blob: e0cdf91f2085775b619ab6d238b8681379a2e786 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.stash;
using fuchsia.mem;
// Strings over 12 kb will be tossed. This number is chosen arbitrarily, if you
// think it should be higher just ask.
const uint64 MAX_STRING_SIZE = 12000;
const uint64 MAX_KEY_SIZE = 256;
// ValueType encodes a type for a field in the store
enum ValueType : uint8 {
INT_VAL = 1;
// ListItem is returned when a series of keys are being listed.
struct ListItem {
string:MAX_KEY_SIZE key;
ValueType type;
// KeyValue is used when a series of keys are being read, or the default state
// for the store is being set.
struct KeyValue {
string:MAX_KEY_SIZE key;
Value val;
// Value holds a value for a given key.
union Value {
int64 intval;
float64 floatval;
bool boolval;
string:MAX_STRING_SIZE stringval;
fuchsia.mem.Buffer bytesval;
// The iterator returned when a series of keys are being listed. Returns an
// empty vector when there are no more remaining ListItems.
interface ListIterator {
GetNext() -> (vector<ListItem> keys);
// The iterator returned when a series of keys are being read. Returns an
// empty vector when there are no more remaining KeyValues.
interface GetIterator {
GetNext() -> (vector<KeyValue> kvs);
// The interface returned when a new accessor is created.
interface StoreAccessor {
// Gets a single value from the store.
GetValue(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE key) -> (Value? val);
// Sets a single value in the store. Overwrites existing values. Commit()
// must be called for this change to take effect.
SetValue(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE key, Value val);
// Deletes a single value in the store. Does nothing if the value doesn't
// exist. Commit() must be called for this change to take effect.
DeleteValue(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE key);
// Lists all keys under a given prefix.
ListPrefix(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE prefix, request<ListIterator> it);
// Reads the values of all keys under a given prefix.
GetPrefix(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE prefix, request<GetIterator> it);
// Deletes the all keys under a given prefix.
DeletePrefix(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE prefix);
// Atomically causes all of the state modifications that happened in this
// accessor to take place.
// Interface used to interact with a given client's key/value store
[Discoverable, FragileBase]
interface Store {
// Identify should be called at the beginning of a connection to identify
// which client service's store is to be accessed. In the future this will
// be deprecated in favor of component monikers, and each client will only
// be able to access its own store.
Identify(string:MAX_KEY_SIZE name);
// Creates a accessor for interacting with the store. The resulting
// interface can be used to inspect and modify the state of the store.
CreateAccessor(bool read_only, request<StoreAccessor> accessor_request);
// Interface used to interact with a given client's key/value store. The bytes
// type is disabled in this store.
interface SecureStore : Store {