blob: b1b9d4db6c6a63c8a4fb477230ed833a5d51dcfa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <object/pinned_memory_token_dispatcher.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <new>
#include <object/bus_transaction_initiator_dispatcher.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <vm/pinned_vm_object.h>
#include <vm/vm.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pinned_memory_token_create_count, "dispatcher.pinned_memory_token.create");
KCOUNTER(dispatcher_pinned_memory_token_destroy_count, "dispatcher.pinned_memory_token.destroy");
zx_status_t PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::Create(fbl::RefPtr<BusTransactionInitiatorDispatcher> bti,
PinnedVmObject pinned_vmo, uint32_t perms,
fbl::RefPtr<Dispatcher>* dispatcher,
zx_rights_t* rights) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(pinned_vmo.offset()) && IS_PAGE_ALIGNED(pinned_vmo.size()));
const size_t min_contig = bti->minimum_contiguity();
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
const size_t num_addrs = ROUNDUP(pinned_vmo.size(), min_contig) / min_contig;
fbl::Array<dev_vaddr_t> addr_array(new (&ac) dev_vaddr_t[num_addrs], num_addrs);
if (!ac.check()) {
auto pmo = fbl::AdoptRef(new (&ac) PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher(ktl::move(bti),
if (!ac.check()) {
zx_status_t status = pmo->MapIntoIommu(perms);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
LTRACEF("MapIntoIommu failed: %d\n", status);
return status;
// Create must be called with the BTI's lock held, so this is safe to
// invoke.
*dispatcher = ktl::move(pmo);
*rights = default_rights();
return ZX_OK;
// Used during initialization to set up the IOMMU state for this PMT.
// We disable thread-safety analysis here, because this is part of the
// initialization routine before other threads have access to this dispatcher.
zx_status_t PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::MapIntoIommu(uint32_t perms) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
const uint64_t bti_id = bti_->bti_id();
const size_t min_contig = bti_->minimum_contiguity();
if (pinned_vmo_.vmo()->is_contiguous()) {
dev_vaddr_t vaddr;
size_t mapped_len;
// Usermode drivers assume that if they requested a contiguous buffer in
// memory, then the physical addresses will be contiguous. Return an
// error if we can't actually map the address contiguously.
zx_status_t status = bti_->iommu()->MapContiguous(bti_id, pinned_vmo_.vmo(),
pinned_vmo_.offset(), pinned_vmo_.size(),
perms, &vaddr, &mapped_len);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
DEBUG_ASSERT(vaddr % min_contig == 0);
mapped_addrs_[0] = vaddr;
for (size_t i = 1; i < mapped_addrs_.size(); ++i) {
mapped_addrs_[i] = mapped_addrs_[i - 1] + min_contig;
return ZX_OK;
size_t remaining = pinned_vmo_.size();
uint64_t curr_offset = pinned_vmo_.offset();
size_t next_addr_idx = 0;
while (remaining > 0) {
dev_vaddr_t vaddr;
size_t mapped_len;
zx_status_t status = bti_->iommu()->Map(bti_id, pinned_vmo_.vmo(), curr_offset, remaining,
perms, &vaddr, &mapped_len);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zx_status_t err = UnmapFromIommuLocked();
ASSERT(err == ZX_OK);
return status;
// Ensure we don't end up with any non-terminal chunks that are not |min_contig| in
// length.
DEBUG_ASSERT(mapped_len % min_contig == 0 || remaining == mapped_len);
// Break the range up into chunks of length |min_contig|
size_t mapped_remaining = mapped_len;
while (mapped_remaining > 0) {
size_t addr_pages = fbl::min<size_t>(mapped_remaining, min_contig);
mapped_addrs_[next_addr_idx] = vaddr;
vaddr += addr_pages;
mapped_remaining -= addr_pages;
curr_offset += mapped_len;
remaining -= fbl::min(mapped_len, remaining);
DEBUG_ASSERT(next_addr_idx == mapped_addrs_.size());
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::UnmapFromIommuLocked() {
auto iommu = bti_->iommu();
const uint64_t bus_txn_id = bti_->bti_id();
if (mapped_addrs_[0] == UINT64_MAX) {
// No work to do, nothing is mapped.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
if (pinned_vmo_.vmo()->is_contiguous()) {
status = iommu->Unmap(bus_txn_id, mapped_addrs_[0], pinned_vmo_.size());
} else {
const size_t min_contig = bti_->minimum_contiguity();
size_t remaining = pinned_vmo_.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < mapped_addrs_.size(); ++i) {
dev_vaddr_t addr = mapped_addrs_[i];
if (addr == UINT64_MAX) {
size_t size = fbl::min(remaining, min_contig);
DEBUG_ASSERT(size == min_contig || i == mapped_addrs_.size() - 1);
// Try to unmap all pages even if we get an error, and return the
// first error encountered.
zx_status_t err = iommu->Unmap(bus_txn_id, addr, size);
if (err != ZX_OK && status == ZX_OK) {
status = err;
remaining -= size;
// Clear this so we won't try again if this gets called again in the
// destructor.
return status;
void PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::MarkUnpinned() {
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{get_lock()};
explicitly_unpinned_ = true;
void PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::InvalidateMappedAddrsLocked() {
// Fill with a known invalid address to simplify cleanup of errors during
// mapping
for (size_t i = 0; i < mapped_addrs_.size(); ++i) {
mapped_addrs_[i] = UINT64_MAX;
void PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::on_zero_handles() {
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{get_lock()};
// Once usermode has dropped the handle, either through zx_handle_close(),
// zx_pmt_unpin(), or process crash, prevent access to the pinned memory.
// We do not unpin the VMO until this object is destroyed, to allow usermode
// to protect against stray DMA via the quarantining mechanism.
zx_status_t status = UnmapFromIommuLocked();
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
if (explicitly_unpinned_) {
// The cleanup will happen when the reference that on_zero_handles()
// was called on goes away.
} else {
// Add to the quarantine list to prevent the underlying VMO from being
// unpinned.
PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::~PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher() {
kcounter_add(dispatcher_pinned_memory_token_destroy_count, 1);
// In most cases the Unmap will already have run via on_zero_handles(), but
// it is possible for that to never run if an error occurs between the
// creation of the PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher and the completion of the
// zx_bti_pin() syscall.
zx_status_t status = UnmapFromIommuLocked();
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// RemovePmo is the only method that will remove dll_pmt_ from a list, and
// it's only called here. dll_pmt_ is only added to a list at the end of
// Create, before any reference to the pmt has been given out.
// Because of this, it's safe to check InContainer without holding a lock.
if (dll_pmt_.InContainer()) {
fbl::RefPtr<BusTransactionInitiatorDispatcher> bti,
PinnedVmObject pinned_vmo,
fbl::Array<dev_vaddr_t> mapped_addrs)
: pinned_vmo_(ktl::move(pinned_vmo)),
bti_(ktl::move(bti)), mapped_addrs_(ktl::move(mapped_addrs)) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(pinned_vmo_.vmo() != nullptr);
kcounter_add(dispatcher_pinned_memory_token_create_count, 1);
zx_status_t PinnedMemoryTokenDispatcher::EncodeAddrs(bool compress_results,
bool contiguous,
dev_vaddr_t* mapped_addrs,
size_t mapped_addrs_count) {
Guard<fbl::Mutex> guard{get_lock()};
const fbl::Array<dev_vaddr_t>& pmo_addrs = mapped_addrs_;
const size_t found_addrs = pmo_addrs.size();
if (compress_results) {
if (found_addrs != mapped_addrs_count) {
memcpy(mapped_addrs, pmo_addrs.get(), found_addrs * sizeof(dev_vaddr_t));
} else if (contiguous) {
if (mapped_addrs_count != 1 || !pinned_vmo_.vmo()->is_contiguous()) {
*mapped_addrs = pmo_addrs.get()[0];
} else {
const size_t num_pages = pinned_vmo_.size() / PAGE_SIZE;
if (num_pages != mapped_addrs_count) {
const size_t min_contig = bti_->minimum_contiguity();
size_t next_idx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < found_addrs; ++i) {
dev_vaddr_t extent_base = pmo_addrs[i];
for (dev_vaddr_t addr = extent_base;
addr < extent_base + min_contig && next_idx < num_pages;
addr += PAGE_SIZE, ++next_idx) {
mapped_addrs[next_idx] = addr;
return ZX_OK;