blob: f637fefca1560ea570a59734564a59aae15067cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <runtests-utils/runtests-utils.h>
namespace runtests {
// If tests are in this path, they can run as a component if corresponding cmx
// file is present.
constexpr char kPkgPrefix[] = "/pkgfs/packages/";
// If |path| starts with |kPkgPrefix|, this function will generate corresponding
// cmx file path and component url.
// if test binary path is: /pkgfs/packages/my_tests/0/test/test_binary, the cmx path
// would be: /pkgfs/packages/my_tests/0/meta/test_binary.cmx
// component_url for above path would be:
// fuchsia-pkg://
// Code which uses this url:
void TestFileComponentInfo(const fbl::String path,
fbl::String* component_url_out,
fbl::String* cmx_file_path_out);
// Invokes a Fuchsia test binary and writes its output to a file.
// |argv| is a null-terminated array of argument strings passed to the test
// program.
// |output_filename| is the name of the file to which the test binary's output
// will be written. May be nullptr, in which case the output will not be
// redirected.
std::unique_ptr<Result> FuchsiaRunTest(const char* argv[],
const char* output_dir,
const char* output_filename);
} // namespace runtests