blob: 8c45f8be4c6c24db6ced5c9ea0c3bb91b67b0f6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.amber;
using zx;
struct OAuth2Config {
string clientId;
string clientSecret = "";
string authUrl;
string tokenUrl;
vector<string> scopes;
string deviceCodeUrl;
struct DeviceCode {
string userCode;
string verificationUrl;
int64 expiresIn;
struct KeyConfig {
// Supported TUF key types. The only supported algorithm is ed25519.
string type;
// The value of the key encoded in hex.
string value;
struct TLSClientConfig {
// If insecureSkipTlsVerify is true, TLS will accept any certificate
// provided by the server. This should only be used for testing.
bool insecureSkipVerify = false;
// The set of root certificate authorities that clients use when verifying
// server certificates. If the list is empty, TLS uses the host's root CA
// set.
vector<string> rootCAs;
struct TransportConfig {
// If true, prevent re-use of TCP connections between HTTP requests.
bool disableKeepAlives = false;
// The keep-alive period for an active network connection. A zero value
// means that we use the system default.
int32 KeepAlive = 0;
// The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts. A
// zero value means that we use the system default.
int32 maxIdleConns = 0;
// The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across for each
// host. A zero value means we use the system default.
int32 maxIdleConnsPerHost = 0;
// The maximum amount of time to wait for a connection to complete in
// milliseconds. A zero value means we use the system default.
int32 connectTimeout = 0;
// The deadline in milliseconds for a request to complete. A zero value
// means that we use the system default.
int32 requestTimeout = 0;
// The maximum amount of time in milliseconds an idle (keep-alive)
// connection will remain idle before closing itself. A zero value means
// that we use the system default.
int32 idleConnTimeout = 0;
// The amount of time to wait for a server's response headers. A zero value
// means that we use the system default.
int32 responseHeaderTimeout = 0;
// The deadline in milliseconds to wait for a server's first response
// headers if the request has an "Expect: 100-continue" header. A zero
// value means that we use the system default.
int32 expectContinueTimeout = 0;
// The deadline in milliseconds to wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means that we use the system
// default.
int32 tlsHandshakeTimeout = 0;
TLSClientConfig? tlsClientConfig;
struct StatusConfig {
bool enabled;
struct SourceConfig {
// A unique identifier that distinquishes this source from others.
string id;
// The canonical URL for the TUF repository.
string repoUrl;
// Optionally download package blobs from this repository. If not
// specified, blobs will be fetched from `$repoUrl/blobs`.
string blobRepoUrl = "";
// The rate limit indicates the number of requests per rateReriod,
// expressed in milliseconds. A limit or period of zero means there is no
// limit.
uint64 rateLimit;
// The TUF metadata will be refreshed after it is ratePeriod seconds stale.
int32 ratePeriod = 3600;
// A vector of public keys. These keys must match one of the trusted keys
// known to the system.
vector<KeyConfig> rootKeys;
TransportConfig? transportConfig;
OAuth2Config? oauth2Config;
StatusConfig? statusConfig;
// If true, the source supports the /auto SSE endpoint for live updates
bool auto = false;
enum Status {
OK = 0;
ERR = 1;
interface Control {
// simple no-op that can be used to test the connection
DoTest(int32 input) -> (string output);
GetProcessState(handle<channel> ch);
// Add a TUF source repository.
AddSrc(SourceConfig source) -> (bool res);
// Remove a TUF source repository. SourceConfigs that were bundled when the
// system was built may be removed, but that funcionality may change in the
// future. See PKG-150.
RemoveSrc(string id) -> (Status res);
// Get the list of URLs of the current set of sources
ListSrcs() -> (vector<SourceConfig> srcs);
// Get a content blob identified by the given hashed Merkle root.
// This operation is asynchronous and provides no results.
GetBlob(string merkle);
PackagesActivated(vector<string> merkle);
// Get an update for the package identified by 'name' which has the
// provided version. If no version is supplied, the latest available
// version of that package will be retrieved. The package data is sent to
// PackageFS which then stores the package in BlobFS. This method returns
// a channel that will provide the ultimate results. The channel will become
// readable when the update is complete. If at that time the User0 signal is
// set on the channel, the result is an error string that may be read from
// the channel, otherwise the result is success, and the new merkleroot can
// be read from the channel.
GetUpdateComplete(string name, string? version, string? merkle)
-> (handle<channel> rplyChan);
CheckForSystemUpdate() -> (bool res);
// Log into the source specified by the source id. Returns the oauth2
// device flow code if the source is configured for authentication, or null
// if not.
Login(string sourceId) -> (DeviceCode? device);
SetSrcEnabled(string id, bool enabled) -> (Status res);
// Trigger a garbage collection.
// Sent when a blob fails to write, causing one or more package installs to
// permanently fail.
PackagesFailed(vector<string> merkle, zx.status error, string blob_merkle);
interface Events {
// Event that is triggered when an update failed because blobfs is out of
// storage.
-> OnOutOfSpace();