blob: 129c4f86bb05c63e39eba645d96f0418b0e0afe0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fint
import (
fintpb ""
const (
// Name of the QEMU kernel image as it appears in images.json.
qemuKernelImageName = "qemu-kernel"
// ninjaLogPath is the path to the main ninja log relative to the build directory.
ninjaLogPath = ".ninja_log"
// ninjaDepsPath is the path to the log of ninja deps relative to the build
// directory.
ninjaDepsPath = ".ninja_deps"
// Name of the directory within the build directory that will contain clang
// crash reports. This name is configured by the `crash_diagnostics_dir` GN
// arg in //build/config/clang/crash_diagnostics.gni.
clangCrashReportsDirName = "clang-crashreports"
// Name of the directory within the build directory that will contain traces
// with files accesses after a build. By default only traces for targets with
// unexpected accesses are persisted after a build.
// This name is configured in //build/config/
fileAccessTracesDirName = ".traces"
// Name suffix of file access traces.
// This name is configured in //build/config/
fileAccessTracesSuffix = "_trace.txt"
var (
// Names of images that are used for running on QEMU.
qemuImageNames = []string{qemuKernelImageName, "zircon-a"}
// Extra targets to build when building images. Needed for size checks and tracking.
extraTargetsForImages = []string{
type buildModules interface {
Archives() []build.Archive
ClippyTargets() []build.ClippyTarget
GeneratedSources() []string
Images() []build.Image
PrebuiltBinarySets() []build.PrebuiltBinarySet
TestSpecs() []build.TestSpec
Tools() build.Tools
// Build runs `ninja` given a static and context spec. It's intended to be
// consumed as a library function.
func Build(ctx context.Context, staticSpec *fintpb.Static, contextSpec *fintpb.Context) (*fintpb.BuildArtifacts, error) {
platform, err := hostplatform.Name()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
modules, err := build.NewModules(contextSpec.BuildDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
artifacts, err := buildImpl(ctx, &subprocess.Runner{}, staticSpec, contextSpec, modules, platform)
if err != nil && artifacts != nil && artifacts.FailureSummary == "" {
// Fall back to using the error text as the failure summary if the
// failure summary is unset. It's better than failing without emitting
// any information.
artifacts.FailureSummary = err.Error()
return artifacts, err
// buildImpl contains the business logic of `fint build`, extracted into a more
// easily testable layer.
func buildImpl(
ctx context.Context,
runner subprocessRunner,
staticSpec *fintpb.Static,
contextSpec *fintpb.Context,
modules buildModules,
platform string,
) (*fintpb.BuildArtifacts, error) {
artifacts := &fintpb.BuildArtifacts{}
targets, targetArtifacts, err := constructNinjaTargets(modules, staticSpec, contextSpec, platform)
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
proto.Merge(artifacts, targetArtifacts)
// Initialize maps, otherwise they will be nil and attempts to set keys will
// fail.
artifacts.LogFiles = make(map[string]string)
ninjaPath, err := toolAbsPath(modules, contextSpec.BuildDir, platform, "ninja")
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
r := ninjaRunner{
runner: runner,
ninjaPath: ninjaPath,
buildDir: contextSpec.BuildDir,
jobCount: int(contextSpec.GomaJobCount),
ninjaStartTime := time.Now()
var ninjaErr error
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir == "" {
// If we don't care about collecting artifacts, which is generally the
// case when running locally, then there's no need to parse the Ninja
// stdout to get the failure message. So let Ninja print directly to
// stdout, so it will nicely buffer output when running in a terminal
// instead of printing each log on a new line.
ninjaErr =, append(staticSpec.NinjaArgs, targets...), os.Stdout, os.Stderr)
} else {
var explainSink io.Writer
if staticSpec.Incremental {
f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(contextSpec.ArtifactDir, "explain_output.txt"))
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
defer f.Close()
artifacts.LogFiles["explain_output.txt"] = f.Name()
explainSink = f
artifacts.FailureSummary, artifacts.NinjaActionMetrics, ninjaErr = runNinja(
// Add -d explain to incremental builds.
ninjaDuration := time.Since(ninjaStartTime)
artifacts.NinjaDurationSeconds = int32(math.Round(ninjaDuration.Seconds()))
// The ninja log is generated automatically by Ninja and its path is
// constant relative to the build directory.
artifacts.NinjaLogPath = filepath.Join(contextSpec.BuildDir, ninjaLogPath)
// As an optimization, we only bother collecting graph and compdb data if we
// have a way to return it to the caller. We want to collect this data even
// when the build failed.
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir != "" {
graph := filepath.Join(contextSpec.ArtifactDir, "")
if err := ninjaGraph(ctx, r, targets, graph); err != nil {
if ninjaErr == nil {
return artifacts, err
} else {
artifacts.NinjaGraphPath = graph
compdb := filepath.Join(contextSpec.ArtifactDir, "compile-commands.json")
if err := ninjaCompdb(ctx, r, compdb); err != nil {
if ninjaErr == nil {
return artifacts, err
} else {
artifacts.NinjaCompdbPath = compdb
saveDebugFiles := func(paths []string) error {
for _, path := range paths {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(contextSpec.BuildDir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
artifacts.DebugFiles = append(artifacts.DebugFiles, &fintpb.DebugFile{
Path: path,
UploadDest: filepath.ToSlash(rel),
return nil
if ninjaErr != nil {
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir != "" {
crashReportFiles, err := collectClangCrashReports(contextSpec.BuildDir)
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
if err := saveDebugFiles(crashReportFiles); err != nil {
return artifacts, err
traces, err := collectFileAccessTraces(contextSpec.BuildDir)
if err != nil {
return artifacts, fmt.Errorf("collecting file access traces: %w", err)
if err := saveDebugFiles(traces); err != nil {
return artifacts, fmt.Errorf("writing file access traces to debug files: %w", err)
return artifacts, fmt.Errorf("build failed, see ninja output for details: %w", ninjaErr)
gnPath, err := toolAbsPath(modules, contextSpec.BuildDir, platform, "gn")
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
if output, err := gnCheckGenerated(ctx, runner, gnPath, contextSpec.CheckoutDir, contextSpec.BuildDir); err != nil {
artifacts.FailureSummary = output
return artifacts, err
// saveLogs writes the given set of logs to files in the artifact directory,
// and adds each path to the output artifacts.
saveLogs := func(logs map[string]string) error {
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir == "" {
return nil
for name, contents := range logs {
dest := filepath.Join(
url.QueryEscape(strings.ReplaceAll(name, " ", "_")))
f, err := osmisc.CreateFile(dest)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
if _, err := f.WriteString(contents); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write log file %q: %w", name, err)
artifacts.LogFiles[name] = f.Name()
return nil
if !contextSpec.SkipNinjaNoopCheck {
noop, logs, err := checkNinjaNoop(ctx, r, targets, hostplatform.IsMac(platform))
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
if err := saveLogs(logs); err != nil {
return artifacts, err
if !noop {
// Upload additional log files to help with debugging.
artifacts.DebugFiles = append(artifacts.DebugFiles, []*fintpb.DebugFile{
Path: filepath.Join(contextSpec.BuildDir, ninjaLogPath),
UploadDest: ninjaLogPath,
Path: filepath.Join(contextSpec.BuildDir, ninjaDepsPath),
UploadDest: ninjaDepsPath,
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir != "" {
buildDirManifest := filepath.Join(contextSpec.ArtifactDir, "build_dir_manifest.json")
if err := writeBuildDirManifest(contextSpec.BuildDir, buildDirManifest); err != nil {
logger.Warningf(ctx, "Failed to create manifest of build dir contents: %s", err)
} else {
artifacts.DebugFiles = append(artifacts.DebugFiles, &fintpb.DebugFile{
Path: buildDirManifest,
UploadDest: "build_dir_manifest.json",
artifacts.FailureSummary = ninjaNoopFailureMessage(platform)
return artifacts, fmt.Errorf("ninja build did not converge to no-op")
// TODO(olivernewman): Figure out a way to skip this analysis when the
// caller doesn't care about running tests, or just wants to run all tests
// in the same way regardless of any build graph analysis. In the meantime
// it's not the end of the world to do this analysis unnecessarily, since it
// only takes ~10 seconds and we do use the results most of the time,
// including on all the slowest infra builders.
if contextSpec.ArtifactDir != "" && len(contextSpec.ChangedFiles) > 0 && len(modules.TestSpecs()) > 0 {
var tests []build.Test
for _, t := range modules.TestSpecs() {
tests = append(tests, t.Test)
var affectedFiles []string
for _, f := range contextSpec.ChangedFiles {
absPath := filepath.Join(contextSpec.CheckoutDir, f.Path)
affectedFiles = append(affectedFiles, absPath)
result, err := affectedTestsNoWork(ctx, r, tests, affectedFiles, targets)
if err != nil {
return artifacts, err
if err := saveLogs(result.logs); err != nil {
return artifacts, err
artifacts.AffectedTests = result.affectedTests
artifacts.BuildNotAffected = result.noWork
return artifacts, nil
// collectClangCrashReports finds reproducer scripts for clang crashes in the
// build directory and returns a list of absolute paths to those files.
func collectClangCrashReports(buildDir string) ([]string, error) {
crashReportsDir := filepath.Join(buildDir, clangCrashReportsDirName)
if isDir, err := osmisc.IsDir(crashReportsDir); err != nil || !isDir {
return nil, err
reproducers, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(crashReportsDir, "*.sh"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var outputs []string
for _, rep := range reproducers {
noExt := strings.TrimSuffix(rep, filepath.Ext(rep))
files, err := filepath.Glob(noExt + ".*")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputs = append(outputs, files...)
return outputs, nil
// collectFileAccessTraces finds access traces in the build directory, and
// returns paths to them. Note this function returns absolute paths because they
// are expected by `debug_files`.
func collectFileAccessTraces(buildDir string) ([]string, error) {
var traces []string
err := filepath.WalkDir(filepath.Join(buildDir, fileAccessTracesDirName), func(path string, info fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(path, fileAccessTracesSuffix) {
traces = append(traces, path)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return traces, nil
func ninjaNoopFailureMessage(platform string) string {
summaryLines := []string{
"Ninja build did not converge to no-op.",
if hostplatform.IsMac(platform) {
summaryLines = append(
"If this failure is specific to Mac, confirm that it's not related to",
return strings.Join(summaryLines, "\n")
// constructNinjaTargets determines which targets to build based on the static
// spec fields and the contents of the build API files. It emits a
// BuildArtifacts protobuf with only a subset of fields set that should be
// merged into an existing BuildArtifacts protobuf struct by the caller, since
// this is more clean than taking a BuildArtifacts pointer as input and
// modifying it.
func constructNinjaTargets(
modules buildModules,
staticSpec *fintpb.Static,
contextSpec *fintpb.Context,
platform string,
) ([]string, *fintpb.BuildArtifacts, error) {
var targets []string
var artifacts fintpb.BuildArtifacts
if staticSpec.IncludeDefaultNinjaTarget {
targets = append(targets, ":default")
if staticSpec.IncludeImages {
targets = append(targets, extraTargetsForImages...)
for _, image := range modules.Images() {
if isTestingImage(image, staticSpec.Pave) {
targets = append(targets, image.Path)
imageStruct, err := toStructPB(image)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
artifacts.BuiltImages = append(artifacts.BuiltImages, imageStruct)
// TODO( Remove once it is always false, and move
// "build/images:updates" into `extraTargetsForImages`.
if staticSpec.IncludeArchives {
archivesToBuild := []string{
"archive", // Images and scripts for paving/netbooting.
"packages", // Package metadata, blobs, and tools.
for _, archive := range modules.Archives() {
if contains(archivesToBuild, archive.Name) && archive.Type == "tgz" {
targets = append(targets, archive.Path)
archiveStruct, err := toStructPB(archive)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
artifacts.BuiltArchives = append(artifacts.BuiltArchives, archiveStruct)
} else {
targets = append(targets, "build/images:updates")
if staticSpec.IncludeGeneratedSources {
targets = append(targets, modules.GeneratedSources()...)
if staticSpec.IncludeHostTests {
for _, testSpec := range modules.TestSpecs() {
if testSpec.OS != "fuchsia" {
targets = append(targets, testSpec.Path)
if staticSpec.IncludePrebuiltBinaryManifests {
for _, manifest := range modules.PrebuiltBinarySets() {
targets = append(targets, manifest.Manifest)
lintTargets, err := chooseLintTargets(modules, staticSpec, contextSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
targets = append(targets, lintTargets...)
// We only support specifying tools for the current platform. Tools
// needed for other platforms can be included in the build indirectly
// via higher-level targets.
for _, tool := range staticSpec.Tools {
path, err := modules.Tools().LookupPath(platform, tool)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
targets = append(targets, path)
targets = append(targets, staticSpec.NinjaTargets...)
return removeDuplicates(targets), &artifacts, nil
// isTestingImage determines whether an image is necessary for testing Fuchsia.
// The `pave` argument indicates whether images will be used for paving (as
// opposed to netbooting).
// If an image is used in paving or netbooting, its manifest entry will specify
// what flags to pass to the bootserver when doing so.
func isTestingImage(image build.Image, pave bool) bool {
switch {
case len(image.PaveZedbootArgs) != 0: // Used by catalyst.
return true
case pave && len(image.PaveArgs) != 0: // Used for paving.
return true
case !pave && len(image.NetbootArgs) != 0: // Used for netboot.
return true
case contains(qemuImageNames, image.Name): // Used for QEMU.
return true
case image.Name == "uefi-disk": // Used for GCE.
return true
case image.Type == "script":
// In order for a user to provision without Zedboot the scripts are
// needed too, so we want to include them such that artifactory can
// upload them. This covers scripts like "", "", etc.
if pave && strings.Contains(image.Name, "netboot") {
// If we're paving then we shouldn't build any netboot scripts,
// because they would pull netboot images into the build graph that
// take a while to build and that we don't actually need.
return false
return true
// Allow-list a specific set of zbi images that are used for testing.
case image.Type == "zbi" && image.Name == "overnet":
return true
return false
func chooseLintTargets(
modules buildModules,
staticSpec *fintpb.Static,
contextSpec *fintpb.Context,
) ([]string, error) {
if staticSpec.IncludeLintTargets == fintpb.Static_NO_LINT_TARGETS {
return nil, nil
changed := make(map[string]bool)
for _, f := range contextSpec.ChangedFiles {
changed[f.Path] = true
shouldInclude := func(sources []string) (bool, error) {
if staticSpec.IncludeLintTargets == fintpb.Static_ALL_LINT_TARGETS {
return true, nil
} else if staticSpec.IncludeLintTargets != fintpb.Static_AFFECTED_LINT_TARGETS {
return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown include_lint_targets value: %s", staticSpec.IncludeLintTargets)
for _, source := range sources {
checkoutPath, err := filepath.Rel(
filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(contextSpec.BuildDir, source)))
if err != nil {
return false, err
if changed[filepath.ToSlash(checkoutPath)] {
return true, nil
return false, nil
var targets []string
for _, clippy := range modules.ClippyTargets() {
include, err := shouldInclude(clippy.Sources)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if include {
targets = append(targets, clippy.Output)
return targets, nil
// toolAbsPath returns the absolute path to a tool specified in tool_paths.json.
// Note that not all tools in tool_paths.json can be assumed to be present in
// the build directory prior to `fint build` running because only a subset of
// them are prebuilts, and the rest are built from source.
func toolAbsPath(modules buildModules, buildDir, platform, tool string) (string, error) {
path, err := modules.Tools().LookupPath(platform, tool)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(buildDir, path))
// toStructPB converts a Go struct to a Struct protobuf. Unfortunately, short of
// using some complicated `reflect` logic, the only way to do this conversion is
// by using JSON as an intermediate format.
func toStructPB(s interface{}) (*structpb.Struct, error) {
j, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var m map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(j, &m); err != nil {
return nil, err
return structpb.NewStruct(m)
// removeDuplicates rearranges and re-slices the given slice in-place, returning
// a slice containing only the unique elements of the original slice.
func removeDuplicates(slice []string) []string {
var numUnique int
var previous string
for _, str := range slice {
if previous == "" || str != previous {
slice[numUnique] = str
previous = str
return slice[:numUnique]
// gnCheckGenerated runs `gn check` against a build directory that's already had
// `ninja` run, to check generated files that weren't available for checking at
// the time we ran `fint set`.
// It returns the stdout of the subprocess.
func gnCheckGenerated(ctx context.Context, r subprocessRunner, gn, checkoutDir, buildDir string) (string, error) {
cmd := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("--root=%s", checkoutDir),
var stdoutBuf bytes.Buffer
if err := r.Run(ctx, cmd, io.MultiWriter(&stdoutBuf, os.Stdout), os.Stderr); err != nil {
return stdoutBuf.String(), fmt.Errorf("error running `gn check`: %w", err)
return stdoutBuf.String(), nil
type buildDirManifestElement struct {
// Path is the path to the file, relative to the build directory root.
Path string `json:"path"`
// SyminkTarget is only set if this file is a symlink, and specifies the
// path that the symlink points to.
SymlinkTarget string `json:"symlink_target,omitempty"`
// ModTimeMilliseconds is the modification time of the file, in the form of
// a Unix millisecond timestamp for consistency with the timestamp format
// that ninja uses.
ModTimeMilliseconds float64 `json:"mtime"`
// writeBuildDirManifest constructs a manifest of all the files in the build
// directory and writes it as JSON to `outputPath`. This manifest is useful for
// debugging incremental build failures.
func writeBuildDirManifest(buildDir string, outputPath string) error {
// Empty slice instead of nil so it gets rendered as an empty JSON array
// instead of null.
ret := []buildDirManifestElement{}
if err := filepath.WalkDir(buildDir, func(path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if d.IsDir() {
return nil
info, err := d.Info()
if err != nil {
return err
relpath, err := filepath.Rel(buildDir, path)
if err != nil {
return err
var symlinkTarget string
if d.Type()&fs.ModeSymlink != 0 {
symlinkTarget, err = os.Readlink(path)
if err != nil {
return err
ret = append(ret, buildDirManifestElement{
Path: filepath.ToSlash(relpath),
SymlinkTarget: filepath.ToSlash(symlinkTarget),
// Note that for symlinks this is the mtime of the symlink itself,
// rather than the mtime of the target of the symlink.
ModTimeMilliseconds: float64(info.ModTime().UnixMicro()) / float64(time.Millisecond/time.Microsecond),
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
return jsonutil.WriteToFile(outputPath, ret)