blob: 95d90bc40f5f7227ad0d0d241dff55daa5c1fcda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <set>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/system_symbols.h"
namespace zxdb {
struct InputLocation;
class Location;
struct ResolveOptions;
class SessionSymbolsImpl;
// Symbol interface for a Target. A target may or may not have a process, so
// this interface does not deal with anything related to addresses. See
// ProcessSymbols for that (which is most of the stuff).
// We can know about symbols associated with a target even when the process
// isn't loaded. For example, when setting a breakpoint on a symbol we can
// validate that it's a real symbol.
// The current implementation is that all modifications to the list of symbol
// modules is done by the ProcessSymbols which knows the actual symbols of the
// running program. This provides the minor benefit of symbols being available
// between identical runs of the same binary (useful for setting breakpoints).
// More useful would be that the symbols could be automatically loaded when
// we know the binary we'll be running, regardless of whether it's been
// started yet. This requires some system integration (how do you find the
// local binary for something on the target?) and may also depend on how
// typical programs will be started in the debugger (which may evolve).
class TargetSymbols {
// This class is copyable and assignable (to support cloning Targets).
// The SessionSymbolsImpl object must outlive this class.
explicit TargetSymbols(SystemSymbols* system_symbols);
TargetSymbols(const TargetSymbols& other);
TargetSymbols& operator=(const TargetSymbols& other);
SystemSymbols* system_symbols() { return system_symbols_; }
// Notifications from ProcessSymbols to keep things in sync. Multiple add
// notifications are allowed for the same module (this happens when
// the symbols exist, then the process is started and the module is loaded
// for real).
void AddModule(fxl::RefPtr<SystemSymbols::ModuleRef> module);
void RemoveModule(fxl::RefPtr<SystemSymbols::ModuleRef>& module);
void RemoveAllModules();
// Returns the symbol information for all the modules known for this target.
std::vector<const ModuleSymbols*> GetModuleSymbols() const;
// Converts the given InputLocation into one or more locations. The input
// can match zero, one, or many locations.
// If symbolize is true, the results will be symbolized, otherwise the
// output locations will be regular addresses (this will be slightly faster).
// This function will assert if given a kAddress-based InputLocation since
// that requires a running process. If you need that, use the variant on
// ProcessSymbols.
// Since the modules aren't loaded, there are no load addresses. As a result,
// all output addresses will be 0. This function's purpose is to expand
// file/line information for symbols.
std::vector<Location> ResolveInputLocation(
const InputLocation& input_location, const ResolveOptions& options) const;
// Gets file matches across all known modules. See
// ModuleSymbols::FindFileMatches().
std::vector<std::string> FindFileMatches(std::string_view name) const;
// Returns the shortest possible name that uniquely identifies the given file
// in the index.
// Multiple files with the same name can exist in the different directories.
// If a name is unique, returns only the name part, otherwise appends
// directories from the right until the input is disambiguated from all other
// files of the same name.
// If the name isn't in the index, returns just the file part.
std::string GetShortestUniqueFileName(std::string_view file_name) const;
// Comparison functor for ModuleRefs. Does a pointer-identity comparison.
struct ModuleRefComparePtr {
bool operator()(const fxl::RefPtr<SystemSymbols::ModuleRef>& a,
const fxl::RefPtr<SystemSymbols::ModuleRef>& b) const;
SystemSymbols* const system_symbols_; // Non-owning.
// Since there are no addresses, there is no real ordering of these modules.
// Track them by pointer identity to make keeping in sync with the
// ProcessSymbols more efficient.
std::set<fxl::RefPtr<SystemSymbols::ModuleRef>, ModuleRefComparePtr> modules_;
} // namespace zxdb