blob: 2130f7cd07419d0f7d3b43f4b9bb588fcf267764 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package lib
import (
gidlir ""
gidlmixer ""
fidl ""
// Builds a LLCPP object using std::make_unique.
func BuildValueHeap(value interface{}, decl gidlmixer.Declaration) (string, string) {
var builder allocatorBuilder
builder.allocationFunc = "std::make_unique"
valueVar := builder.visit(value, decl, false)
valueBuild := builder.String()
return valueBuild, valueVar
// Builds an LLCPP object using fidl::Allocator.
func BuildValueAllocator(allocatorVar string, value interface{}, decl gidlmixer.Declaration) (string, string) {
var builder allocatorBuilder
builder.allocationFunc = fmt.Sprintf("%s->make", allocatorVar)
valueVar := builder.visit(value, decl, false)
valueBuild := builder.String()
return valueBuild, valueVar
type allocatorBuilder struct {
allocationFunc string
varidx int
func (a *allocatorBuilder) write(format string, vals ...interface{}) {
a.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(format, vals...))
func (a *allocatorBuilder) newVar() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("var%d", a.varidx)
func (a *allocatorBuilder) assignNew(typename string, isPointer bool, str string, vals ...interface{}) string {
rhs := a.construct(typename, isPointer, str, vals...)
newVar := a.newVar()
a.write("auto %s = %s;\n", newVar, rhs)
return newVar
func (a *allocatorBuilder) construct(typename string, isPointer bool, str string, args ...interface{}) string {
if isPointer {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>(%s)", a.allocationFunc, typename, fmt.Sprintf(str, args...))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", typename, fmt.Sprintf(str, args...))
func formatPrimitive(value interface{}) string {
switch value := value.(type) {
case int64:
if value == -9223372036854775808 {
return "-9223372036854775807ll - 1"
return fmt.Sprintf("%dll", value)
case uint64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%dull", value)
case float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("%g", value)
func (a *allocatorBuilder) visit(value interface{}, decl gidlmixer.Declaration, isAlwaysPointer bool) string {
// Unions, StringView and VectorView in LLCPP represent nullability within the object rather than as
// as pointer to the object.
_, isUnion := decl.(*gidlmixer.UnionDecl)
_, isString := decl.(*gidlmixer.StringDecl)
_, isVector := decl.(*gidlmixer.VectorDecl)
isPointer := (decl.IsNullable() && !isUnion && !isString && !isVector) || isAlwaysPointer
switch value := value.(type) {
case bool:
return a.construct(typeName(decl), isPointer, "%t", value)
case int64, uint64, float64:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case gidlmixer.PrimitiveDeclaration, *gidlmixer.EnumDecl:
return a.construct(typeName(decl), isPointer, formatPrimitive(value))
case *gidlmixer.BitsDecl:
return fmt.Sprintf("static_cast<%s>(%s)", declName(decl), formatPrimitive(value))
case gidlir.RawFloat:
switch decl.(*gidlmixer.FloatDecl).Subtype() {
case fidl.Float32:
return fmt.Sprintf("([] { uint32_t u = %#b; float f; memcpy(&f, &u, 4); return f; })()", value)
case fidl.Float64:
return fmt.Sprintf("([] { uint64_t u = %#b; double d; memcpy(&d, &u, 8); return d; })()", value)
case string:
if !isPointer {
// This clause is optional and simplifies the output.
return strconv.Quote(value)
return a.construct(typeNameIgnoreNullable(decl), isPointer, "%q", value)
case gidlir.Handle:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(handle_defs[%d])", typeName(decl), value)
case gidlir.Record:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *gidlmixer.StructDecl:
return a.visitStruct(value, decl, isPointer)
case *gidlmixer.TableDecl:
return a.visitTable(value, decl, isPointer)
case *gidlmixer.UnionDecl:
return a.visitUnion(value, decl, isPointer)
case []interface{}:
switch decl := decl.(type) {
case *gidlmixer.ArrayDecl:
return a.visitArray(value, decl, isPointer)
case *gidlmixer.VectorDecl:
return a.visitVector(value, decl, isPointer)
case nil:
return a.construct(typeName(decl), false, "")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("not implemented: %T", value))
func (a *allocatorBuilder) visitStruct(value gidlir.Record, decl *gidlmixer.StructDecl, isPointer bool) string {
s := a.assignNew(typeNameIgnoreNullable(decl), isPointer, "")
op := "."
if isPointer {
op = "->"
for _, field := range value.Fields {
fieldDecl, ok := decl.Field(field.Key.Name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s not found", field.Key.Name))
fieldRhs := a.visit(field.Value, fieldDecl, false)
a.write("%s%s%s = %s;\n", s, op, field.Key.Name, fieldRhs)
return fmt.Sprintf("std::move(%s)", s)
func (a *allocatorBuilder) visitTable(value gidlir.Record, decl *gidlmixer.TableDecl, isPointer bool) string {
frame := a.construct(fmt.Sprintf("%s::Frame", declName(decl)), true, "")
t := a.assignNew(fmt.Sprintf("%s::Builder", declName(decl)), isPointer, "%s", frame)
op := "."
if isPointer {
op = "->"
for _, field := range value.Fields {
fieldDecl, ok := decl.Field(field.Key.Name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s not found", field.Key.Name))
fieldRhs := a.visit(field.Value, fieldDecl, true)
a.write("%s%sset_%s(%s);\n", t, op, field.Key.Name, fieldRhs)
if isPointer {
return a.construct(typeName(decl), true, "%s->build()", t)
return fmt.Sprintf("", t)
func (a *allocatorBuilder) visitUnion(value gidlir.Record, decl *gidlmixer.UnionDecl, isPointer bool) string {
union := a.assignNew(typeNameIgnoreNullable(decl), isPointer, "")
op := "."
if isPointer {
op = "->"
if len(value.Fields) == 1 {
field := value.Fields[0]
fieldDecl, ok := decl.Field(field.Key.Name)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %s not found", field.Key.Name))
fieldRhs := a.visit(field.Value, fieldDecl, true)
a.write("%s%sset_%s(%s);\n", union, op, field.Key.Name, fieldRhs)
return fmt.Sprintf("std::move(%s)", union)
func (a *allocatorBuilder) visitArray(value []interface{}, decl *gidlmixer.ArrayDecl, isPointer bool) string {
var elemList []string
elemDecl := decl.Elem()
for _, item := range value {
elemList = append(elemList, a.visit(item, elemDecl, false))
elems := strings.Join(elemList, ", ")
if isPointer {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>(%s{%s})", a.allocationFunc, typeNameIgnoreNullable(decl), typeNameIgnoreNullable(decl), elems)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s{%s}", typeName(decl), elems)
func (a *allocatorBuilder) visitVector(value []interface{}, decl *gidlmixer.VectorDecl, isPointer bool) string {
elemDecl := decl.Elem()
array := a.assignNew(fmt.Sprintf("%s[]", typeName(elemDecl)), true, "%d", len(value))
for i, item := range value {
elem := a.visit(item, elemDecl, false)
a.write("%s[%d] = %s;\n", array, i, elem)
return a.construct(typeName(decl), isPointer, "std::move(%s), %d", array, len(value))