blob: f1bb3238856dfb9efc2dca4306494ff6123972c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cassert>
#include <set>
#include <string_view>
#include "source_span.h"
namespace fidl {
// Forward decls
namespace raw {
class Attribute;
class AttributeList;
} // namespace raw
namespace flat {
struct Constant;
struct IdentifierConstant;
struct LiteralConstant;
struct TypeConstructor;
struct Type;
class TypeTemplate;
class Name;
} // namespace flat
constexpr int count_format_args(std::string_view s, size_t i = 0) {
if (i + 1 >= s.size()) {
return 0;
int extra = 0;
if (s[i] == '{' && s[i + 1] == '}') {
extra = 1;
return extra + count_format_args(s, i + 1);
template <typename... Args>
struct Error {
std::string_view msg;
constexpr Error(std::string_view msg) : msg(msg) {
assert(sizeof...(Args) == count_format_args(msg) &&
"number of format string parameters '{}' != number of template arguments");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Library::ConsumeFile: Consume* methods and declaration registration
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr Error<flat::Name> ErrNameCollision(
"Name collision: {}");
constexpr Error<flat::Name> ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImport(
"Declaration name '{}' conflicts with a library import; consider using the "
"'as' keyword to import the library under a different name.");
constexpr Error ErrFilesDisagreeOnLibraryName(
"Two files in the library disagree about the name of the library");
constexpr Error<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrDuplicateLibraryImport(
"Library {} already imported. Did you require it twice?");
constexpr Error<raw::AttributeList *> ErrAttributesNotAllowedOnLibraryImport(
"no attributes allowed on library import, found: {}");
constexpr Error<std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrUnknownLibrary(
"Could not find library named {}. Did you include its sources with --files?");
constexpr Error ErrProtocolComposedMultipleTimes(
"protocol composed multiple times");
constexpr Error ErrDefaultsOnTablesNotSupported(
"Defaults on tables are not yet supported.");
constexpr Error ErrNullableTableMember(
"Table members cannot be nullable");
constexpr Error ErrNullableUnionMember(
"union members cannot be nullable");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Library::Compile: SortDeclarations
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr Error<flat::Name> ErrFailedConstantLookup(
"Unable to find the constant named: {}");
constexpr Error ErrIncludeCycle(
"There is an includes-cycle in declarations");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Library::Compile: Compilation, Resolution, Validation
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr Error<std::vector<std::string_view>, std::vector<std::string_view>>
"Unknown dependent library {} or reference to member of "
"library {}. Did you require it with `using`?");
constexpr Error<const flat::Type *> ErrInvalidConstantType(
"invalid constant type {}");
constexpr Error ErrCannotResolveConstantValue(
"unable to resolve constant value");
constexpr Error ErrOrOperatorOnNonPrimitiveValue(
"Or operator can only be applied to primitive-kinded values");
constexpr Error ErrUnknownEnumMember(
"Unknown enum member");
constexpr Error ErrUnknownBitsMember(
"Unknown bits member");
constexpr Error<flat::IdentifierConstant *> ErrExpectedValueButGotType(
"{} is a type, but a value was expected");
constexpr Error<flat::Name, flat::Name> ErrMismatchedNameTypeAssignment(
"mismatched named type assignment: cannot define a constant or default value of type {} "
"using a value of type {}");
constexpr Error<flat::IdentifierConstant *, const flat::TypeConstructor *, const flat::Type *>
"{}, of type {}, cannot be converted to type {}");
constexpr Error<flat::LiteralConstant *, uint64_t, const flat::Type *>
"{} (string:{}) exceeds the size bound of type {}");
constexpr Error<flat::LiteralConstant *, const flat::Type *> ErrConstantCannotBeInterpretedAsType(
"{} cannot be interpreted as type {}");
constexpr Error ErrCouldNotResolveIdentifierToType(
"could not resolve identifier to a type");
constexpr Error<const flat::Type *> ErrBitsTypeMustBeUnsignedIntegralPrimitive(
"bits may only be of unsigned integral primitive type, found {}");
constexpr Error<const flat::Type *> ErrEnumTypeMustBeIntegralPrimitive(
"enums may only be of integral primitive type, found {}");
constexpr Error ErrUnknownAttributeOnInvalidType(
"[Unknown] attribute can be only be used on flexible or [Transitional] types.");
constexpr Error ErrUnknownAttributeOnMultipleMembers(
"[Unknown] attribute can be only applied to one member.");
constexpr Error<flat::Name> ErrUnknownType(
"unknown type {}");
constexpr Error ErrComposingNonProtocol(
"This declaration is not a protocol");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateMethodName(
"Multiple methods with the same name in a protocol; last occurrence was at {}");
constexpr Error ErrZeroValueOrdinal(
"Ordinal value 0 disallowed.");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan, std::string> ErrDuplicateMethodOrdinal(
"Multiple methods with the same ordinal in a protocol; previous was at {}. "
"Consider using attribute [Selector=\"{}\"] to change the name used to "
"calculate the ordinal.");
constexpr Error ErrDuplicateMethodParameterName(
"Multiple parameters with the same name in a method");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateServiceMemberName(
"multiple service members with the same name; previous was at {}");
constexpr Error ErrNonProtocolServiceMember(
"only protocol members are allowed");
constexpr Error ErrNullableServiceMember(
"service members cannot be nullable");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateStructMemberName(
"Multiple struct fields with the same name; previous was at {}");
constexpr Error<std::string, const flat::Type *> ErrInvalidStructMemberType(
"struct field {} has an invalid default type{}");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateTableFieldOrdinal(
"Multiple table fields with the same ordinal; previous was at {}");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateTableFieldName(
"Multiple table fields with the same name; previous was at {}");
constexpr Error<uint32_t> ErrNonDenseOrdinalInTable(
"missing ordinal {} (ordinals must be dense); consider marking it reserved");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberOrdinal(
"Multiple union fields with the same ordinal; previous was at {}");
constexpr Error<SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberName(
"Multiple union members with the same name; previous was at {}");
constexpr Error<uint32_t> ErrNonDenseOrdinalInUnion(
"missing ordinal {} (ordinals must be dense); consider marking it reserved");
constexpr Error ErrCouldNotResolveHandleRights(
"unable to resolve handle rights");
constexpr Error ErrCouldNotParseSizeBound(
"unable to parse size bound");
constexpr Error<std::string> ErrCouldNotResolveMember(
"unable to resolve {} member");
constexpr Error<std::string, std::string, flat::Name> ErrDuplicateMemberName(
"name of member {} conflicts with previously declared member in the {} {}");
constexpr Error<std::string, std::string, std::string, flat::Name> ErrDuplicateMemberValue(
"value of member {} conflicts with previously declared member {} in the {} {}");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attribute Validation: Placement, Values, Constraints
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr Error<raw::Attribute> ErrInvalidAttributePlacement(
"placement of attribute '{}' disallowed here");
constexpr Error<raw::Attribute, std::string, std::set<std::string>> ErrInvalidAttributeValue(
"attribute '{}' has invalid value '{}', should be one of '{}'");
constexpr Error<raw::Attribute, std::string> ErrAttributeConstraintNotSatisfied(
"declaration did not satisfy constraint of attribute '{}' with value '{}'");
constexpr Error<flat::Name> ErrUnionCannotBeSimple(
"union '{}' is not allowed to be simple");
constexpr Error<std::string> ErrStructMemberMustBeSimple(
"member '{}' is not simple");
constexpr Error<uint32_t, uint32_t> ErrTooManyBytes(
"too large: only {} bytes allowed, but {} bytes found");
constexpr Error<uint32_t, uint32_t> ErrTooManyHandles(
"too many handles: only {} allowed, but {} found");
constexpr Error ErrInvalidErrorType(
"invalid error type: must be int32, uint32 or an enum therof");
constexpr Error<std::string, std::set<std::string>> ErrInvalidTransportType(
"invalid transport type: got {} expected one of {}");
constexpr Error ErrBoundIsTooBig(
"bound is too big");
constexpr Error<std::string> ErrUnableToParseBound(
"unable to parse bound '{}'");
constexpr Error<std::string, std::string> WarnAttributeTypo(
"suspect attribute with name '{}'; did you mean '{}'?");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type Templates
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr Error<flat::Name> ErrUnknownTypeTemplate(
"unknown type {}");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrMustBeAProtocol(
"{} must be a protocol");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotUseServicesInOtherDeclarations(
"{} cannot use services in other declarations");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotParametrizeTwice(
"{} cannot parametrize twice");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotBoundTwice(
"{} cannot bound twice");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotIndicateNullabilityTwice(
"{} cannot indicate nullability twice");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrMustBeParameterized(
"{} must be parametrized");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrMustHaveSize(
"{} must have size");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrMustHaveNonZeroSize(
"{} must have non-zero size");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotBeParameterized(
"{} cannot be parametrized");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotHaveSize(
"{} cannot have size");
constexpr Error<const flat::TypeTemplate *> ErrCannotBeNullable(
"{} cannot be nullable");
constexpr Error<std::vector<std::string_view>, std::vector<std::string_view>,
std::vector<std::string_view>> ErrUnusedImport(
"Library {} imports {} but does not use it. Either use {}, or remove import.");
} // namespace fidl