blob: c1c37890a610450f9e4c1f33d5691399df639acc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class DWARFContext;
class DWARFDie;
} // namespace llvm
namespace zxdb {
// One node in the ModuleSymbolIndex tree. One node represents the set of
// things with the same name inside a given named scope (namespace, class,
// type, etc.) of a module. The index contains things that might need to be
// named globally: types, functions, globals, and class statics. It does not
// contain function-level statics. Variables in functions are searched when in
// the context of that function, and can't be referenced outside of it.
// There could be multiple types of things with the same name in different
// compilation unit, and a single function can have multiple locations. So one
// one can represent many namespaces and functions.
// -----------------------
// We assume there is only one definition for a given type name. Usually there
// will be one definition of a type in each compilation unit it appears in, so
// there is epic duplication of common type definitions in each module
// (covering many compilation units).
// The duplications aren't necessarily the same since the programmer could have
// multiple different types with the same names in different contexts.
// Depending on how things are linked, the user may not even notice
// (technically violating the "one definition rule" leads to undefined
// behavior, not failure).
// The main time this will come up is types defined in anonymous namespaces
// which can easily be legally duplicated. For this, we need specific
// disambiguation for anonymous namespaces associated with a given file. Once
// we can express the difference between different anonymous namespaces, these
// will no longer collide without having to do special handling in this
// function.
// We do want to upgrade forward-declarations to full definitions when we
// find them. Some compilation units won't even have full definitions for
// a type they use (say when a pointer is passed through a file without being
// dereferenced). Therefore, "types" will overwrite "type declarations."
// ------------------
// Namespaces are de-duplicated, with only one DIE saved per namespace name.
// This means that one won't be able to enumerate the contents of a namespace
// with the symbol returned from the index. This is because currently we only
// need to know that a namespace exists with that name, not exactly where all
// of its declarations are.
class ModuleSymbolIndexNode {
using Map = std::map<std::string, ModuleSymbolIndexNode>;
using Iterator = Map::iterator;
using ConstIterator = Map::const_iterator;
// Type for a DieRef.
enum class RefType {
kNamespace, // Namespaces.
kFunction, // Any kind of code.
kVariable, // Any kind of data.
kTypeDecl, // Forward declaration of a type.
kType, // Full type definition.
// A reference to a DIE that doesn't need the unit or the underlying
// llvm::DwarfDebugInfoEntry to be kept. This allows the discarding of the
// full parsed DIE structures after indexing. It can be converted back to a
// DIE, which will cause the DWARFUnit to be re-parsed.
// The offset stored in this structure is the offset from the beginning of
// the .debug_info section, which is the same as the offset stored in the
// llvm::DWARFDebugInfoEntry.
// Random code reading the index can convert a DieRef to a Symbol object
// using ModuleSymbols::IndexDieRefToSymbol().
class DieRef {
explicit DieRef() : offset_(0) {}
DieRef(RefType type, uint32_t offset) : type_(type), offset_(offset) {}
RefType type() const { return type_; }
uint32_t offset() const { return offset_; }
// For use by ModuleSymbols. Other callers read the DieRef comments above.
llvm::DWARFDie ToDie(llvm::DWARFContext* context) const;
RefType type_;
uint32_t offset_;
// Makes a node pointing to one DIE.
explicit ModuleSymbolIndexNode(const DieRef& ref);
// Move-only.
ModuleSymbolIndexNode(ModuleSymbolIndexNode&&) = default;
ModuleSymbolIndexNode(const ModuleSymbolIndexNode&) = delete;
bool empty() const { return sub_.empty() && dies_.empty(); }
const Map& sub() const { return sub_; }
const std::vector<DieRef>& dies() const { return dies_; }
// Dump DIEs for debugging. A node does not contain its own name (this
// is stored in the parent's map. If printing some node other than the root,
// specify the name.
void Dump(std::ostream& out, int indent_level = 0) const;
void Dump(const std::string& name, std::ostream& out,
int indent_level = 0) const;
// AsString is useful only in small unit tests since even a small module can
// have many megabytes of dump.
std::string AsString(int indent_level = 0) const;
// Adds a DIE with the name of this node.
void AddDie(const DieRef& ref);
// Adds a child node with the given name and returns it. If one already exits
// with the name, returns the existing one.
// Even with move semantics, having the map construct the std::string as
// needed upon insertion is slightly faster than creating a std::string and
// passing it in. Use the char* version if the source string is a
// null-terminated C-string.
ModuleSymbolIndexNode* AddChild(std::string name);
ModuleSymbolIndexNode* AddChild(const char* name);
// Adds a child to this node. If a node with this key already exists in this
// node, they will be merged.
void AddChild(const std::string& name, ModuleSymbolIndexNode&& child);
// Merges another node's children into this one. It's assumed there are no
// duplicate DIEs so the lists are just appended.
void Merge(ModuleSymbolIndexNode&& other);
// Finds the first child node that contains the input string a prefix. The
// first return iterator points to this node.
// The second returned iterator points to the last node IN THE CONTAINER.
// This does not indicate the last node with the prefix. Many callers won't
// need all of the matches and doing it this way avoids a second lookup.
// If there are no matches both iterators will be the same (found == end).
// If the caller wants to find all matching prefixes, it can advance the
// iterator as long as the last input component is a prefix if the current
// iterator key and less than the end.
FindPrefix(const std::string& input) const;
// Performance note: The strings are all null-terminated C strings that come
// from the mapped DWARF data. We should use that in the map instead to avoid
// copying all the strings again.
Map sub_;
// For any DIES matching this name, lists the DIEs that implement it.
// If a function or static variable has the same name as a namespace, there
// could be sub_ entries as well as dies_.
std::vector<DieRef> dies_;
} // namespace zxdb