blob: 96c3b370d17217157a1dbfa9e1c7b2d99aaf2cd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package fint;
option go_package = "";
// Context contains all of the dynamic configuration values for building
// Fuchsia. These values are context-dependent in that they vary based on git
// history and local filesystem layout, so they can only be known at runtime and
// cannot come from data checked into version control.
message Context {
// Absolute path to the root of the Fuchsia checkout.
string checkout_dir = 1;
// Absolute path to the build output directory.
string build_dir = 2;
// Absolute path to a directory where build artifacts intended to be
// exposed to the caller should be written.
string artifact_dir = 3;
message ChangedFile {
// Relative path to the file within the checkout.
string path = 1;
// Files changed in the commit being tested.
repeated ChangedFile changed_files = 4;
// Passed through to the `sdk_id` gn arg.
string sdk_id = 5;
// Cache directory that's persisted between builds.
string cache_dir = 6;
// Passed through to the `build_info_version` gn arg.
string release_version = 7;
// Paths to directories that contain alternate versions of these toolchains.
// For each one, if set, we'll use the toolchain version at the specified path
// instead of the version included in the checkout.
string clang_toolchain_dir = 8;
string gcc_toolchain_dir = 9;
string rust_toolchain_dir = 10;