blob: 2e91131226950c35d58c1039359742cbc7ad1ceb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "suspend-task.h"
#include "coordinator.h"
namespace devmgr {
SuspendTask::SuspendTask(fbl::RefPtr<Device> device, uint32_t flags, Completion completion)
: Task(device->coordinator->dispatcher(), std::move(completion)), device_(std::move(device)),
flags_(flags) {}
SuspendTask::~SuspendTask() = default;
fbl::RefPtr<SuspendTask> SuspendTask::Create(fbl::RefPtr<Device> device, uint32_t flags,
Completion completion) {
return fbl::MakeRefCounted<SuspendTask>(std::move(device), flags, std::move(completion));
void SuspendTask::Run() {
bool found_more_dependencies = false;
for (auto& child : device_->children) {
// Use a switch statement here so that this gets reconsidered if we add
// more states.
switch (child.state()) {
case Device::State::kSuspended: continue;
case Device::State::kActive: break;
auto task = SuspendTask::Create(fbl::WrapRefPtr(&child), flags_);
found_more_dependencies = true;
if (found_more_dependencies) {
// Handle the device proxy, if it exists, after children since they might
// depend on it.
if (device_->proxy != nullptr) {
switch (device_->proxy->state()) {
case Device::State::kSuspended: break;
case Device::State::kActive: {
auto task = SuspendTask::Create(device_->proxy, flags_);
// Check if this device is not in a devhost. This happens for the
// top-level devices like /sys provided by devcoordinator
if (device_->host() == nullptr) {
return Complete(ZX_OK);
auto completion = [this](zx_status_t status) {
zx_status_t status = device_->SendSuspend(flags_, std::move(completion));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
} // namespace devmgr