutoBlocked(Blocked reason)
: thread_(ThreadDispatcher::GetCurrent()),
prev_reason(thread_->blocked_reason_) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(reason != Blocked::NONE);
thread_->blocked_reason_ = reason;
~AutoBlocked() {
thread_->blocked_reason_ = prev_reason;
ThreadDispatcher* const thread_;
const Blocked prev_reason;
ThreadDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<ProcessDispatcher> process, uint32_t flags);
ThreadDispatcher(const ThreadDispatcher&) = delete;
ThreadDispatcher& operator=(const ThreadDispatcher&) = delete;
// kernel level entry point
static int StartRoutine(void* arg);
// callback from kernel when thread is exiting, just before it stops for good.
void Exiting();
// callback from kernel when thread is suspending
void Suspending();
// callback from kernel when thread is resuming
void Resuming();
// Return true if waiting for an exception response.
bool InExceptionLocked() TA_REQ(get_lock());
// Helper routine to minimize code duplication.
zx_status_t MarkExceptionHandledWorker(PortDispatcher* eport,
ThreadState::Exception handled_state);
// Dispatch routine for state changes that LK tells us about
static void ThreadUserCallback(enum thread_user_state_change new_state, thread_t* arg);
// change states of the object, do what is appropriate for the state transition
void SetStateLocked(ThreadState::Lifecycle lifecycle) TA_REQ(get_lock());
fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("THRD")> canary_;
// The containing process holds a list of all its threads.
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<ThreadDispatcher*> dll_thread_;
// a ref pointer back to the parent process
fbl::RefPtr<ProcessDispatcher> process_;
// User thread starting register values.
uintptr_t user_entry_ = 0;
uintptr_t user_sp_ = 0;
uintptr_t user_arg1_ = 0;
uintptr_t user_arg2_ = 0;
ThreadState state_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
// This is only valid while |state_.is_running()|.
// This is just a volatile, and not something like an atomic, because
// the only writer is the thread itself, and readers can just pick up
// whatever value is currently here. This value is written when the thread
// is likely to be put on a wait queue, and the following context switch
// will force this value's visibility to other cpus. If the thread doesn't
// get put on a wait queue, the thread was never really blocked.
volatile Blocked blocked_reason_ = Blocked::NONE;
// A thread-level exception port for this thread.
fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> exception_port_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
// Support for sending an exception to an exception handler and then waiting for a response.
// The exception port of the handler the thread is waiting for a response from.
fbl::RefPtr<ExceptionPort> exception_wait_port_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
const zx_exception_report_t* exception_report_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock());
event_t exception_event_ =
// cleanup dpc structure
dpc_t cleanup_dpc_ = {LIST_INITIAL_CLEARED_VALUE, nullptr, nullptr};
// Tracks the number of times Suspend() has been called. Resume() will resume this thread
// only when this reference count reaches 0.
int suspend_count_ TA_GUARDED(get_lock()) = 0;
// Used to protect thread name read/writes
mutable DECLARE_SPINLOCK(ThreadDispatcher) name_lock_;
// Per-thread structure used while waiting in a ChannelDispatcher::Call.
// Needed to support the requirements of being able to interrupt a Call
// in order to suspend a thread.
ChannelDispatcher::MessageWaiter channel_waiter_;
// LK thread structure
// put last to ease debugging since this is a pretty large structure
// (~1.5K on x86_64).
// Also, a simple experiment to move this to the first member (after the
// canary) resulted in a 1K increase in text size (x86_64).
thread_t thread_ = {};
// If true and ancestor job has a debugger attached, thread will block on
// start and will send a process start exception.
bool is_initial_thread_ = false;