blob: 0841af91231143cfa7811dd4a3a8f235a9eddfb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using fuchsia.mem;
// This file defines a cloud service that can be used by Ledger to power cloud
// sync.
/// Response status for cloud provider operations.
enum Status : int32 {
OK = 0;
/// Cloud service that powers cloud sync for a single user. Top-level interface
/// of this file.
/// Closing the client connection to CloudProvider shuts down all controllers
/// (DeviceSets, PageClouds) that were produced by it.
interface CloudProvider {
/// Retrieves the controller for the user device set.
GetDeviceSet(request<DeviceSet> device_set) -> (Status status);
/// Retrieves the controller for cloud sync of a particular page.
GetPageCloud(vector<uint8> app_id, vector<uint8> page_id, request<PageCloud> page_cloud)
-> (Status status);
/// Cloud registry of devices participating in cloud sync.
/// Closing the client connection to DeviceSet disconnects all watchers set on
/// it.
interface DeviceSet {
/// Verifies that the device fingerprint in the cloud is still in the list of
/// devices, ensuring that the cloud was not erased since the last sync.
CheckFingerprint(vector<uint8> fingerprint) -> (Status status);
/// Adds the device fingerprint to the list of devices in the cloud.
SetFingerprint(vector<uint8> fingerprint) -> (Status status);
/// Watches the given |fingerprint| in the cloud so that |watcher| is notified
/// when the fingerprint is erased.
/// At most one watcher can be set at any given time. If more than one watcher
/// is set, only the one set most recently receives notifications.
/// The returned status is:
/// - OK, if setting the watcher succeeded,
/// - NOT_FOUND, if the fingerprint was not found in the cloud
/// - NETWORK_ERROR, if the watcher couldn't be set due to a network error
/// If the returned status is not OK, the corresponding error call is also made
/// on the watcher.
SetWatcher(vector<uint8> fingerprint, DeviceSetWatcher watcher)
-> (Status status);
/// Erases the entire registry of devices. This makes all devices detect that
/// cloud has been erased.
Erase() -> (Status status);
/// Watcher for push notifications from the cloud registry of devices
/// participating in cloud sync.
interface DeviceSetWatcher {
/// Called when cloud provider detects that the cloud storage was erased. No
/// further calls are made on the watcher after this is called.
/// Called when the network connection is lost. No further calls are made on
/// the watcher after this is called.
// TODO(ppi): switch to a format defined in a FIDL table, so that the protocol
// is fully described by the FIDL file.
/// Contains an ordered list of commits serialized using the SerializedCommits
/// schema defined in serialized_commits.fbs.
struct CommitPack {
fuchsia.mem.Buffer buffer;
/// A continuation token for paginated requests.
struct Token {
vector<uint8> opaque_id;
/// Handler for cloud sync of a single page.
/// Implementation of this class manages a *commit log*, which is an append-only
/// list of commits produced by all devices that participate in syncing this
/// page. Position of commits within the log are references using position
/// tokens, allowing the caller to retrieve the commits added to the cloud since
/// the previous read. (plus possibly more - see comments for GetCommits() and
/// SetWatcher().)
/// Closing the client connection to PageCloud disconnects all watchers set on
/// it.
interface PageCloud {
/// Adds the given commits to the commit log in the cloud.
/// The commits are added in one batch, on the receiving side they are
/// delivered in the same order in a single OnNewCommits() call.
AddCommits(CommitPack commits) -> (Status status);
/// Retrieves commits from the cloud.
/// All commits newer than |min_position_token| are guaranteed to be returned.
/// In addition to that, the response may include additional commits older
/// than or at |min_position_token|. Passing null |min_position_token|
/// retrieves all commits.
/// If the resulting |status| is |OK|, |commits| contains all matching commits
/// (might be empty) and |position_token| contains the position token of the
/// most recent of the |commits| (equivalent to |min_position_token| if
/// |commits| is empty).
GetCommits(Token? min_position_token)
-> (Status status, CommitPack? commits, Token? position_token);
/// Uploads the given object to the cloud under the given id.
/// If the object already exists in the cloud this method returns OK.
AddObject(vector<uint8> id, fuchsia.mem.Buffer buffer) -> (Status status);
/// Retrieves the object of the given id from the cloud.
/// If the resulting |status| is |OK|, |buffer| will contain the object
/// content. If the resulting |status| is not |OK|, |buffer| will be null.
GetObject(vector<uint8> id)
-> (Status status, fuchsia.mem.Buffer? buffer);
/// Watches the cloud for push notifications.
/// At most one watcher can be set at any given time. If more than one watcher
/// is set, only the one set most recently receives notifications.
/// All commits newer than |min_position_token| added to the cloud before or
/// after making this call are guaranteed to be delivered to |watcher|. In
/// addition to that, additional commits older than or at |min_position_token|
/// may be delivered to. If |min_position_token| is null, notifications for
/// all commits are delivered.
SetWatcher(Token? min_position_token, PageCloudWatcher watcher)
-> (Status status);
/// Watcher for push notifications from cloud sync of a single page.
interface PageCloudWatcher {
/// Called when new commits are added to the commit log in the cloud.
/// The method takes the list of new |commits| along with the |position_token|
/// of the most recent of them.
/// No subsequent calls are made until the client calls the callback of the
/// previous one.
OnNewCommits(CommitPack commits, Token position_token) -> ();
/// Called when a new object is added to the cloud.
/// The method takes the |id| and the content of the new object.
/// No subsequent calls are made until the client calls the callback of the
/// previous one.
OnNewObject(vector<uint8> id, fuchsia.mem.Buffer buffer) -> ();
/// Called when an error occurs.
/// No further calls are made on the watcher after this is called. The client
/// can then re-establish the watcher by calling SetWatcher() again.
/// The status is one of:
/// - AUTH_ERROR, if the auth token needs a refresh
/// - NETWORK_ERROR, if the connection was dropped
/// - PARSE_ERROR, if an invalid server notification was received
OnError(Status status);