blob: 54fd8e8516ec11937bcc7ad6e63056957219504f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/command_dispatcher.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
class EventReporter;
class ErrorReporter;
} // namespace scenic_impl
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace gfx {
using SessionId = ::scenic_impl::SessionId;
class SessionHandler;
class Engine;
// Manages a collection of SessionHandlers.
// Tracks future updates requested by Sessions, and executes updates for a
// particular presentation time.
class SessionManager {
SessionManager() = default;
virtual ~SessionManager() = default;
// Finds the session handler corresponding to the given id.
SessionHandler* FindSessionHandler(SessionId id);
size_t GetSessionCount() { return session_count_; }
// Returns a SessionHandler, which is casted as a CommandDispatcher. Used by
// ScenicSystem.
std::unique_ptr<CommandDispatcher> CreateCommandDispatcher(
CommandDispatcherContext context, Engine* engine);
// Called by engine on a failed session update
void KillSession(SessionId session_id);
// Protected for testing subclass
void InsertSessionHandler(SessionId session_id,
SessionHandler* session_handler);
virtual std::unique_ptr<SessionHandler> CreateSessionHandler(
CommandDispatcherContext context, Engine* engine,
EventReporter* event_reporter, ErrorReporter* error_reporter) const;
friend class SessionHandler;
// Removes the SessionHandler from the session_handlers_ map. We assume that
// the SessionHandler has already taken care of itself and its Session.
void RemoveSessionHandler(SessionId id);
// Map of all the sessions.
std::unordered_map<SessionId, SessionHandler*> session_handlers_;
size_t session_count_ = 0;
} // namespace gfx
} // namespace scenic_impl