blob: 2c76072b0ef8b4e47aefde183b1676023513ca91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <ddk/protocol/display/controller.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <lib/mmio/mmio.h>
#include <region-alloc/region-alloc.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include "gtt.h"
#include "pipe.h"
#include "power.h"
#include "registers-ddi.h"
#include "registers-pipe.h"
#include "registers-transcoder.h"
namespace i915 {
class Controller;
class DisplayDevice;
// Thread safe weak-ref to the DisplayDevice, because the backlight device
// lifecycle is managed by devmgr but the DisplayDevice lifecycle is managed
// by the display controller class.
typedef struct display_ref {
mtx_t mtx;
DisplayDevice* display_device __TA_GUARDED(mtx);
} display_ref_t;
class DisplayDevice {
DisplayDevice(Controller* device, uint64_t id, registers::Ddi ddi);
virtual ~DisplayDevice();
bool AttachPipe(Pipe* pipe);
void ApplyConfiguration(const display_config_t* config);
// Query whether or not there is a display attached to this ddi. Does not
// actually do any initialization - that is done by Init.
virtual bool Query() = 0;
// Does display mode agnostic ddi initialization - subclasses implement InitDdi.
bool Init();
// Initializes the display backlight for an already initialized display.
void InitBacklight();
// Resumes the ddi after suspend.
bool Resume();
// Loads ddi state from the hardware at driver startup.
void LoadActiveMode();
// Method to allow the display device to handle hotplug events. Returns
// true if the device can handle the event without disconnecting. Otherwise
// the device will be removed.
virtual bool HandleHotplug(bool long_pulse) { return false; }
uint64_t id() const { return id_; }
registers::Ddi ddi() const { return ddi_; }
Controller* controller() { return controller_; }
virtual uint32_t i2c_bus_id() const = 0;
Pipe* pipe() const { return pipe_; }
bool is_hdmi() const { return is_hdmi_; }
void set_is_hdmi(bool is_hdmi) { is_hdmi_ = is_hdmi; }
virtual bool HasBacklight() { return false; }
virtual void SetBacklightState(bool power, uint8_t brightness) {}
virtual void GetBacklightState(bool* power, uint8_t* brightness) {}
virtual bool CheckPixelRate(uint64_t pixel_rate) = 0;
// Attempts to initialize the ddi.
virtual bool InitDdi() = 0;
virtual bool InitBacklightHw() { return false; }
// Configures the hardware to display content at the given resolution.
virtual bool DdiModeset(const display_mode_t& mode,
registers::Pipe pipe, registers::Trans trans) = 0;
virtual bool ComputeDpllState(uint32_t pixel_clock_10khz, struct dpll_state* config) = 0;
// Load the clock rate from hardware if it's necessary when changing the transcoder.
virtual uint32_t LoadClockRateForTranscoder(registers::Trans transcoder) = 0;
// Attaching a pipe to a display or configuring a pipe after display mode change has
// 3 steps. The second step is generic pipe configuration, whereas PipeConfigPreamble
// and PipeConfigEpilogue are responsible for display-type-specific configuration that
// must be done before and after the generic configuration.
virtual bool PipeConfigPreamble(const display_mode_t& mode,
registers::Pipe pipe, registers::Trans trans) = 0;
virtual bool PipeConfigEpilogue(const display_mode_t& mode,
registers::Pipe pipe, registers::Trans trans) = 0;
ddk::MmioBuffer* mmio_space() const;
bool CheckNeedsModeset(const display_mode_t* mode);
// Borrowed reference to Controller instance
Controller* controller_;
uint64_t id_;
registers::Ddi ddi_;
Pipe* pipe_= nullptr;
PowerWellRef ddi_power_;
bool inited_ = false;
display_mode_t info_ = {};
bool is_hdmi_ = false;
zx_device_t* backlight_device_ = nullptr;
display_ref_t* display_ref_ = nullptr;
} // namespace i915