blob: 199103d6ce64b262cb8d00dae9d81fb940a7758c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef RANGE_RANGE_H_
#define RANGE_RANGE_H_
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
namespace range {
// Provides default mechanisms for accessing and updating the range within the
// RangeContainer. This abstraction allows customized versions of |Range| to
// access these semantics from arbitrary containers.
template <typename RangeContainer, typename KeyType>
struct DefaultRangeTraits {
// Returns the start of the range (inclusive).
static KeyType Start(const RangeContainer& obj) { return obj.Start(); }
// Returns the end of the range (exclusive).
static KeyType End(const RangeContainer& obj) { return obj.End(); }
// Updates |obj| with a new |start| and |end|.
// If |other| is nullptr, then |obj| is being updated independently (typically,
// when the range is shrinking).
// If |other| is not nullptr, then |obj| is being updated due to a merge with |other|.
// |obj| must not be nullptr.
// - If the merge with |other| is valid, |Start()| and |End()| should be updated to return the
// new values, and ZX_OK should be returned.
// - If the merge with |other| is invalid, an error status should be returned, and |Start()|
// and |End()| must return unmodified values.
// - If |other| is null, then ZX_OK must be returned.
static zx_status_t Update(const RangeContainer* other, KeyType start, KeyType end,
RangeContainer* obj) {
// The default implementation has no reason to reject any merges.
obj->Update(start, end);
return ZX_OK;
// Provides a default container for storing range values.
// If a custom container is utilized, custom traits may also be supplied to |Range|'s
// template arguments to alter how these fields are accessed.
template <typename KeyType>
class DefaultRangeContainer {
DefaultRangeContainer() = default;
DefaultRangeContainer(KeyType start, KeyType end) : start_(start), end_(end) {}
[[nodiscard]] KeyType Start() const { return start_; }
[[nodiscard]] KeyType End() const { return end_; }
void Update(KeyType start, KeyType end) {
start_ = start;
end_ = end;
KeyType start_ = 0;
KeyType end_ = 0;
// Range is a half closed interval [start, end).
// The values of the range are stored in a |Container| type, which holds these values.
// |ContainerTraits| describes how these values may be extracted from the |Container| type.
template <typename _KeyType = uint64_t, typename _Container = DefaultRangeContainer<_KeyType>,
typename _ContainerTraits = DefaultRangeTraits<_Container, _KeyType>>
class Range {
using KeyType = _KeyType;
using Container = _Container;
using ContainerTraits = _ContainerTraits;
// Creates Range from [start, end).
template <
typename T = KeyType,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<Container, DefaultRangeContainer<T>>::value, int> = 0>
Range(KeyType start, KeyType end) : container_(start, end) {}
explicit Range(Container container) : container_(std::move(container)) {}
Range() = delete;
Range(const Range&) = default;
Range& operator=(const Range&) = default;
Range& operator=(Range&&) = default;
bool operator==(Range const& y) const { return (Start() == y.Start()) && (End() == y.End()); }
bool operator!=(Range const& y) const { return (Start() != y.Start()) || (End() != y.End()); }
~Range() = default;
[[nodiscard]] KeyType Start() const { return ContainerTraits::Start(container_); }
[[nodiscard]] KeyType End() const { return ContainerTraits::End(container_); }
// The length of the range is end - start. When start => end, then length is
// considered as zero.
[[nodiscard]] KeyType Length() const {
if (End() <= Start()) {
return KeyType(0);
return End() - Start();
// Merges another range into this one by modifying the start and end
// of the current range object.
// Returns an error if the two ranges cannot be merged.
zx_status_t Merge(const Range& other) {
if (!Mergable(*this, other)) {
KeyType current_start = Start();
KeyType current_end = End();
KeyType new_start = std::min(Start(), other.Start());
KeyType new_end = std::max(End(), other.End());
zx_status_t status =
ContainerTraits::Update(&other.container(), new_start, new_end, &container_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
// |Start()| and |End()| must not change on error.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(current_start == Start());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(current_end == End());
} else {
// |Start()| and |End()| should have updated on success.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_start == Start());
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(new_end == End());
return status;
// Extracts the container from underneath the range object.
// This operation invalidates the Range object.
Container release() { return std::move(container_); }
[[nodiscard]] const Container& container() const { return container_; }
Container container_;
// Returns true if two extents overlap.
template <typename R>
bool Overlap(const R& x, const R& y) {
if (x.Length() == 0 || y.Length() == 0) {
return false;
auto max_start = std::max(x.Start(), y.Start());
auto min_end = std::min(x.End(), y.End());
return max_start < min_end;
// Returns true if two extents are adjacent. Two ranges are considered adjacent
// if one range starts right after another ends i.e. [a, b) [b, c] are
// adjacent ranges where a < b < c.
template <typename R>
bool Adjacent(const R& x, const R& y) {
if (x.Length() == 0 || y.Length() == 0) {
return false;
if (Overlap(x, y)) {
return false;
auto max_start = std::max(x.Start(), y.Start());
auto min_end = std::min(x.End(), y.End());
return max_start == min_end;
// Two ranges are mergable is they either overlap or are adjacent.
template <typename R>
bool Mergable(const R& x, const R& y) {
return Adjacent(x, y) || Overlap(x, y);
// Returns true if |x| contains |y|.
// Ex.
// ASSERT_TRUE(Contains(Range(1, 10). Range(4, 8)));
// ASSERT_TRUE(Contains(Range(1, 10). Range(1, 10)));
// ASSERT_FALSE(Contains(Range(4, 8). Range(1, 10)));
// ASSERT_FALSE(Contains(Range(1, 10). Range(5, 11)));
// ASSERT_FALSE(Contains(Range(4, 8). Range(1, 5)));
template <typename R>
bool Contains(const R& x, const R& y) {
if (x.Length() == 0 || y.Length() == 0) {
return false;
return (x.Start() <= y.Start() && x.End() >= y.End());
extern template class Range<uint64_t>;
extern template bool Overlap<Range<uint64_t>>(const Range<uint64_t>& x, const Range<uint64_t>& y);
extern template bool Adjacent<Range<uint64_t>>(const Range<uint64_t>& x, const Range<uint64_t>& y);
extern template bool Mergable<Range<uint64_t>>(const Range<uint64_t>& x, const Range<uint64_t>& y);
} // namespace range
#endif // RANGE_RANGE_H_