blob: ea51662330f25ee9dc55025db45128f449493c98 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:fxtest/fxtest.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
// Note: These tests pass locally (when executed by `pub run test`), but not
// when built by GN, because of their dependency on ``.
// For this reason, they are commented out in the file. Ideally, a
// solution here will be worked out and the directive in can be
// uncommented.
void main() {
group('test output is routed correctly', () {
test('when -o is passed', () async {
var strings = <String>[];
void addStrings(String s) {
var runner = TestRunner();
ProcessResult result = await
workingDirectory: '.',
realtimeOutputSink: addStrings,
realtimeErrorSink: addStrings,
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 1));
expect(strings.length, 3);
expect(strings[0], 'line 1');
expect(strings[1], 'line 2');
expect(strings[2], 'stderr');
expect(result.stdout, '');
test('when -o is not passed', () async {
var runner = TestRunner();
ProcessResult result = await
workingDirectory: '.',
expect(result.stdout, 'line 1\nline 2\n');