blob: ccf7f97e7558bfd27187e82329f2de802aae327b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits.h>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <ddk/device.h>
#include <ddk/metadata.h>
#include <ddk/platform-defs.h>
#include <ddk/protocol/platform/bus.h>
#include <lib/mmio/mmio.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <hwreg/bitfields.h>
#include <soc/mt8167/mt8167-hw.h>
#include <soc/mt8167/mt8167-sdmmc.h>
#include "mt8167.h"
namespace {
constexpr uint16_t kPullUp = 0;
constexpr uint16_t kPullDown = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kPull10k = 1;
constexpr uint16_t kPull50k = 2;
constexpr uintptr_t kIocfgBaseAligned = fbl::round_down<uintptr_t, uintptr_t>(MT8167_IOCFG_BASE,
constexpr size_t kIocfgOffset = MT8167_IOCFG_BASE - kIocfgBaseAligned;
constexpr size_t kIocfgSizeAligned = fbl::round_up<size_t, size_t>(
kIocfgOffset + MT8167_IOCFG_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE);
constexpr uintptr_t kGpioBaseAligned = fbl::round_down<uintptr_t, uintptr_t>(MT8167_GPIO_BASE,
constexpr size_t kGpioOffset = MT8167_GPIO_BASE - kGpioBaseAligned;
constexpr size_t kGpioSizeAligned = fbl::round_up<size_t, size_t>(
kGpioOffset + MT8167_GPIO_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE);
constexpr uint32_t kFifoDepth = 128;
constexpr uint32_t kSrcClkFreq = 188000000;
} // namespace
namespace board_mt8167 {
class PuPdCtrl4 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<PuPdCtrl4, uint16_t> {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<PuPdCtrl4>(kIocfgOffset + 0x540); }
DEF_BIT(14, msdc2_dat2_pupd);
DEF_FIELD(13, 12, msdc2_dat2_pull);
DEF_BIT(10, msdc2_dat1_pupd);
DEF_FIELD(9, 8, msdc2_dat1_pull);
DEF_BIT(6, msdc2_dat0_pupd);
DEF_FIELD(5, 4, msdc2_dat0_pull);
class PuPdCtrl5 : public hwreg::RegisterBase<PuPdCtrl5, uint16_t> {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<PuPdCtrl5>(kIocfgOffset + 0x550); }
DEF_BIT(10, msdc2_cmd_pupd);
DEF_FIELD(9, 8, msdc2_cmd_pull);
DEF_BIT(6, msdc2_clk_pupd);
DEF_FIELD(5, 4, msdc2_clk_pull);
DEF_BIT(2, msdc2_dat3_pupd);
DEF_FIELD(1, 0, msdc2_dat3_pull);
constexpr uint16_t kGpioModeMsdc2 = 1;
class GpioModeE : public hwreg::RegisterBase<GpioModeE, uint16_t> {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<GpioModeE>(kGpioOffset + 0x3d0); }
DEF_FIELD(14, 12, gpio69_mode);
DEF_FIELD(11, 9, gpio68_mode);
class GpioModeF : public hwreg::RegisterBase<GpioModeF, uint16_t> {
static auto Get() { return hwreg::RegisterAddr<GpioModeF>(kGpioOffset + 0x3e0); }
DEF_FIELD(11, 9, gpio73_mode);
DEF_FIELD(8, 6, gpio72_mode);
DEF_FIELD(5, 3, gpio71_mode);
DEF_FIELD(2, 0, gpio70_mode);
zx_status_t Mt8167::Msdc2Init() {
static const pbus_mmio_t msdc2_mmios[] = {
.base = MT8167_MSDC2_BASE,
.length = MT8167_MSDC2_SIZE,
static const pbus_bti_t msdc2_btis[] = {
.iommu_index = 0,
.bti_id = BTI_MSDC2,
static const MtkSdmmcConfig msdc2_config = {
.fifo_depth = kFifoDepth,
.src_clk_freq = kSrcClkFreq,
.is_sdio = true
static const pbus_metadata_t msdc2_metadata[] = {
.data_buffer = &msdc2_config,
.data_size = sizeof(msdc2_config)
static const pbus_irq_t msdc2_irqs[] = {
.irq = MT8167_IRQ_MSDC2,
static const pbus_gpio_t msdc2_ref_gpios[] = {
.gpio = MT8167_GPIO_MT7668_PMU_EN
static const pbus_gpio_t msdc2_cleo_gpios[] = {
.gpio = MT8167_GPIO_MT7668_PMU_EN
const pbus_gpio_t* msdc2_gpios = msdc2_ref_gpios;
size_t msdc2_gpio_count = countof(msdc2_ref_gpios);
if ( == PDEV_PID_CLEO) {
msdc2_gpios = msdc2_cleo_gpios;
msdc2_gpio_count = countof(msdc2_cleo_gpios);
pbus_dev_t msdc2_dev = {}; = "sdio";
msdc2_dev.vid = PDEV_VID_MEDIATEK;
msdc2_dev.did = PDEV_DID_MEDIATEK_MSDC2;
msdc2_dev.mmio_list = msdc2_mmios;
msdc2_dev.mmio_count = countof(msdc2_mmios);
msdc2_dev.bti_list = msdc2_btis;
msdc2_dev.bti_count = countof(msdc2_btis);
msdc2_dev.metadata_list = msdc2_metadata;
msdc2_dev.metadata_count = countof(msdc2_metadata);
msdc2_dev.irq_list = msdc2_irqs;
msdc2_dev.irq_count = countof(msdc2_irqs);
msdc2_dev.gpio_list = msdc2_gpios;
msdc2_dev.gpio_count = msdc2_gpio_count;
// Please do not use get_root_resource() in new code. See ZX-1497.
zx::unowned_resource root_resource(get_root_resource());
std::optional<ddk::MmioBuffer> iocfg_mmio;
zx_status_t status = ddk::MmioBuffer::Create(kIocfgBaseAligned, kIocfgSizeAligned,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Failed to set MSDC2 GPIOs: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, status);
return status;
// MSDC2 pins are not configured by the bootloader. Set the clk pin to 50k pull-down, all others
// to 10k pull-up to match the device tree settings.
std::optional<ddk::MmioBuffer> gpio_mmio;
status = ddk::MmioBuffer::Create(kGpioBaseAligned, kGpioSizeAligned, *root_resource,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: Failed to set MSDC2 GPIOs: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, status);
return status;
if ((status = pbus_.DeviceAdd(&msdc2_dev)) != ZX_OK) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "%s: DeviceAdd MSDC2 failed: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, status);
return status;
} // namespace board_mt8167