blob: 64c0496e5403a71daf9d66bdbbf21e6f73768b64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Even though this file is namespaced to "fidl::lint", it
// could be promoted to the "fidl" namespace in the future.
// findings.h and findings.cpp should not have any
// dependencies on the "Lint" process. They should be
// generic enough to be useful for capturing and reporting
// findings from other developer tools, such as fidlc.
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <fidl/source_span.h>
namespace fidl {
// A suggested change to address a linter |Finding|, with a human language
// description of the suggestion, and one or more potential |Replacement|
// values for referenced parts of the source.
struct Suggestion {
explicit Suggestion(std::string description) : description_(description) {}
Suggestion(std::string description, std::string replacement)
: description_(description), replacement_(replacement) {}
// Enable move construction and assignment
Suggestion(Suggestion&& rhs) = default;
Suggestion& operator=(Suggestion&&) = default;
// Enable copy and assign
Suggestion(const Suggestion&) = default;
Suggestion& operator=(const Suggestion&) = default;
// Describes the suggestion in human terms.
inline const std::string& description() const { return description_; }
inline const std::optional<std::string>& replacement() const { return replacement_; }
std::string description_;
std::optional<std::string> replacement_;
class Finding {
// Construct a Finding with an analyzer-specific subcategory string (for
// example, fidl-lint's check-id), SourceSpan, and message
Finding(SourceSpan span, std::string subcategory, std::string message)
: span_(span), subcategory_(subcategory), message_(message) {}
// move constructor
Finding(Finding&& rhs) = default;
// Construct a new Suggestion with its constructor arguments, and add it to
// the Finding.
template <typename... Args>
Suggestion& SetSuggestion(Args&&... args) {
return suggestion_.value();
// Returns a reference to a portion of a |SourceFile|, with supporting
// methods to get the relative location of the reference within the file
// (line and column), and std::string_view (substring) representing the characters
// from reference start to end.
inline const SourceSpan& span() const { return span_; }
// Subcategory of the result (for example, fidl-lint's check-id). Used
// to construct a Comment category, as described in the Tricium protobuf:
// Category of the result, encoded as a path with the analyzer name as the
// root, followed by an arbitrary number of subcategories, for example
// "ClangTidy/llvm-header-guard".
inline const std::string& subcategory() const { return subcategory_; }
// The annotation, as a human consumable text string.
inline const std::string& message() const { return message_; }
// An optional |Suggestion| to correct the issue (potentially with
// a suggested |Replacement|).
inline const std::optional<Suggestion>& suggestion() const { return suggestion_; }
SourceSpan span_;
std::string subcategory_;
std::string message_;
std::optional<Suggestion> suggestion_;
// Some checks may require referencing past findings. |std::list| is
// required, to allow references to |Finding| objects, held while the
// |Findings| container is still being filled. A |std::vector| will
// not work because it will move items around, invalidating the
// references.
using Findings = std::list<Finding>;
} // namespace fidl