blob: 14a2a92ccca8c237a52d101155a681e2a466fe11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include "tracking_ptr.h"
namespace fidl {
// Envelope is a typed version of fidl_envelope_t.
template <typename T>
struct Envelope {
// The size of the entire envelope contents, including any additional out-of-line objects that the
// envelope may contain. For example, a vector<string>'s num_bytes for ["hello", "world"] would
// include the string contents in the size, not just the outer vector. Always a multiple of 8;
// must be zero in transit if envelope is null.
uint32_t num_bytes;
// The number of handles in the envelope, including any additional out-of-line objects that the
// envelope contains. Must be zero in transit if envelope is null.
uint32_t num_handles;
// A pointer to the out-of-line envelope data.
tracking_ptr<T> data;
static_assert(sizeof(Envelope<void>) == sizeof(fidl_envelope_t),
"Envelope<T> must have the same size as fidl_envelope_t");
static_assert(offsetof(Envelope<void>, num_bytes) == offsetof(fidl_envelope_t, num_bytes),
"num_bytes must have the same offset in Envelope<T> and fidl_envelope_t");
static_assert(sizeof(Envelope<void>().num_bytes) == sizeof(fidl_envelope_t().num_bytes),
"num_bytes must have the same size in Envelope<T> and fidl_envelope_t");
static_assert(offsetof(Envelope<void>, num_handles) == offsetof(fidl_envelope_t, num_handles),
"num_handles must have the same offset in Envelope<T> and fidl_envelope_t");
static_assert(sizeof(Envelope<void>().num_handles) == sizeof(fidl_envelope_t().num_handles),
"num_handles must have the same size in Envelope<T> and fidl_envelope_t");
static_assert(offsetof(Envelope<void>, data) == offsetof(fidl_envelope_t, data),
"data must have the same offset in Envelope<T> and fidl_envelope_t");
static_assert(sizeof(Envelope<void>().data) == sizeof(fidl_envelope_t().data),
"data must have the same size in Envelope<T> and fidl_envelope_t");
} // namespace fidl