blob: 8ac192e1e8479fd3ce28e276961fa38aa45d243c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the global Blobfs structure used for constructing a Blobfs filesystem in
// memory.
#pragma once
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
#error Fuchsia-only Header
#include <string.h>
#include <bitmap/raw-bitmap.h>
#include <bitmap/rle-bitmap.h>
#include <block-client/cpp/client.h>
#include <digest/digest.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <fs/block-txn.h>
#include <fs/managed-vfs.h>
#include <fs/metrics.h>
#include <fs/trace.h>
#include <fs/vfs.h>
#include <fs/vnode.h>
#include <fuchsia/blobfs/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/c/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/io/c/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fzl/fdio.h>
#include <lib/fzl/owned-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/fzl/resizeable-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <trace/event.h>
#include <blobfs/allocator.h>
#include <blobfs/blob-cache.h>
#include <blobfs/blob.h>
#include <blobfs/common.h>
#include <blobfs/directory.h>
#include <blobfs/extent-reserver.h>
#include <blobfs/format.h>
#include <blobfs/iterator/allocated-extent-iterator.h>
#include <blobfs/iterator/extent-iterator.h>
#include <blobfs/journal.h>
#include <blobfs/metrics.h>
#include <blobfs/node-reserver.h>
#include <blobfs/writeback.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <utility>
namespace blobfs {
using digest::Digest;
enum class Writability {
// Do not write to persistent storage under any circumstances whatsoever.
// Do not allow users of the filesystem to mutate filesystem state. This
// state allows the journal to replay while initializing writeback.
// Permit all operations.
// Toggles that may be set on blobfs during initialization.
struct MountOptions {
Writability writability = Writability::Writable;
bool metrics = false;
bool journal = false;
CachePolicy cache_policy = CachePolicy::EvictImmediately;
class Blobfs : public fs::ManagedVfs,
public fbl::RefCounted<Blobfs>,
public TransactionManager {
// fs::ManagedVfs interface.
void Shutdown(fs::Vfs::ShutdownCallback closure) final;
// TransactionManager's fs::TransactionHandler interface.
// Allows transmitting read and write transactions directly to the underlying storage.
uint32_t FsBlockSize() const final { return kBlobfsBlockSize; }
uint32_t DeviceBlockSize() const final { return block_info_.block_size; }
groupid_t BlockGroupID() final {
thread_local groupid_t group_ = next_group_.fetch_add(1);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(group_ < MAX_TXN_GROUP_COUNT, "Too many threads accessing block device");
return group_;
zx_status_t Transaction(block_fifo_request_t* requests, size_t count) final {
TRACE_DURATION("blobfs", "Blobfs::Transaction", "count", count);
return fifo_client_.Transaction(requests, count);
// TransactionManager's SpaceManager interface.
// Allows viewing and controlling the size of the underlying volume.
const Superblock& Info() const final { return info_; }
zx_status_t AttachVmo(const zx::vmo& vmo, vmoid_t* out) final;
zx_status_t DetachVmo(vmoid_t vmoid) final;
zx_status_t AddInodes(fzl::ResizeableVmoMapper* node_map) final;
zx_status_t AddBlocks(size_t nblocks, RawBitmap* block_map) final;
// TransactionManager interface.
// Allows attaching VMOs, controlling the underlying volume, and sending transactions to the
// underlying storage (optionally through the journal).
BlobfsMetrics& LocalMetrics() final {
return metrics_;
size_t WritebackCapacity() const final;
zx_status_t CreateWork(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork>* out, Blob* vnode) final;
zx_status_t EnqueueWork(fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackWork> work, EnqueueType type) final;
// Other methods.
uint64_t DataStart() const { return DataStartBlock(info_); }
bool CheckBlocksAllocated(uint64_t start_block, uint64_t end_block,
uint64_t* first_unset = nullptr) const {
return allocator_->CheckBlocksAllocated(start_block, end_block, first_unset);
AllocatedExtentIterator GetExtents(uint32_t node_index) {
return AllocatedExtentIterator(allocator_.get(), node_index);
Allocator* GetAllocator() { return allocator_.get(); }
Inode* GetNode(uint32_t node_index) { return allocator_->GetNode(node_index); }
zx_status_t ReserveBlocks(size_t num_blocks, fbl::Vector<ReservedExtent>* out_extents) {
return allocator_->ReserveBlocks(num_blocks, out_extents);
zx_status_t ReserveNodes(size_t num_nodes, fbl::Vector<ReservedNode>* out_node) {
return allocator_->ReserveNodes(num_nodes, out_node);
static zx_status_t Create(fbl::unique_fd blockfd, const MountOptions& options,
const Superblock* info, fbl::unique_ptr<Blobfs>* out);
void CollectMetrics() {
collecting_metrics_ = true;
bool CollectingMetrics() const { return cobalt_metrics_.IsEnabled(); }
void DisableMetrics() {
collecting_metrics_ = false;
void DumpMetrics() const {
if (collecting_metrics_) {
void SetUnmountCallback(fbl::Closure closure) { on_unmount_ = std::move(closure); }
// Initializes the WritebackQueue and Journal, replaying any existing journal entries
// if requested.
// If the underlying block device is read-only, the journal may not be
// replayed, and this function returns ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED.
// If the filesystem is to be mounted read-only or read + write, the journal may be replayed.
zx_status_t InitializeWriteback(Writability writability, bool journal_enabled);
virtual ~Blobfs();
// Invokes "open" on the root directory.
// Acts as a special-case to bootstrap filesystem mounting.
zx_status_t OpenRootNode(fbl::RefPtr<Directory>* out);
BlobCache& Cache() {
return blob_cache_;
zx_status_t Readdir(fs::vdircookie_t* cookie, void* dirents, size_t len, size_t* out_actual);
const zx::unowned_channel BlockDevice() const {
return zx::unowned_channel(block_device_.borrow_channel());
const fbl::unique_fd& BlockDeviceFd() const {
return block_device_.fd();
// Returns an unique identifier for this instance.
uint64_t GetFsId() const { return fs_id_; }
using SyncCallback = fs::Vnode::SyncCallback;
void Sync(SyncCallback closure);
// Frees an inode, from both the reserved map and the inode table. If the
// inode was allocated in the inode table, write the deleted inode out to
// disk.
void FreeInode(WritebackWork* wb, uint32_t node_index);
// Does a single pass of all blobs, creating uninitialized Vnode
// objects for them all.
// By executing this function at mount, we can quickly assert
// either the presence or absence of a blob on the system without
// further scanning.
zx_status_t InitializeVnodes();
// Writes node data to the inode table and updates disk.
void PersistNode(WritebackWork* wb, uint32_t node_index);
// Adds reserved blocks to allocated bitmap and writes the bitmap out to disk.
void PersistBlocks(WritebackWork* wb, const ReservedExtent& extent);
fs::VnodeMetrics* GetMutableVnodeMetrics() { return cobalt_metrics_.mutable_vnode_metrics(); }
// Record the location and size of all non-free block regions.
fbl::Vector<BlockRegion> GetAllocatedRegions() const {
return allocator_->GetAllocatedRegions();
friend class BlobfsChecker;
Blobfs(fbl::unique_fd fd, const Superblock* info);
// Reloads metadata from disk. Useful when metadata on disk
// may have changed due to journal playback.
zx_status_t Reload();
// Frees blocks from the allocated map (if allocated) and updates disk if necessary.
void FreeExtent(WritebackWork* wb, const Extent& extent);
// Free a single node. Doesn't attempt to parse the type / traverse nodes;
// this function just deletes a single node.
void FreeNode(WritebackWork* wb, uint32_t node_index);
// Given a contiguous number of blocks after a starting block,
// write out the bitmap to disk for the corresponding blocks.
// Should only be called by PersistBlocks and FreeExtent.
void WriteBitmap(WritebackWork* wb, uint64_t nblocks, uint64_t start_block);
// Given a node within the node map at an index, write it to disk.
// Should only be called by AllocateNode and FreeNode.
void WriteNode(WritebackWork* wb, uint32_t map_index);
// Enqueues an update for allocated inode/block counts.
void WriteInfo(WritebackWork* wb);
// When will flush the metrics in the calling thread and will schedule itself
// to flush again in the future.
void ScheduleMetricFlush();
// Creates an unique identifier for this instance. This is to be called only during
// "construction".
zx_status_t CreateFsId();
// Verifies that the contents of a blob are valid.
zx_status_t VerifyBlob(uint32_t node_index);
fbl::unique_ptr<WritebackQueue> writeback_;
fbl::unique_ptr<Journal> journal_;
Superblock info_;
BlobCache blob_cache_;
fzl::FdioCaller block_device_;
fuchsia_hardware_block_BlockInfo block_info_ = {};
std::atomic<groupid_t> next_group_ = {};
block_client::Client fifo_client_;
fbl::unique_ptr<Allocator> allocator_;
fzl::ResizeableVmoMapper info_mapping_;
vmoid_t info_vmoid_ = {};
uint64_t fs_id_ = 0;
bool collecting_metrics_ = false;
BlobfsMetrics metrics_ = {};
fbl::Closure on_unmount_ = {};
// TODO(gevalentino): clean up old metrics and update this to inspect API.
fs::Metrics cobalt_metrics_;
async::Loop flush_loop_ = async::Loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToThread);
zx_status_t Initialize(fbl::unique_fd blockfd, const MountOptions& options,
fbl::unique_ptr<Blobfs>* out);
zx_status_t Mount(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fbl::unique_fd blockfd,
const MountOptions& options, zx::channel root, fbl::Closure on_unmount);
} // namespace blobfs