blob: 979c5e14aed0dd2a6e3ed229c7876fc0c25315c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "in_stream.h"
// This wrapper of an InStream adds the ability to peek into the stream.
// As with InStream, this class has blocking methods, and completion of those
// methods relies on the FIDL thread being a separate thread.
class InStreamPeeker : public InStream {
// in_stream_to_wrap - the underlying source of data, typically not capable
// of peeking, to wrap such that peeking is possible.
// max_peek_bytes - the maximum peek distance in bytes. Some usages will need
// a peek distance that's as large as an AU, such as when searching for
// pattern-based start codes. Others may not need much peek distance at
// all, such as when headers at the start of each AU indicate the length
// of the AU.
// This InStreamPeeker takes ownership of in_stream_to_wrap and does not
// provide any direct access to in_stream_to_wrap, since the read-ahead
// performed by this instance would only confuse any direct use of
// in_stream_to_wrap.
// The in_stream_to_wrap is only called during ReadBytes() or PeekBytes(),
// using the same thread as those calls are made on.
// The first three parameters to this constructor are for consistency in
// threading across all InStream types. We want the InStream base class to
// be able to assert that methods are being called on the correct thread, etc.
InStreamPeeker(async::Loop* fidl_loop, thrd_t fidl_thread,
sys::ComponentContext* component_context,
std::unique_ptr<InStream> in_stream_to_wrap, uint32_t max_peek_bytes);
~InStreamPeeker() override;
uint32_t max_peek_bytes();
// Unlike ReadBytes, PeekBytes() does not advance cursor_position().
// Unlike ReadBytes, PeekBytes() provides a memory address at which the caller
// can observe peeked data. The *peek_buffer_out pointer remains valid to
// read up to *peek_bytes_out from until the next call to any non-const method
// or destructor of this instance.
// If the timeout is exceeded, ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT is returned, and
// *peek_buffer_out is set to nullptr.
// The *peek_bytes_out may be less than desired_bytes_to_peek only if the end
// of input data is reached and has offset < cursor_position() +
// desired_bytes_to_peek.
zx_status_t PeekBytes(uint32_t desired_bytes_to_peek, uint32_t* peek_bytes_out,
uint8_t** peek_buffer_out,
zx::time just_fail_deadline = zx::time::infinite());
// Discard previously-peeked and not-yet-read/not-yet-tossed bytes.
// This will assert in debug that bytes_to_toss is consistent with having
// previously been peeked, but /may/ not catch all cases where this is called
// incorrectly without a previous peek of all these bytes.
// The caller must only call this for bytes which were previously peeked.
void TossPeekedBytes(uint32_t bytes_to_toss);
// This InStream sub-class guarantees that reads which only read previously
// peeked bytes will be satisfied in their entirety. Reads beyond previously
// peeked bytes can be short like usual.
zx_status_t ReadBytesInternal(uint32_t max_bytes_to_read, uint32_t* bytes_read_out,
uint8_t* buffer_out, zx::time just_fail_deadline) override;
zx_status_t ResetToStartInternal(zx::time just_fail_deadline) override;
zx_status_t ReadMoreIfPossible(uint32_t bytes_to_read_if_possible, zx::time just_fail_deadline);
void PropagateEosKnown();
// Set at construction time.
const std::unique_ptr<InStream> in_stream_;
const uint32_t max_peek_bytes_ = 0;
// max_peek_bytes_ rounded up to next PAGE_SIZE
uint64_t vmo_size_bytes_;
uint32_t write_offset_ = 0;
uint32_t read_offset_ = 0;
uint32_t valid_bytes_ = 0;
uint8_t* ring_base_ = nullptr;
zx::vmo ring_vmo_;
// We need to ensure that reads via one mapping are done before writes via the
// other mapping, and that writes via one mapping are done before reads via
// the other mapping. In both places, we care about both release and acquire,
// so we read-modify-write this atomic using memory_order_acq_rel both before
// and after writing to the ring.
// The actual writes and reads are all occuring on a single ordering domain
// (such as a single thread, or guaranteed sequential method calls), it's just
// that the reads and writes via different mappings is the sort of aliasing
// that compiler optimizations like to pretend can't exist.
// To understand how this helps, it may help to consider the analogous case
// where writes to a buffer are performed by a different thread, and the
// release/acquire separating the reads from writes is a lock release by one
// thread and lock acquire by another thread.
std::atomic<uint32_t> ring_memory_fence_;
// Double-map a VMO that's at least max_peek_bytes in size, with the two
// mappings adjacent in VA space. This treats the VMO as a ring buffer, with
// the adjacent double mapping permitting contiguous VA access to any portion
// of the ring buffer including portions that would normally need to be split
// into two pieces due to crossing the end of the buffer and continuing at the
// start of the buffer.
// The ring_vmar_ is 2x the size of ring_vmo_, to make room to double-map the
// ring_vmo_.
zx::vmar ring_vmar_;