blob: e3aef5148f5156abc3c365dfe2d07fcdb284072d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <fs-test-utils/fixture.h>
#include <perftest/perftest.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
namespace fs_test_utils {
// Options that define how a performance test is run.
struct PerformanceTestOptions {
// Returns options which allow fast execution. No measurements will
// be recorded.
static PerformanceTestOptions UnitTest() {
PerformanceTestOptions options;
options.result_path = "";
options.summary_path = "";
options.sample_count = 1;
options.print_statistics = false;
options.is_unittest = true;
return options;
static PerformanceTestOptions PerformanceTest() {
PerformanceTestOptions options = UnitTest();
options.is_unittest = false;
return options;
// Returns true if the current set of options is valid.
bool IsValid(fbl::String* err) const;
// Path to output file.
fbl::String result_path;
// Path to summary statistics file.
fbl::String summary_path;
// Number of times to sample each operation. An operation is either a test or a stage that
// will be executed multiple times.
uint32_t sample_count;
// Whether summary statistics should be printed or not.
bool print_statistics;
// True if we are running in unittest mode.
// Benchmark tests are required to be implemented in such a way, that unittest mode validates
// that the workflow is correct, and exit quickly.
bool is_unittest;
struct TestInfo {
// Function that executes the test.
fbl::Function<bool(perftest::RepeatState*, Fixture*)> test_fn;
// Name of the test.
fbl::String name;
// Estimation of the required disk space for this test. If set to 0, will
// always be executed (may lead to OOS or OOM(ramdisk) errors.
// This is optional.
size_t required_disk_space = 0;
struct TestCaseInfo {
// Ordered list of tests be executed as part of this test case.
fbl::Vector<TestInfo> tests;
// TestCase name.
fbl::String name;
// Whether there should be teardown between each test. If your tests depend
// on the leftover state in the underlying FS from previous state, set this to false.
bool teardown;
// Number of times to run each test. Will overwrite |PerformanceTestOptions::sample_count|
// if set and will be ignored if in unittest mode.
// This is optional.
uint32_t sample_count = 0;
// Returns true if the parsed args should trigger a test run. The usage information is
// written to |out|.
// Note: |performance_test| will be completely overwritten by the data parsed. If caller
// wants to fix a |performance_test|, it should be done after parsing.
bool ParseCommandLineArgs(int argc, const char* const* argv, FixtureOptions* fixture_options,
PerformanceTestOptions* performance_test, FILE* out = stdout);
// Runs all tests in the given testcase.
// Test's status and results will be printed into |out|. Errors will still be logged into
// |stdout|.
bool RunTestCases(const FixtureOptions& fixture_options,
const PerformanceTestOptions& performance_test_options,
const fbl::Vector<TestCaseInfo>& test_case, FILE* out = stdout);
} // namespace fs_test_utils