blob: d350525b6a99c95cf8af5d5e84b596ffe257f2db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/ui/input_reader/touchscreen.h"
#include <hid-parser/parser.h>
#include <hid-parser/report.h>
#include <hid-parser/units.h>
#include <hid-parser/usages.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace mozart {
bool Touchscreen::ParseTouchscreenDescriptor(
const hid::ReportDescriptor *desc) {
size_t touch_points = 0;
TouchPointConfig configs[MAX_TOUCH_POINTS] = {};
hid::Attributes scan_time = {};
hid::Attributes contact_count = {};
hid::Attributes button = {};
hid::Collection *finger_collection;
uint32_t caps = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < desc->input_count; i++) {
const hid::ReportField field = desc->input_fields[i];
// Process the global items if we haven't seen them before
if (!(caps & Capabilities::CONTACT_COUNT) &&
(field.attr.usage ==
hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactCount))) {
contact_count = field.attr;
caps |= Capabilities::CONTACT_COUNT;
if (!(caps & Capabilities::SCAN_TIME) &&
(field.attr.usage == hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer,
hid::usage::Digitizer::kScanTime))) {
scan_time = field.attr;
caps |= Capabilities::SCAN_TIME;
if (!(caps & Capabilities::BUTTON) &&
( == hid::usage::Page::kButton)) {
button = field.attr;
caps |= Capabilities::BUTTON;
// Now we move on to processing touch points, so don't process the item if
// it's not part of a touch point collection
if (field.col->usage != hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer,
hid::usage::Digitizer::kFinger)) {
// If our collection pointer is different than the previous collection
// pointer, we have started a new collection and are on a new touch point
if (field.col != finger_collection) {
finger_collection = field.col;
if (touch_points < 1) {
<< "Touchscreen descriptor: No touch points found in a collection";
return false;
if (touch_points > MAX_TOUCH_POINTS) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchscreen descriptor: Current touchscreen has "
<< touch_points
<< " touch points which is above hardcoded limit of "
return false;
TouchPointConfig *config = &configs[touch_points - 1];
if (field.attr.usage == hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer,
hid::usage::Digitizer::kContactID)) {
config->contact_id = field.attr;
config->capabilities |= Capabilities::CONTACT_ID;
if (config->contact_id.logc_mm.max > contact_id_max_) {
contact_id_max_ = config->contact_id.logc_mm.max;
if (field.attr.usage == hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kDigitizer,
hid::usage::Digitizer::kTipSwitch)) {
config->tip_switch = field.attr;
config->capabilities |= Capabilities::TIP_SWITCH;
if (field.attr.usage == hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop,
hid::usage::GenericDesktop::kX)) {
config->x = field.attr;
config->capabilities |= Capabilities::X;
if (field.attr.usage == hid::USAGE(hid::usage::Page::kGenericDesktop,
hid::usage::GenericDesktop::kY)) {
config->y = field.attr;
config->capabilities |= Capabilities::Y;
if (touch_points == 0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchscreen descriptor: Failed to find any touch points";
return false;
// Ensure that all touch points have the same capabilities.
for (size_t i = 1; i < touch_points; i++) {
if (configs[i].capabilities != configs[0].capabilities) {
<< "Touchscreen descriptor: Touch point capabilities are different";
for (size_t j = 0; j < touch_points; j++) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchscreen descriptor: touch_point[" << j
<< "] = " << configs[i].capabilities;
return false;
caps |= configs[0].capabilities;
touch_points_ = touch_points;
scan_time_ = scan_time;
button_ = button;
contact_count_ = contact_count;
capabilities_ = caps;
report_size_ = desc->input_byte_sz;
report_id_ = desc->report_id;
for (size_t i = 0; i < touch_points; i++) {
configs_[i] = configs[i];
return true;
bool Touchscreen::ParseReport(const uint8_t *data, size_t len,
Report *report) const {
assert(report != nullptr);
hid::Report hid_report = {data, len};
if (len != report_size_) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchscreen HID Report is not correct size, (" << len
<< " != " << report_size_ << ")";
return false;
// X and Y will have units of 10^-5 meters
hid::Unit length_unit = {};
length_unit.exp = -5;
hid::unit::SetSystem(length_unit, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(length_unit, 1);
size_t contact_count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < touch_points_; i++) {
auto config = &configs_[i];
if (config->capabilities & Capabilities::TIP_SWITCH) {
uint8_t tip_switch;
bool success =
hid::ExtractUint(hid_report, config->tip_switch, &tip_switch);
if (!success || !tip_switch) {
auto contact = &report->contacts[contact_count];
*contact = {};
// XXX(konkers): Add 32 bit generic field extraction helpers.
if (config->capabilities & Capabilities::CONTACT_ID) {
if (!hid::ExtractUint(hid_report, config->contact_id, &contact->id)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchscreen report: Failed to parse CONTACT_ID";
return false;
if (config->capabilities & Capabilities::X) {
double x;
if (!hid::ExtractAsUnit(hid_report, config->x, &x)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchscreen report: Failed to parse X";
return false;
// If this returns true, x was converted. If it returns false,
// x is unchanged. Either way we return successfully.
hid::unit::ConvertUnits(config->x.unit, x, length_unit, &x);
contact->x = static_cast<int32_t>(x);
if (config->capabilities & Capabilities::Y) {
double y;
if (!hid::ExtractAsUnit(hid_report, config->y, &y)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchpad report: Failed to parse Y";
return false;
// If this returns true, x was converted. If it returns false,
// x is unchanged. Either way we return successfully.
hid::unit::ConvertUnits(config->y.unit, y, length_unit, &y);
contact->y = static_cast<int32_t>(y);
// TODO(SCN-1188): Add support for contact ellipse.
report->contact_count = contact_count;
if (capabilities_ & Capabilities::BUTTON) {
uint8_t button;
if (!hid::ExtractUint(hid_report, button_, &button)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchpad report: Failed to parse BUTTON";
return false;
report->button = (button == 1);
if (capabilities_ & Capabilities::SCAN_TIME) {
// If we don't have a unit, extract the raw data
if (scan_time_.unit.type == 0) {
if (!hid::ExtractUint(hid_report, scan_time_, &report->scan_time)) {
return false;
} else {
double scan_time;
if (!hid::ExtractAsUnit(hid_report, scan_time_, &scan_time)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Touchpad report: Failed to parse SCAN_TIME";
return false;
hid::Unit time_unit = {};
time_unit.exp = -6;
hid::unit::SetSystem(time_unit, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetTimeExp(time_unit, 1);
// If this returns true, scan_time was converted. If it returns false,
// scan_time is unchanged. Either way we return successfully.
hid::unit::ConvertUnits(scan_time_.unit, scan_time, time_unit,
report->scan_time = static_cast<uint32_t>(scan_time);
return true;
bool Touchscreen::SetDescriptor(Touchscreen::Descriptor *touch_desc) {
// X and Y will have units of 10^-5 meters
hid::Unit length_unit = {};
length_unit.exp = -5;
hid::unit::SetSystem(length_unit, hid::unit::System::si_linear);
hid::unit::SetLengthExp(length_unit, 1);
double val_out;
if (hid::unit::ConvertUnits(configs_[0].x.unit, configs_[0].x.phys_mm.min,
length_unit, &val_out)) {
touch_desc->x_min = static_cast<int32_t>(val_out);
} else {
touch_desc->x_min = configs_[0].x.phys_mm.min;
if (hid::unit::ConvertUnits(configs_[0].x.unit, configs_[0].x.phys_mm.max,
length_unit, &val_out)) {
touch_desc->x_max = static_cast<int32_t>(val_out);
} else {
touch_desc->x_max = configs_[0].x.phys_mm.max;
touch_desc->x_resolution = 1;
if (hid::unit::ConvertUnits(configs_[0].y.unit, configs_[0].y.phys_mm.min,
length_unit, &val_out)) {
touch_desc->y_min = static_cast<int32_t>(val_out);
} else {
touch_desc->y_min = configs_[0].y.phys_mm.min;
if (hid::unit::ConvertUnits(configs_[0].y.unit, configs_[0].y.phys_mm.max,
length_unit, &val_out)) {
touch_desc->y_max = static_cast<int32_t>(val_out);
} else {
touch_desc->y_max = configs_[0].y.phys_mm.max;
touch_desc->y_resolution = 1;
touch_desc->max_finger_id = contact_id_max_;
return true;
} // namespace mozart