blob: 39653f49fb3987a33092bade80295aafe5562c3e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Using Vulkan on host (i.e. Linux) is an involved affair that involves
# downloading the Vulkan SDK, setting environment variables, and so forth...
# all things that are difficult to achieve in a CQ environment. Therefore,
# by default we use a stub implementation of Vulkan which fails to create a
# VkInstance. This allows everything to build, and also allows running Escher
# unit tests which don't require Vulkan.
escher_use_null_vulkan_config_on_host = true
package("escher_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
tests = [
name = "escher_unittests"
environments = basic_envs
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/escher_unittests.cmx")
dest = "escher_unittests.cmx"
public_deps = vulkan_validation_layers.public_deps
loadable_modules = vulkan_validation_layers.loadable_modules
resources = vulkan_validation_layers.resources
resources += [
path = rebase_path("shaders/model_renderer/default_position.vert")
dest = "shaders/model_renderer/default_position.vert"
path = rebase_path("shaders/model_renderer/main.frag")
dest = "shaders/model_renderer/main.frag"
path = rebase_path("shaders/model_renderer/main.vert")
dest = "shaders/model_renderer/main.vert"
path = rebase_path("shaders/model_renderer/shadow_map_generation.frag")
dest = "shaders/model_renderer/shadow_map_generation.frag"
path = rebase_path("shaders/model_renderer/shadow_map_lighting.frag")
dest = "shaders/model_renderer/shadow_map_lighting.frag"
path = rebase_path("shaders/model_renderer/wobble_position.vert")
dest = "shaders/model_renderer/wobble_position.vert"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/common/use.glsl")
dest = "shaders/paper/common/use.glsl"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/frag/main_ambient_light.frag")
dest = "shaders/paper/frag/main_ambient_light.frag"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/frag/main_point_light.frag")
dest = "shaders/paper/frag/main_point_light.frag"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/vert/compute_model_space_position.vert")
dest = "shaders/paper/vert/compute_model_space_position.vert"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/vert/compute_world_space_position.vert")
dest = "shaders/paper/vert/compute_world_space_position.vert"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/vert/main_shadow_volume_extrude.vert")
dest = "shaders/paper/vert/main_shadow_volume_extrude.vert"
path = rebase_path("shaders/paper/vert/vertex_attributes.vert")
dest = "shaders/paper/vert/vertex_attributes.vert"
# Used by 'source_set("vulkan")' for host builds (e.g. Escher-on-Linux) for
# build environments where Vulkan is not available.
config("null_vulkan_config") {
defines = [
# Only include the Vulkan headers: since this is used for host builds, we
# don't want to depend on e.g. //garnet/public/lib/vulkan, which brings in
# Zircon dependencies which cannot be compiled.
include_dirs = [ "//third_party/vulkan_loader_and_validation_layers/include" ]
# Used by 'source_set("vulkan")' target builds (i.e. Escher-on-Fuchsia), and
# also for host builds (e.g. Escher-on-Linux) where Vulkan is made available via
# the 'download-vulkan-sdk' script, which downloads the LunarG Vulkan SDK from
# Google storage.
config("vulkan_config") {
defines = [
# Specify the include/lib dirs and linked libraries for use with the
# downloaded LunarG Vulkan SDK.
if (is_linux) {
vulkan_sdk = "//garnet/public/lib/escher/third_party/vulkansdk/x86_64"
include_dirs = [ "$vulkan_sdk/include" ]
lib_dirs = [ "$vulkan_sdk/lib" ]
libs = [ "vulkan" ]
# Cross-platform Vulkan setup; supports both host and target builds.
source_set("vulkan") {
if (is_fuchsia) {
public_configs = [ ":vulkan_config" ]
public_deps = [
} else if (!escher_use_null_vulkan_config_on_host) {
# Host build using downloaded LunarG SDK.
public_configs = [ ":vulkan_config" ]
} else {
# Host build using stub Vulkan implementation.
public_configs = [ ":null_vulkan_config" ]
sources = [
config("glm_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//third_party/glm" ]
defines = [
# Use Vulkan NDC (normalized depth coordinates): [0..1] instead of [-1..1]
# Disable SIMD code paths that seem unstable on Fuchsia.
config("thread_safety_warning") {
cflags = [
config("vk_mem_alloc_error_suppression") {
cflags = [
source_set("vk_mem_alloc") {
public_deps = [
sources = [
public_configs = [ ":vk_mem_alloc_error_suppression" ]
source_set("escher") {
defines = [
# Currently necessary on Fuchsia, but not Linux.
deps = [
public_deps = [
sources = [
if (is_fuchsia) {
sources += [
public_deps += [
deps += [ "//zircon/public/lib/trace" ]
if (is_linux) {
sources += [
include_dirs = [
public_configs = [
group("unittests") {
testonly = true
deps = [