blob: 61f7f70bc7924e915191f656129a07d749c2108a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/testing/benchmarking/benchmarking.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace {
void AddPerfTests(benchmarking::BenchmarksRunner* benchmarks_runner, bool perfcompare_mode) {
// Benchmark example, here for demonstration.
// For the perfcompare CQ trybot, we run the libperftest-based processes
// multiple times. That is useful for tests that exhibit between-process
// variation in results (e.g. due to memory layout chosen when a process
// starts) -- it reduces the variation in the average that we report.
// Ideally we would do the same for non-perfcompare mode, i.e. for the
// results that get uploaded to the Catapult dashboard by the perf bots
// on CI. However, catapult_converter does not yet support merging
// results from multiple process runs. (That is partly because
// catapult_converter is run separately on the results from each process
// run.)
if (perfcompare_mode) {
// Reduce the number of iterations of each perf test within each
// process given that we are launching each process multiple times.
std::vector<std::string> extra_args = {"--quiet", "--runs", "100"};
for (int process = 0; process < 6; ++process) {
fxl::StringPrintf("fuchsia_microbenchmarks_process%06d", process),
"/bin/fuchsia_microbenchmarks", extra_args);
} else {
std::vector<std::string> extra_args = {"--quiet"};
"/bin/fuchsia_microbenchmarks", extra_args);
// Fuchsia inspect Rust benchmarks.
"rust_inspect_bench", "/pkgfs/packages/rust_inspect_benchmarks/0/data/benchmarks.tspec");
// Run "local" Ledger benchmarks. These don't need external services to
// function properly.
// This list should be kept in sync with the list in
// src/tests/end_to_end/perf/test/ledger_perf_test.dart until this list
// is removed (TODO(fxb/23091)).
// clang-format off
benchmarks_runner->AddTspecBenchmark("ledger.stories_single_active", "/pkgfs/packages/ledger_benchmarks/0/data/stories_single_active.tspec");
benchmarks_runner->AddTspecBenchmark("ledger.stories_many_active", "/pkgfs/packages/ledger_benchmarks/0/data/stories_many_active.tspec");
benchmarks_runner->AddTspecBenchmark("ledger.stories_wait_cached", "/pkgfs/packages/ledger_benchmarks/0/data/stories_wait_cached.tspec");
// Run netstack benchmarks.
benchmarks_runner->AddTspecBenchmark("netstack.udp_micro_benchmarks", "/pkgfs/packages/netstack_benchmarks/0/data/udp_benchmark.tspec");
// clang-format on
// Kernel boot timeline.
constexpr const char* kLabel = "fuchsia.kernel.boot";
std::string out_file = benchmarks_runner->MakePerfResultsOutputFilename(kLabel);
benchmarks_runner->AddCustomBenchmark(kLabel, {"/bin/kernel-boot-timeline", out_file},
constexpr const char* kLabel = "fuchsia.fidl_microbenchmarks";
std::string out_file = benchmarks_runner->MakePerfResultsOutputFilename(kLabel);
kLabel, {"/pkgfs/packages/go_fidl_benchmarks/0/bin/app", "--out_file", out_file}, out_file);
// TODO(PT-181, PT-182): The following input latency benchmarks do not make
// an effort to close the graphics application being benchmarked at exit
// (the app will continue to run even after the benchmark driver process has
// exited). Because of this, it is important that they run at the end, so
// that the residual graphics application is not running during other
// benchmarks. The long term plan is to migrate them away from here and into
// the e2e testing framework, which is tracked in the TODO bugs.
// TODO(PT-118): Input latency tests are only currently supported on NUC.
#if !defined(__aarch64__)
// simplest_app
constexpr const char* kLabel = "fuchsia.input_latency.simplest_app";
std::string out_file = benchmarks_runner->MakePerfResultsOutputFilename(kLabel);
"--out_file", out_file, "--benchmark_label", kLabel},
// yuv_to_image_pipe
constexpr const char* kLabel = "fuchsia.input_latency.yuv_to_image_pipe";
std::string out_file = benchmarks_runner->MakePerfResultsOutputFilename(kLabel);
"--out_file", out_file, "--benchmark_label", kLabel},
} // namespace
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
bool perfcompare_mode = false;
if (argc >= 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "--perfcompare_mode") == 0) {
perfcompare_mode = true;
// Remove argv[1] from the argument list.
for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i)
argv[i - 1] = argv[i];
auto maybe_benchmarks_runner = benchmarking::BenchmarksRunner::Create(argc, argv);
if (!maybe_benchmarks_runner) {
auto& benchmarks_runner = *maybe_benchmarks_runner;
AddPerfTests(&benchmarks_runner, perfcompare_mode);