blob: 1fc17c348d6fdb00d66ca77a4ae3bdb485b406ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "test_with_environment.h"
namespace gtest {
// An extension of TestWithEnvironment class that also implements the gtest
// fixture API. This fixture is meant to be used for multi-process tests.
// This allows, for example, a test to conveniently exercise FIDL, as FIDL
// bindings post waits to the thread-local dispatcher.
// Example:
// #include "foo.fidl.h"
// class TestFoo : public Foo {
// public:
// explicit TestFoo(InterfaceRequest<Foo> request)
// : binding_(this, std::move(request) {}
// // Foo implementation here.
// private:
// Binding<Foo> binding_;
// };
// // Creates a fixture that creates a message loop on this thread.
// class TestBar : public ::gtest::TestWithEnvironmentFixture { /* ... */ };
// TEST_F(TestBar, TestCase) {
// // Do all FIDL-y stuff here and asynchronously quit.
// RunLoop();
// // Check results from FIDL-y stuff here.
// }
class TestWithEnvironmentFixture : public ::sys::testing::TestWithEnvironment,
public ::testing::Test {};
} // namespace gtest