blob: d4bed57ca11429a1488f7e6cd325e648c4c985fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/page_eviction_manager.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/page_usage_db.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/page_utils.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/token_manager.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/app/types.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/environment/environment.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/db_factory.h"
#include "src/ledger/lib/coroutine/coroutine.h"
#include "src/ledger/lib/coroutine/coroutine_manager.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/string_view.h"
namespace ledger {
class PageEvictionManagerImpl : public PageEvictionManager, public PageEvictionDelegate {
PageEvictionManagerImpl(Environment* environment, PageUsageDb* db);
PageEvictionManagerImpl(const PageEvictionManagerImpl&) = delete;
PageEvictionManagerImpl& operator=(const PageEvictionManagerImpl&) = delete;
~PageEvictionManagerImpl() override;
// Sets the delegate for this PageEvictionManagerImpl. The delegate should
// outlive this object.
void SetDelegate(PageEvictionManager::Delegate* delegate);
// PageEvictionManager:
void SetOnDiscardable(fit::closure on_discardable) override;
bool IsDiscardable() const override;
void TryEvictPages(PageEvictionPolicy* policy, fit::function<void(Status)> callback) override;
void MarkPageOpened(absl::string_view ledger_name, storage::PageIdView page_id) override;
void MarkPageClosed(absl::string_view ledger_name, storage::PageIdView page_id) override;
// PageEvictionDelegate:
void TryEvictPage(absl::string_view ledger_name, storage::PageIdView page_id,
PageEvictionCondition condition,
fit::function<void(Status, PageWasEvicted)> callback) override;
// Removes the page from the local storage. The caller of this method must
// ensure that the given page exists.
void EvictPage(absl::string_view ledger_name, storage::PageIdView page_id,
fit::function<void(Status)> callback);
// Checks whether a page can be evicted. A page can be evicted if it is
// currently closed and either:
// - has no unsynced commits or objects, or
// - is empty and offline, i.e. was never synced to the cloud or a peer.
Status CanEvictPage(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, absl::string_view ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id, bool* can_evict);
// Checks whether a page is closed, offline and empty, and thus can be
// evicted.
Status CanEvictEmptyPage(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, absl::string_view ledger_name,
storage::PageIdView page_id, bool* can_evict);
// Marks the given page as evicted in the page usage database.
void MarkPageEvicted(std::string ledger_name, storage::PageId page_id);
// `was_evicted` is only guaranteed to be written to if the resulting status
// of this method is not INTERRUPTED.
Status SynchronousTryEvictPage(coroutine::CoroutineHandler* handler, std::string ledger_name,
storage::PageId page_id, PageEvictionCondition condition,
PageWasEvicted* was_evicted);
Environment* environment_;
PageEvictionManager::Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
PageUsageDb* db_;
coroutine::CoroutineManager coroutine_manager_;
TokenManager token_manager_;
} // namespace ledger