blob: a4d888716a46fb386edb64ec2433d254e93270e4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is used to build the sysroot directories used to build C++,
# Rust and Go binaries with the Fuchsia build system.
# A "sysroot" is a directory that should provide system headers, libraries
# and support files for a given target system. In the case of Fuchsia,
# its layout will look like:
# include/
# # C library and Zircon VDSO headers.
# lib/
# Scrt1.o
# When building Fuchsia binaries, the sysroot is passed to the final linker
# (i.e. 'lld') with the '--sysroot=<dir>' argument, which has the following
# effect:
# - Adding the $SYSROOT/lib directory at the end of the library search
# path. This allows linker arguments like '-lc' or '-lzircon' to
# work properly.
# - When generating an executable, the linker will, by default, inject
# the $SYSROOT/lib/Scrt1.o to the link.
# NOTE: The '', '', '' and '' libraries
# are "legacy" system libraries, because all their APIs are implemented
# by '' on Fuchsia. However, some of our third_party targets expect
# them to be available (e.g. when their file adds explicit '-lm'
# linker flags to link to the Math library, or the Go compiler will inject
# an '-lpthread' when calling the linker). To support these, we create
# them as empty linker scripts.
# Each sysroot is toolchain-specific (because the C library must always be
# built with a variant that is compatible with the current toolchain instance
# used to build Fuchsia user binaries).
# To avoid too much duplicate work and copies, each sysroot directory is
# created as follows:
# - A common include/ directory is created in a special GN toolchain
# instance (//build/zircon:sysroot_toolchain), which contains all
# C library and VDSO headers.
# - Each '$SYSROOT/include' contains a copy of the headers listed by
# various sysroot_entries.gni files in our build, which define
# sysroot_FOO_entries lists of scopes describing a part of the
# sysroot content.
# - Files under '$SYSROOT/lib' are all tiny linker scripts that are either
# empty, or redirect to the right library binary, whose path depends
# on the current toolchain variant. For example, when in the
# //build/toolchain/fuchsia:x64-asan-ubsan toolchain, would
# redirect to 'user.libc_x64/-asan-ubsan/' (where '.debug'
# means this is the unstripped version).
# The non-empty linker scripts are created through a generated_file()
# target that depends on the destination library target.
# Note that C++, Rust and Go require different content in their sysroot:
# - Go requires the paths used in linker scripts to be absolute, because
# building Go binaries requires running the "go" tool in a
# target-specific directory.
# C++ and Rust do not require this, so relative paths are used instead
# to help keep the build more hermetic.
# - Rust requires an empty $SYSROOT/lib/Scrt1.o linker stub. Otherwise,
# the file will be added twice to the 'lld' command invoked by the 'rustc'
# compiler. This is due to the way GN computes native dependencies for
# Rust targets.
# The C++ compiler also requires it by default. Technically, this could
# be omitted by adding '-nostartfiles' to the ldflags of the
# //build/config/fuchsia:compiler_sysroot config. But using an
# empty file instead is less complicated and more consistent with
# the Rust case.
# The Go compiler absolutely requires a valid Scrt1.o file though,
# so one redirection linker stub is generated instead.
# Import the scope definitions that list all sysroot headers.
sysroot_entries =
sysroot_uninstrumented_libc_entries + sysroot_instrumented_libc_entries +
sysroot_crt1_entries + sysroot_vdso_entries
# Write sysroot_entries to a JSON file that will get parsed
# by our script below, since using it
# is faster than creating hundred of copy() targets in each toolchain,
# and ensures the destination directory is cleaned up from stale header
# files from a previous build.
sysroot_entries_json_file = "$root_out_dir/sysroot-entries.json"
generated_file("sysroot-entries-json") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
contents = sysroot_entries
outputs = [ sysroot_entries_json_file ]
output_conversion = "json"
# Parse the sysroot_entries list of scopes.
# For historical reasons, only the scopes with an `sdk` key are considered
# here. Each value associated with an `sdk` key is a scope itself, with the
# following schema:
# If `include_dir` is present then:
# include_dir (optional)
# [GN path] A GN path to a subdirectory containing zero or more headers
# to copy to the sysroot's include directory.
# headers (optional)
# [list of paths] Required if `include_dir` is specified, ignored otherwise.
# A list of header sub-paths, relative to `include_dir`, that must be
# copied to the sysroot directory.
# no_export (optional)
# [boolean] Ignored if `include_dir` is not used. A flag that is set to
# indicate that the set of headers described in the current entry should
# not be exported to the SDK sysroot (though they will still be copied
# to the platform's sysroot). This is useful for <zircon/device/*.h>
# headers, as well as `` and ``.
# Otherwise, if `include_dir` is _not_ present:
# source (optional)
# [path] A path, relative to the current root build directory, where
# to find the source file to be copied into the sysroot, where destination
# is specified by one of the ` link`, `debug` or `dist` keys described
# below. Ignored if `include_dir` is present.
# debug (optional)
# dist (optional)
# link (optional)
# [path] A path relative to the sysroot directory, that specifies where
# the `source` file needs to be copied into the SDK. Only one of these
# keys can be used per entry. For the platform SDK, onle `dist` and `link`
# are used. The SDK sysroot will use all three though.
# deps (optional)
# [list of labels] A list of labels to dependencies for this entry,
# this should correspond to the GN target that built the `source`
# file, once the sysroot generation is moved to the Fuchsia build.
# IMPORTANT: The script in this directory relies
# on this exact schema definition. Keep it in sync if the schema changes!
sysroot_headers = []
sysroot_headers_deps = []
foreach(entry, sysroot_entries) {
if (defined(entry.sdk)) {
sdk = {
sdk = entry.sdk
if (defined(sdk.headers)) {
dir = rebase_path(sdk.include_dir, "", root_build_dir)
foreach(file, sdk.headers) {
sysroot_headers += [ "include/$file" ]
if (defined(sdk.deps)) {
sysroot_headers_deps += sdk.deps
# An additional dependency for executable() Fuchsia user binaries. It adds
# the C runtime startup object code.
group("crt1_deps") {
deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/c:crt1" ]
# Internal template used to populate a language-specific sysroot directory.
# The content will be customized according to misc arguments described below
# to meet the needs of the C++, Rust and Go compilers.
# This will populate 'sysroot_dir' with an 'include' symlink, and a 'lib'
# directory containing linker stubs or dummy files. See technical note
# above for details.
# Arguments
# sysroot_dir (required)
# [GN path] Path to the destination directory to populate.
# absolute_stub_paths (optional)
# [boolean] Set to true to use absolute paths in linker redirection
# stubs. This is required for the Go sysroot.
# add_crt1 (optional)
# [boolean] Set to true to create an Scrt1.o linker stub that
# redirects to the actual file. By default this creates an empty
# file, and it is up to the caller to add the right dependency to
# the actual object through "crt1_deps" above.
template("_create_sysroot") {
prefix = target_name
"sysroot_dir must be defined when calling this template")
_sysroot_dir = invoker.sysroot_dir
_libc_target = sysroot_libc_target
_libc_file = rebase_path(sysroot_libc_stub, root_build_dir)
_vdso_target = "//src/zircon/lib/zircon:zircon.stub($default_toolchain)"
_vdso_path = get_label_info(_vdso_target, "root_out_dir") + "/"
_crt1_file = rebase_path(sysroot_crt1_obj, root_build_dir)
if (defined(invoker.absolute_stub_paths) && invoker.absolute_stub_paths) {
_libc_file = rebase_path(_libc_file, "", root_build_dir)
_crt1_file = rebase_path(_crt1_file, "", root_build_dir)
# Generate a '$sysroot_dir/include' directory.
# This simply copies the common sysroot directory from
# $root_build_dir/sysroot_toolchain/sysroot/include into
# $sysroot_dir/include.
# NOTE: This used to be a simple symlink creation, but a recent upstream
# GN change prevents using this technique, because it ruins the Ninja no-op
# rebuild check.
# For more context, upstream GN used to get rid of action() timestamp files,
# but this got recently reverted due to some issues with the Chrome build.
# Timestamp files prevent symlinking directories properly, because Ninja uses
# stat() to get a directory's timestamp, which will return the symlink's target
# timestamp instead (see
# When GN gets rid of timestamp files again, a simple symlink will be
# enough. For now, the symptoms are:
# - On the first fx build, the common sysroot is created under
# $root_build_dir/sysroot_toolchain/sysroot/include by the action("headers")
# below, in the $sysroot_toolchain toolchain.
# GN also tells Ninja to generate a timestamp file for this action as
# $root_build_dir/sysroot_toolchain/obj/zircon/public/sysroot/headers.stamp
# - A symlink is created by the action() below from $sysroot_dir/include to
# the common sysroot. The build completes successfully.
# - On the next 'ninja' invokation, the tool will determine that the timestamp
# value for $sysroot_dir/include is that of its target, not that of the
# symlink itself (see
# It will then determine that this value is older than the value for
# the timestamp file (i.e. .../headers.stamp), which it depends on
# and then needs to be rebuilt!!
action("${prefix}_headers") {
# TODO( self-caching outputs is intended
inputs = [ sysroot_entries_json_file ]
outputs = []
foreach(header, sysroot_headers) {
outputs += [ "${_sysroot_dir}/$header" ]
script = ""
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/${prefix}_headers.d"
args = [
rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_sysroot_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
# The --debug flag can be used to print the script's operations for debugging.
deps = [ ":sysroot-entries-json" ] + sysroot_headers_deps
visibility = [ ":*" ]
_sysroot_deps = [ ":${prefix}_headers" ]
# Generate a linker file redirecting to the C library.
generated_file("${prefix}_libc") {
_relative_libc_file =
rebase_path("$_libc_file", _sysroot_dir, root_build_dir)
outputs = [ "$_sysroot_dir/lib/" ]
contents = [ "INPUT(=$_relative_libc_file)" ]
deps = [ _libc_target ]
_sysroot_deps += [ ":${prefix}_libc" ]
# Generate a linker file redirecting to the Zircon VDSO
copy("${prefix}_libzircon") {
outputs = [ "$_sysroot_dir/lib/" ]
sources = [ _vdso_path ]
deps = [ _vdso_target ]
_sysroot_deps += [ ":${prefix}_libzircon" ]
# Generate empty linker stubs for legacy system libraries that
# some compilers or runtimes depend on. Their APIs are implemented
# by the C library anyway.
]) {
generated_file("${prefix}_${stub}") {
outputs = [ "$_sysroot_dir/lib/${stub}.so" ]
contents = [ "/* EMPTY */" ]
_sysroot_deps += [ ":${prefix}_${stub}" ]
# Generate a linker file redirecting to the C runtime startup object
# or is empty, depending on invoker.add_crt1.
generated_file("${prefix}_crt1") {
outputs = [ "$_sysroot_dir/lib/Scrt1.o" ]
if (defined(invoker.add_crt1) && invoker.add_crt1) {
_relative_crt1_file =
rebase_path("$_crt1_file", _sysroot_dir, root_build_dir)
contents = [ "INPUT(=$_relative_crt1_file)" ]
deps = [ sysroot_crt1_target ]
} else {
contents = [ "/* EMPTY */" ]
not_needed([ "_crt1_file" ])
_sysroot_deps += [ ":${prefix}_crt1" ]
# The parent group() that depends on everything else.
group(target_name) {
deps = _sysroot_deps
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
# Create the sysroot directory used by the C++ compiler.
# Any Fuchsia binary target must depend on this target to be able
# to include C library and VDSO headers, as well as link ELF shared
# libraries or executables.
# Note that executables should also depend on the 'crt1_deps' target
# to get the proper dependency on the C runtime startup object
# (the one created in this sysroot is intentionally empty).
_create_sysroot("cpp_binary_deps") {
sysroot_dir = cpp_sysroot_dir
deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/c" ]
# Rust compilation can now use the C++ sysroot directly, so just
# redirect to the corresponding target. If you change this, don't
# forget to update sysroot_rust.gni as well.
group("rust_binary_deps") {
deps = [ ":cpp_binary_deps" ]
# Create the sysroot directory used by the Go compiler.
# Note that this does include an Scrt1.o linker stub that redirects and
# depends on the real file, so Go executables should _not_ depend on
# 'crt1_deps' at all.
_create_sysroot("go_binary_deps") {
sysroot_dir = go_sysroot_dir
add_crt1 = true
absolute_stub_paths = true
deps = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/c" ]
# Depend on this to only require the Zircon headers, but not link to the
# C library or Zircon VDSO. Should only be used for source_set() and
# static_library() targets.
group("headers") {
# Only depend on the target that creates the include directory.
deps = [ ":cpp_binary_deps_headers" ]
# A special dependency that ensures that the uninstrumented C library is
# available in the system package as /lib/ For more details read
# //zircon/system/ulib/c/libc_toolchain.gni
# In practice, should only be used to build the system package, and some
# prebuilt driver packages.
group("system_libc_deps") {
public_deps = [ system_libc_target ]