blob: 07f41ed0579a52dbf5606e5c5edfadf56fe53299 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/type.h"
namespace zxdb {
// Represents a C/C++ class, struct, or union.
class Collection final : public Type {
// Construct with fxl::MakeRefCounted().
// Symbol overrides.
const Collection* AsCollection() const override;
// Data members. These should be DataMember objects.
const std::vector<LazySymbol>& data_members() const { return data_members_; }
void set_data_members(std::vector<LazySymbol> d) {
data_members_ = std::move(d);
// Classes/structs this one inherits from. This should be a InheritedFrom
// object.
// These are in the same order as declared in the symbol file.
const std::vector<LazySymbol>& inherited_from() const {
return inherited_from_;
void set_inherited_from(std::vector<LazySymbol> f) {
inherited_from_ = std::move(f);
// Returns a pointer to either "struct", "class", or "union" depending on the
// type of this object. This is useful for error messages.
const char* GetKindString() const;
// Currently we don't have any notion of member functions because there's
// no need. That could be added here if necessary (generally the symbols
// will contain this).
explicit Collection(DwarfTag kind);
virtual ~Collection();
// Symbol protected overrides.
std::string ComputeFullName() const override;
std::vector<LazySymbol> data_members_;
std::vector<LazySymbol> inherited_from_;
} // namespace zxdb