blob: ce86fc10165fb9cea2fe99527adcb74c8df1a1c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file describes the structure used to allocate
// from an on-disk bitmap.
#pragma once
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <bitmap/rle-bitmap.h>
#include <bitmap/storage.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fs/block-txn.h>
#include <minfs/allocator-promise.h>
#include <minfs/block-txn.h>
#include <minfs/format.h>
#include <minfs/mutex.h>
#include <minfs/superblock.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <fuchsia/minfs/c/fidl.h>
#include "storage.h"
namespace minfs {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
using RawBitmap = bitmap::RawBitmapGeneric<bitmap::VmoStorage>;
using BlockRegion = fuchsia_minfs_BlockRegion;
using RawBitmap = bitmap::RawBitmapGeneric<bitmap::DefaultStorage>;
// An empty key class which represents the |AllocatorPromise|'s access to
// restricted |Allocator| interfaces.
class AllocatorPromiseKey {
friend AllocatorPromise;
AllocatorPromiseKey() {}
// The Allocator class is used to abstract away the mechanism by which minfs
// allocates objects internally.
// This class is thread-safe. However, it is worth pointing out a peculiarity
// regarding |WriteTxn|: This class enqueues operations to a caller-supplied
// WriteTxn as they are necessary, but the source of these enqueued buffers may
// change immediately after |Enqueue()| completes. If a caller delays writeback,
// it is their responsibility to ensure no concurrent mutable methods of
// Allocator are accessed while Transacting the |WriteTxn|, as these methods
// may put the buffer-to-be-written in an inconsistent state.
class Allocator {
virtual ~Allocator();
Allocator(const Allocator&) = delete;
Allocator& operator=(const Allocator&) = delete;
static zx_status_t Create(fs::ReadTxn* txn, fbl::unique_ptr<AllocatorStorage> storage,
fbl::unique_ptr<Allocator>* out);
// Return the number of total available elements, after taking reservations into account.
size_t GetAvailable() const FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Free an item from the allocator.
void Free(WriteTxn* txn, size_t index) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Extract a vector of all currently allocated regions in the filesystem.
fbl::Vector<BlockRegion> GetAllocatedRegions() const FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Returns |true| if |index| is allocated. Returns |false| otherwise.
bool CheckAllocated(size_t index) const FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// AllocatorPromise Methods:
// The following methods are restricted to AllocatorPromise via the passkey
// idiom. They are public, but require an empty |AllocatorPromiseKey|.
// Allocate a single element and return its newly allocated index.
size_t Allocate(AllocatorPromiseKey, WriteTxn* txn) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Reserve |count| elements. This is required in order to later allocate them.
// Outputs a |promise| which contains reservation details.
zx_status_t Reserve(AllocatorPromiseKey, WriteTxn* txn, size_t count,
AllocatorPromise* promise) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Unreserve |count| elements. This may be called in the event of failure, or if we
// over-reserved initially.
// PRECONDITION: AllocatorPromise must have |reserved| > 0.
void Unreserve(AllocatorPromiseKey, size_t count) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Mark |index| for de-allocation by adding it to the swap_out map,
// and return the index of a new element to be swapped in.
// This is currently only used for the block allocator.
// PRECONDITION: |index| must be allocated in the internal map.
// PRECONDITION: AllocatorPromise must have |reserved| > 0.
size_t Swap(AllocatorPromiseKey, size_t index) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
// Allocate / de-allocate elements from the swap_in / swap_out maps (respectively).
// This persists the results of |Swap|.
// Since elements are only ever swapped synchronously, all elements represented in the swap_in_
// and swap_out_ maps are guaranteed to belong to only one Vnode. This method should only be
// called in the same thread as the block swaps -- i.e. we should never be resolving blocks for
// more than one vnode at a time.
void SwapCommit(AllocatorPromiseKey, WriteTxn* txn) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(lock_);
Allocator(fbl::unique_ptr<AllocatorStorage> storage) : reserved_(0), first_free_(0),
storage_(std::move(storage)) {}
// See |GetAvailable()|.
size_t GetAvailableLocked() const FS_TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Grows the map to |new_size|, returning the current size as |old_size|.
zx_status_t GrowMapLocked(size_t new_size, size_t* old_size) FS_TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Acquire direct access to the underlying map storage.
WriteData GetMapDataLocked() const FS_TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Find and return a free element. This should only be called when reserved_ > 0,
// ensuring that at least one free element must exist.
size_t FindLocked() const FS_TA_REQUIRES(lock_);
// Protects the allocator's metadata.
// Does NOT guard the allocator |storage_|.
mutable Mutex lock_;
// Total number of elements reserved by AllocatorPromise objects. Represents the maximum number
// of elements that are allowed to be allocated or swapped in at a given time.
// Once an element is marked for allocation or swap, the reserved_ count is updated accordingly.
// Remaining reserved blocks will be committed by the end of each Vnode operation,
// with the exception of copy-on-write data blocks.
// These will be committed asynchronously via the DataBlockAssigner thread.
// This means that at the time of reservation if |reserved_| > 0, all reserved blocks must
// belong to vnodes which are already enqueued in the DataBlockAssigner thread.
size_t reserved_ FS_TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Index of the first free element in the map.
size_t first_free_ FS_TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Represents the Allocator's backing storage.
fbl::unique_ptr<AllocatorStorage> storage_;
// A bitmap interface into |storage_|.
RawBitmap map_ FS_TA_GUARDED(lock_);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Bitmap of elements to be allocated on SwapCommit.
bitmap::RleBitmap swap_in_ FS_TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Bitmap of elements to be de-allocated on SwapCommit.
bitmap::RleBitmap swap_out_ FS_TA_GUARDED(lock_);
} // namespace minfs