blob: 476215f37d16be74e65a6dba13f76ab8bf54c586 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "codec_factory_app.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fuchsia/cobalt/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/mediacodec/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/mediacodec/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/sysinfo/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <lib/syslog/global.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include "codec_factory_impl.h"
#include "codec_isolate.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/interface_request.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/string.h"
#include "lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h"
#include "src/lib/fsl/io/device_watcher.h"
namespace {
constexpr char kDeviceClass[] = "/dev/class/media-codec";
constexpr char kGpuDeviceClass[] = "/dev/class/gpu";
const char* kLogTag = "CodecFactoryApp";
const char kRealmSvc[] = "fuchsia.component.Realm";
const std::string kAllSwDecoderMimeTypes[] = {
"video/h264", // VIDEO_ENCODING_H264
} // namespace
// board_name_ initialization requires startup_context_ already initialized.
// policy_ initialization requires board_name_ already initialized.
CodecFactoryApp::CodecFactoryApp(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, ProdOrTest prod_or_test)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher),
policy_(this) {
// Don't publish service or outgoing()->ServeFromStartupInfo() until after initial discovery is
// done, else the pumping of the loop will drop the incoming request for CodecFactory before
// AddPublicService() below has had a chance to register for it.
zx_status_t status =
[this](fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::cobalt::LoggerFactory> request) {
"codec_factory handling request for LoggerFactory -- handle value: %u",;
outgoing_codec_aux_service_directory_ =
// Else codec_factory won't be able to provide what codecs expect to be able to rely on.
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
bool CodecFactoryApp::IsV2() {
DIR* dir = opendir("/svc");
if (!dir) {
return false;
struct dirent* ent;
std::string svc_name = std::string(kRealmSvc);
while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != nullptr) {
if (svc_name == ent->d_name) {
return true;
return false;
void CodecFactoryApp::PublishService() {
// We delay doing this until we're completely ready to add services.
// We _rely_ on the driver to either fail the channel or send OnCodecList().
zx_status_t status =
[this](fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactory> request) {
// The CodecFactoryImpl is self-owned and will self-delete when the
// channel closes or an error occurs.
CodecFactoryImpl::CreateSelfOwned(this, startup_context_.get(), std::move(request),
// else this codec_factory is useless
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
if (prod_or_test_ == ProdOrTest::kProduction) {
status = startup_context_->outgoing()->ServeFromStartupInfo();
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// All of the current supported hardware and software decoders, randomly shuffled
// so as to avoid clients depending on the order.
// TODO(schottm): send encoders as well
std::vector<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription> CodecFactoryApp::MakeCodecList() const {
std::vector<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription> codecs;
for (const auto& mime_type : kAllSwDecoderMimeTypes) {
.codec_type = fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecType::DECODER,
.mime_type = mime_type,
// TODO(schottm): can some of these be true?
.can_stream_bytes_input = false,
.can_find_start = false,
.can_re_sync = false,
.will_report_all_detected_errors = false,
.is_hw = false,
.split_header_handling = true,
for (const auto& entry : hw_codecs_) {
auto rng = std::default_random_engine();
std::shuffle(codecs.begin(), codecs.end(), rng);
return codecs;
const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr* CodecFactoryApp::FindHwCodec(
fit::function<bool(const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription&)> is_match) {
auto iter = std::find_if(hw_codecs_.begin(), hw_codecs_.end(),
[&is_match](const std::unique_ptr<CodecListEntry>& entry) -> bool {
return is_match(entry->description);
if (iter == hw_codecs_.end()) {
return nullptr;
// HW codecs are connected to using factory, not by launching a component using the URL.
if (!(*iter)->component_url.empty())
return nullptr;
return (*iter)->factory.get();
const std::optional<std::string> CodecFactoryApp::FindHwIsolate(
fit::function<bool(const fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription&)> is_match) {
auto iter = std::find_if(hw_codecs_.begin(), hw_codecs_.end(),
[&is_match](const std::unique_ptr<CodecListEntry>& entry) -> bool {
return is_match(entry->description);
if (iter == hw_codecs_.end()) {
return {};
if ((*iter)->component_url.empty()) {
return {};
return (*iter)->component_url;
void CodecFactoryApp::IdledCodecDiscovery() {
ZX_ASSERT(num_codec_discoveries_in_flight_ >= 1);
if (--num_codec_discoveries_in_flight_ == 0) {
// The idle_callback indicates that all pre-existing devices have been
// seen, and by the time this item reaches the front of the discovery
// queue, all pre-existing devices have all been processed.
void CodecFactoryApp::DiscoverMediaCodecDriversAndListenForMoreAsync() {
// We use fsl::DeviceWatcher::CreateWithIdleCallback() instead of fsl::DeviceWatcher::Create()
// because the CodecFactory service is started on demand, and we don't want to start serving
// CodecFactory until we've discovered and processed all existing media-codec devices. That way,
// the first time a client requests a HW-backed codec, we robustly consider all codecs provided by
// pre-existing devices. The request for a HW-backed Codec will have a much higher probability of
// succeeding vs. if we just discovered pre-existing devices async. This doesn't prevent the
// possiblity that the device might not exist at the moment the CodecFactory is started, but as
// long as the device does exist by then, this will ensure the device's codecs are considered,
// including for the first client request.
device_watcher_ = fsl::DeviceWatcher::CreateWithIdleCallback(
[this](int dir_fd, std::string filename) {
std::string device_path = std::string(kDeviceClass) + "/" + filename;
zx::channel device_channel, device_remote;
zx_status_t status = zx::channel::create(0, &device_channel, &device_remote);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to create channel - status: " << status;
zx::channel client_factory_channel, client_factory_remote;
status = zx::channel::create(0, &client_factory_channel, &client_factory_remote);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to create channel - status: " << status;
status = fdio_service_connect(device_path.c_str(), device_remote.release());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to connect to device by filename -"
<< " status: " << status << " device_path: " << device_path;
fuchsia::hardware::mediacodec::DevicePtr device_interface;
status = device_interface.Bind(std::move(device_channel));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to bind to interface -"
<< " status: " << status << " device_path: " << device_path;
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::io::Directory> aux_service_directory;
status = outgoing_codec_aux_service_directory_->Serve(
fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE |
aux_service_directory.NewRequest().TakeChannel(), dispatcher_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "outgoing_codec_aux_service_directory_.Serve() failed - status: "
<< status;
// It's ok for a codec that doesn't need the aux service directory to just close the client
// handle to it, so there's no need to attempt to detect a codec closing the aux service
// directory client end.
// TODO(dustingreen): Combine these two calls into "Connect" and use FIDL table with the
// needed fields.
// From here on in the current lambda, we're doing stuff that can't fail
// here locally (at least, not without exiting the whole process). The
// error handler will handle channel error async.
auto discovery_entry = std::make_unique<DeviceDiscoveryEntry>();
discovery_entry->device_path = device_path;
discovery_entry->codec_factory = std::make_shared<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr>();
[this, device_path,
factory = discovery_entry->codec_factory.get()](zx_status_t status) {
// Any given factory won't be in both lists, but will be in one or
// the other by the time this error handler runs.
[factory](const std::unique_ptr<DeviceDiscoveryEntry>& entry) {
return factory == entry->codec_factory.get();
// Perhaps the removed discovery item was the first item in the
// list; maybe now the new first item in the list can be
// processed.
hw_codecs_.remove_if([factory](const std::unique_ptr<CodecListEntry>& entry) {
return factory == entry->factory.get();
discovery_entry->codec_factory->events().OnCodecList =
[this, discovery_entry = discovery_entry.get()](
std::vector<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription> codec_list) {
discovery_entry->driver_codec_list = fidl::VectorPtr(codec_list);
// We're no longer interested in OnCodecList events from the
// driver's CodecFactory, should the driver send any more. Sending
// more is not legal, but disconnect this event just in case,
// since we don't want the old lambda that touches
// driver_codec_list (this lambda).
discovery_entry->codec_factory->events().OnCodecList = nullptr;
// In case discovery_entry is the first item which is now ready to
// process, process the discovery queue.
discovery_entry->codec_factory->Bind(std::move(client_factory_channel), dispatcher());
[this] { IdledCodecDiscovery(); });
void CodecFactoryApp::TeardownMagmaCodec(
std::shared_ptr<fuchsia::gpu::magma::IcdLoaderDevicePtr> magma_device) {
// Any given magma device won't be in both lists, but will be in one or
// the other by the time this error handler runs.
[magma_device](const std::unique_ptr<DeviceDiscoveryEntry>& entry) {
return magma_device.get() == entry->magma_device.get();
hw_codecs_.remove_if([magma_device](const std::unique_ptr<CodecListEntry>& entry) {
return magma_device.get() == entry->magma_device.get();
// Perhaps the removed discovery item was the first item in the
// list; maybe now the new first item in the list can be
// processed.
void CodecFactoryApp::DiscoverMagmaCodecDriversAndListenForMoreAsync() {
if (!IsV2()) {
// Magma codec components can only be launched as V2.
gpu_device_watcher_ = fsl::DeviceWatcher::CreateWithIdleCallback(
[this](int dir_fd, std::string filename) {
std::string device_path = std::string(kGpuDeviceClass) + "/" + filename;
auto magma_device = std::make_shared<fuchsia::gpu::magma::IcdLoaderDevicePtr>();
zx_status_t status = fdio_service_connect(
device_path.c_str(), magma_device->NewRequest().TakeChannel().release());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to connect to device by filename -"
<< " status: " << status << " device_path: " << device_path;
auto discovery_entry = std::make_unique<DeviceDiscoveryEntry>();
discovery_entry->device_path = device_path;
discovery_entry->magma_device = magma_device;
[this, device_path, magma_device](zx_status_t status) {
->GetIcdList([this, discovery_entry = discovery_entry.get(), magma_device,
device_path](std::vector<fuchsia::gpu::magma::IcdInfo> icd_infos) {
bool found_media_icd = false;
for (auto& icd_entry : icd_infos) {
if (!icd_entry.has_flags() || !icd_entry.has_component_url())
if (!(icd_entry.flags() &
fuchsia::gpu::magma::IcdFlags::SUPPORTS_MEDIA_CODEC_FACTORY)) {
discovery_entry->component_url = icd_entry.component_url();
icd_entry.component_url(), true, IsolateType::kMagma, startup_context_.get(),
[this, magma_device, device_path](fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecFactoryPtr ptr) {
auto it = std::find_if(
device_discovery_queue_.begin(), device_discovery_queue_.end(),
[magma_device](const std::unique_ptr<DeviceDiscoveryEntry>& entry) {
return magma_device.get() == entry->magma_device.get();
if (it == device_discovery_queue_.end()) {
// Device was removed from the queue due to the magma error handler running.
auto discovery_entry = it->get();
discovery_entry->codec_factory =
[this, device_path, magma_device](zx_status_t status) {
discovery_entry->codec_factory->events().OnCodecList =
[this, discovery_entry](
std::vector<fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecDescription> codec_list) {
discovery_entry->driver_codec_list = fidl::VectorPtr(codec_list);
// We're no longer interested in OnCodecList events from the
// driver's CodecFactory, should the driver send any more. Sending
// more is not legal, but disconnect this event just in case,
// since we don't want the old lambda that touches
// driver_codec_list (this lambda).
discovery_entry->codec_factory->events().OnCodecList = nullptr;
// In case discovery_entry is the first item which is now ready to
// process, process the discovery queue.
[this, magma_device]() { TeardownMagmaCodec(magma_device); });
found_media_icd = true;
// Only support a single codec factory per magma device.
if (!found_media_icd) {
[this] { IdledCodecDiscovery(); });
void CodecFactoryApp::PostDiscoveryQueueProcessing() {
async::PostTask(dispatcher_, fit::bind_member<&CodecFactoryApp::ProcessDiscoveryQueue>(this));
void CodecFactoryApp::ProcessDiscoveryQueue() {
// Both startup and steady-state use this processing loop.
// In startup, we care about ordering of the discovery queue because we want
// to allow serving of CodecFactory as soon as all pre-existing devices are
// done processing. We care that pre-existing devices are before
// newly-discovered devices in the queue. As far as startup is concerned,
// there are other ways we could track this without using a queue, but a queue
// works, and using the queue allows startup to share code with steady-state.
// In steady-state, we care (a little) about ordering of the discovery queue
// because we want (to a limited degree, for now) to prefer a
// more-recently-discovered device over a less-recently-discovered device (for
// now at least), so to make that robust, we preserve the device discovery
// order through the codec discovery sequence, to account for the possibility
// that an previously discovered device may have only just recently sent
// OnCodecList before failing; without the device_discovery_queue_ that
// previously-discovered device's OnCodecList could re-order vs. the
// replacement device's OnCodecList.
// The device_discovery_queue_ marginally increases the odds of a client
// request picking up a replacement devhost instead of an old devhost that
// failed quickly and which we haven't yet noticed is gone. This devhost
// replacement case is the main motivation for caring about the device
// discovery order in the first place (at least for now), since it should be
// robustly the case that discovery of the old devhost happens before
// discovery of the replacement devhost.
// The ordering of the hw_codec_ list is the main way in which
// more-recently-discovered codecs are prefered over less-recently-discovered
// codecs. The device_discovery_queue_ just makes the hw_codec_ ordering
// exactly correspond to the device discovery order (reversed) even when
// devices are discovered near each other in time.
// None of this changes the fact that a replacement devhost's arrival can race
// with a client's request, so if a devhost fails and is replaced, it's quite
// possible the client will see the Codec interface just fail. Even if this
// were mitigated, it wouldn't change the fact that a devhost failure later
// would result in Codec interface failure at that time, so failures near the
// start aren't really much different than async failures later. It can make
// sense for a client to retry a low number of times (if the client wants to
// work despite a devhost not always fully working), even if the Codec failure
// happens quite early.
while (!device_discovery_queue_.empty()) {
std::unique_ptr<DeviceDiscoveryEntry>& front = device_discovery_queue_.front();
if (!front->codec_factory && !front->magma_device) {
// All pre-existing devices have been processed.
// Now the CodecFactory can begin serving (shortly).
if (!existing_devices_discovered_) {
existing_devices_discovered_ = true;
// The marker has done its job, so remove the marker.
if (!front->driver_codec_list) {
// The first item is not yet ready. The current method will get re-posted
// when the first item is potentially ready.
if (!front->component_url.empty()) {
// If there's a component URL then a new instance will be launched for every codec, so
// codec_factory won't be used anymore.
front->codec_factory = {};
for (auto& codec_description : front->driver_codec_list.value()) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Registering "
<< (codec_description.codec_type == fuchsia::mediacodec::CodecType::DECODER
? "decoder"
: "encoder")
<< ", mime_type: " << codec_description.mime_type
<< ", device_path: " << front->device_path
<< ", component url: " << front->component_url;
.description = std::move(codec_description),
.component_url = front->component_url,
// shared_ptr<>
.factory = front->codec_factory,
.magma_device = front->magma_device,
// This is called during field initialization portion of the constructor, so needs to avoid reading
// any fields that are not yet initialized.
std::string CodecFactoryApp::GetBoardName() {
fuchsia::sysinfo::SysInfoSyncPtr sysinfo;
zx_status_t status =
// CodecFactoryApp's process can't necessarily work correctly without the board name.
ZX_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
fidl::StringPtr board_name;
zx_status_t fidl_status = sysinfo->GetBoardName(&status, &board_name);
if (fidl_status != ZX_OK || status != ZX_OK) {
// This path is only taken if CodecFactory can't contact fuchsia.sysinfo.SysInfo. Most often
// this happens in tests that don't grant access to fuchsia.sysinfo.SysInfo (yet). Tests which
// print this out should be updated to include these in their .cmx file:
// "facets": {
// "fuchsia.test": {
// "system-services": [
// "fuchsia.sysinfo.SysInfo"
// ]
// }
// },
// "sandbox": {
// "services": [
// "fuchsia.sysinfo.SysInfo"
// ]
// }
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "#############################";
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "sysinfo->GetBoardName() failed. "
"CodecFactoryApp needs access to fuchsia.sysinfo.SysInfo. fidl_status: "
<< fidl_status << " status: " << status;
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "#############################";
return "<UNKNOWN>";
ZX_ASSERT(fidl_status == ZX_OK && status == ZX_OK);
return board_name.value();