blob: 4ce421d87a42e06987c9a9c1b1ca52942489759a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/io/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/sys/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_handle.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_request.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h>
#include <lib/sys/cpp/testing/launcher_impl.h>
#include <lib/vfs/cpp/pseudo_dir.h>
#include <lib/vfs/cpp/service.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace sys {
namespace testing {
class EnclosingEnvironment;
// EnvironmentServices acts as a container of services to EnclosingEnvironment.
// By default, EnvironmentServices supplies only the parent environment's loader
// service. Additional services can be provided through |AddService| and
// friends. Typically, this is used to inject fake services for tests, or to
// pass through services from the parent environment.
// Every EnclosingEnvironment takes EnvironmentServices as an argument to
// instantiation. Services should not be added after the EnclosingEnvironment is
// created.
// NOTE: When this object is dropped, the actual environment is not killed instantly and if the test
// cases depend on global resources test author should call `Kill()` first and wait for it in their
// fixture destructor. Test authors can also call `KillEnclosingEnvironment()` if using
// `TestWithEnvironment`.
class EnvironmentServices {
using ServiceTerminatedCallback =
fit::function<void(const std::string&, int64_t, fuchsia::sys::TerminationReason)>;
struct ParentOverrides final {
ParentOverrides(const ParentOverrides&) = delete;
ParentOverrides& operator=(const ParentOverrides&) = delete;
ParentOverrides(ParentOverrides&&) noexcept;
std::shared_ptr<vfs::Service> loader_service_;
std::shared_ptr<vfs::Service> debug_data_publisher_service_;
EnvironmentServices(const EnvironmentServices&) = delete;
EnvironmentServices& operator=(const EnvironmentServices&) = delete;
EnvironmentServices(EnvironmentServices&&) = delete;
// Creates services with some of parent's service.
static std::unique_ptr<EnvironmentServices> Create(const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& parent_env,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Creates services with custom parent overrides.
static std::unique_ptr<EnvironmentServices> CreateWithParentOverrides(
const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& parent_env, ParentOverrides parent_overrides,
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Adds the specified interface to the set of services.
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |interface_request_handler|, which should remain valid for the lifetime
// of this object.
// A typical usage may be:
// AddService(foobar_bindings_.GetHandler(this));
template <typename Interface>
zx_status_t AddService(fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> handler,
const std::string& service_name = Interface::Name_) {
return svc_.AddEntry(
[handler = std::move(handler)](zx::channel channel, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) {
// Adds the specified service to the set of services.
zx_status_t AddSharedService(const std::shared_ptr<vfs::Service>& service,
const std::string& service_name);
// Adds the specified service to the set of services.
zx_status_t AddService(std::unique_ptr<vfs::Service> service, const std::string& service_name);
// Adds the specified service to the set of services.
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// |launch_info|, it only starts the component when the service is
// requested.
// Note: Only url and arguments fields of provided launch_info are used, if
// you need to use other fields, use the Handler signature.
zx_status_t AddServiceWithLaunchInfo(fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo launch_info,
const std::string& service_name);
// Adds the specified service to the set of services.
// Adds a supported service with the given |service_name|, using the given
// handler to generate launch info, it only starts the component when the
// service is requested.
// The provided singleton_id argument is used to keep track of singleton
// instances, generally you want to use the URL that'll be used for launch
// info.
zx_status_t AddServiceWithLaunchInfo(std::string singleton_id,
fit::function<fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo()> handler,
const std::string& service_name);
// Allows child components to access parent service with name
// |service_name|.
// This will only work if parent environment actually provides said service
// and the service is in the test component's service whitelist.
zx_status_t AllowParentService(const std::string& service_name);
// Serve service directory using |flags| and returns a new |InterfaceHandle|;
// Will cause exception if serving fails.
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::io::Directory> ServeServiceDir(
fuchsia::io::OpenFlags flags = fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE |
// Serves service directory using passed |request| and returns status.
zx_status_t ServeServiceDir(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::io::Directory> request,
fuchsia::io::OpenFlags flags = fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE |
// Serves service directory using passed |request| and returns status.
zx_status_t ServeServiceDir(
zx::channel request, fuchsia::io::OpenFlags flags = fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE |
// Sets a callback to be triggered whenever a singleton service launched
// by |AddServiceWithLaunchInfo| terminates. The callback provides the
// singleton identifier (typically fuchsia-pkg URL) and the termination
// information.
void SetServiceTerminatedCallback(ServiceTerminatedCallback callback) {
service_terminated_callback_ = std::move(callback);
friend class EnclosingEnvironment;
EnvironmentServices(const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& parent_env,
ParentOverrides parent_overrides, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
void set_enclosing_env(EnclosingEnvironment* e) { enclosing_env_ = e; }
vfs::PseudoDir svc_;
std::vector<std::string> svc_names_;
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> parent_svc_;
// Pointer to containing environment. Not owned.
EnclosingEnvironment* enclosing_env_ = nullptr;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
ServiceTerminatedCallback service_terminated_callback_;
// Keep track of all singleton services, indexed by url.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory>> singleton_services_;
// EnclosingEnvironment wraps a new isolated environment for test |parent_env|
// and provides a way to use that environment for integration testing.
// It provides a way to add custom fake services using handlers and singleton
// components. By default components under this environment have no access to
// any of system services. You need to add your own services by using
// |AddService| or |AddServiceWithLaunchInfo| methods.
// It also provides a way to access parent services if needed.
class EnclosingEnvironment {
// Creates environment with the given services.
// |label| is human readable environment name, it can be seen in /hub, for eg
// /hub/r/sys/<koid>/r/<label>/<koid>
// |services| are the services the environment will provide. See
// |EnvironmentServices| for details.
static std::unique_ptr<EnclosingEnvironment> Create(
const std::string& label, const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& parent_env,
std::unique_ptr<EnvironmentServices> services,
const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentOptions& options = {});
fuchsia::sys::LauncherPtr launcher_ptr() {
fuchsia::sys::LauncherPtr launcher;
return launcher;
// Returns true if underlying environment is running.
bool is_running() const { return running_; }
// Kills the underlying environment.
void Kill(fit::function<void()> callback = nullptr);
// Creates a real component from |launch_info| in underlying environment.
// That component will only have access to the services added and
// any allowed parent service.
void CreateComponent(fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo launch_info,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::sys::ComponentController> request);
// Creates a real component from |launch_info| in underlying environment and
// returns controller ptr.
// That component will only have access to the services added and
// any allowed parent service.
fuchsia::sys::ComponentControllerPtr CreateComponent(fuchsia::sys::LaunchInfo launch_info);
// Creates a real component in underlying environment for a url and returns
// controller ptr.
// That component will only have access to the services added and
// any allowed parent service.
fuchsia::sys::ComponentControllerPtr CreateComponentFromUrl(std::string component_url);
// Creates a nested enclosing environment on top of underlying environment.
std::unique_ptr<EnclosingEnvironment> CreateNestedEnclosingEnvironment(const std::string& label);
// Creates a nested enclosing environment on top of underlying environment
// with custom loader service.
std::unique_ptr<EnclosingEnvironment> CreateNestedEnclosingEnvironmentWithLoader(
const std::string& label, std::shared_ptr<vfs::Service> loader_service);
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> service_directory() { return service_provider_; }
// Connects to service provided by this environment.
void ConnectToService(std::string service_name, zx::channel channel) {
service_provider_->Connect(service_name, std::move(channel));
// Connects to service provided by this environment.
template <typename Interface>
void ConnectToService(fidl::InterfaceRequest<Interface> request,
const std::string& service_name = Interface::Name_) {
ConnectToService(service_name, request.TakeChannel());
// Connects to service provided by this environment.
template <typename Interface>
fidl::InterfacePtr<Interface> ConnectToService(
const std::string& service_name = Interface::Name_) {
fidl::InterfacePtr<Interface> ptr;
ConnectToService(service_name, ptr.NewRequest().TakeChannel());
return ptr;
// Sets a listener for changes in the running status
void SetRunningChangedCallback(fit::function<void(bool)> cb) {
running_changed_callback_ = std::move(cb);
EnclosingEnvironment(std::string label, const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentPtr& parent_env,
std::unique_ptr<EnvironmentServices> services,
const fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentOptions& options);
void SetRunning(bool running);
bool running_ = false;
const std::string label_;
fuchsia::sys::EnvironmentControllerPtr env_controller_;
std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> service_provider_;
LauncherImpl launcher_;
std::unique_ptr<EnvironmentServices> services_;
fit::function<void(bool)> running_changed_callback_;
} // namespace testing
} // namespace sys