blob: cee05a24ff8dce1e9194a9b3a628dbc40df9f619 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/tuning/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_device.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_tuner_impl.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/analysis/analysis.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/analysis/generators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/comparators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/hermetic_audio_test.h"
using ASF = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat;
using AudioRenderUsage = fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage;
namespace media::audio::test {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kNumPacketsInPayload = 50;
constexpr size_t kDebugFramesPerPacket = 480;
// The one-sided filter width of the SincSampler.
constexpr size_t kSincSamplerHalfFilterWidth = 13;
// The length of gain ramp for each volume change.
// Must match the constant in audio_core.
constexpr zx::duration kVolumeRampDuration = zx::msec(5);
} // namespace
template <ASF SampleType>
class AudioRendererPipelineTest : public HermeticAudioTest {
static constexpr size_t kOutputFrameRate = 48000;
static constexpr size_t kNumChannels = 2;
static size_t PacketsToFrames(size_t num_packets, size_t frame_rate) {
return num_packets * frame_rate * RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs / 1000;
void SetUp() override {
// The output can store exactly 1s of audio data.
auto format = Format::Create<SampleType>(2, kOutputFrameRate).take_value();
output_ = CreateOutput({{0xff, 0x00}}, format, kOutputFrameRate);
void TearDown() override {
// None of our tests should underflow.
std::pair<AudioRendererShim<SampleType>*, TypedFormat<SampleType>> CreateRenderer(
size_t frame_rate,
fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage usage = fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage::MEDIA) {
auto format = Format::Create<SampleType>(2, frame_rate).take_value();
return std::make_pair(
CreateAudioRenderer(format, PacketsToFrames(kNumPacketsInPayload, frame_rate), usage),
// All pipeline tests send batches of packets. This method returns the suggested size for
// each batch. We want each batch to be large enough such that the output driver needs to
// wake multiple times to mix the batch -- this ensures we're testing the timing paths in
// the driver. We don't have direct access to the driver's timers, however, we know that
// the driver must wake up at least once every MinLeadTime. Therefore, we return enough
// packets to exceed one MinLeadTime.
std::pair<size_t, size_t> NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(AudioRendererShim<SampleType>* renderer) {
auto min_lead_time = renderer->min_lead_time();
FX_CHECK(min_lead_time.get() > 0);
// In exceptional cases, min_lead_time might be smaller than one packet.
// Ensure we have at least a handful of packets.
auto num_packets =
std::max(5lu, static_cast<size_t>(min_lead_time / zx::msec(RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs)));
FX_CHECK(num_packets < kNumPacketsInPayload);
return std::make_pair(num_packets,
PacketsToFrames(num_packets, renderer->format().frames_per_second()));
VirtualOutput<SampleType>* output_ = nullptr;
using AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16 = AudioRendererPipelineTest<ASF::SIGNED_16>;
using AudioRendererPipelineTestFloat = AudioRendererPipelineTest<ASF::FLOAT>;
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16, RenderSameFrameRate) {
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
const auto [num_packets, num_frames] = NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(renderer);
auto input_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// The ring buffer should match the input buffer for the first num_packets.
// The remaining bytes should be zeros.
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer, 0, num_frames), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, num_frames, output_->frame_count()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16, RenderFasterFrameRate) {
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate * 2);
const auto [num_packets, num_frames] = NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(renderer);
constexpr int16_t kSampleVal = 0xabc;
auto input_buffer = GenerateConstantAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames, kSampleVal);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// Output is 2x slower, therefore has half as many frames.
auto expected = GenerateConstantAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames / 2, kSampleVal);
// The ring buffer should contain data followed by silence. Because this test uses
// a different frame rate for the renderer vs the output device, we will use the
// SincSampler, which emits the first frame one half "filter width" early then takes
// one more half filter width to settle at the expected value.
auto data_start = kSincSamplerHalfFilterWidth;
auto data_end = expected.NumFrames() - kSincSamplerHalfFilterWidth;
auto silence_start = expected.NumFrames() + kSincSamplerHalfFilterWidth;
auto silence_end = output_->frame_count() - kSincSamplerHalfFilterWidth;
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, data_start, data_end),
AudioBufferSlice(&expected, data_start, data_end), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, silence_start, silence_end),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16, RenderSlowerFrameRate) {
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate / 2);
const auto [num_packets, num_frames] = NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(renderer);
constexpr int16_t kSampleVal = 0xabc;
auto input_buffer = GenerateConstantAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames, kSampleVal);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// Output is 2x faster, therefore has twice as many frames.
auto expected = GenerateConstantAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames * 2, kSampleVal);
// The ring buffer should contain data followed by silence. Because this test uses
// a different frame rate for the renderer vs the output device, we will use the
// SincSampler, which takes one "filter width" to settle at the expected value.
// We ignore that settling time.
// Also, since the renderer is 2x slower than the output, the filter is effectively
// expanded to 2x larger in the output (plus one to round fractional frames).
auto filter_half_width = 2 * kSincSamplerHalfFilterWidth + 1;
auto data_start = filter_half_width;
auto data_end = expected.NumFrames() - filter_half_width;
auto silence_start = expected.NumFrames() + filter_half_width;
auto silence_end = output_->frame_count() - filter_half_width;
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, data_start, data_end),
AudioBufferSlice(&expected, data_start, data_end), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, silence_start, silence_end),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16, DiscardDuringPlayback) {
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
const auto kPacketFrames = PacketsToFrames(1, kOutputFrameRate);
auto min_lead_time = renderer->min_lead_time();
// Add extra packets to allow for scheduling delay to reduce flakes in debug mode. See
constexpr auto kSchedulingDelayInPackets = 10;
const auto min_lead_time_in_packets =
(min_lead_time / zx::msec(RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs)) + kSchedulingDelayInPackets;
// This test writes to the ring buffer as follows:
// 1. The first step starts writing num_packets to the front of the ring buffer, but
// interrupts and discards after two packets have been written. Because of races,
// it's possible that more than two packets will have been written at the moment
// the remaining packets are discarded.
// +---+---+ ... +
// | P | P | maybe empty |
// +---+---+ ... +
// ^..... num_packets .....^
// 2. The second step writes another num_packets, starting at least min_lead_time after
// the second packet:
// +---+---+ ... +---+ ... +
// | P | P | maybe empty | P | ... |
// +---+---+ ... +---+ ... +
// ^ min_lead_time ^
// +kSchedulingDelay
// ^..... num_packets .....^..... num_packets .....^
// Note that 1 PTS == 1 frame.
// To further simplify, all of the above sizes are integer numbers of packets.
const int64_t first_packet = 0;
const int64_t restart_packet = 2 + min_lead_time_in_packets;
const int64_t first_pts = first_packet * kPacketFrames;
const int64_t restart_pts = restart_packet * kPacketFrames;
const auto [num_packets, num_frames] = NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(renderer);
// Load the renderer with lots of packets, but interrupt after two of them.
auto first_input = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto first_packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&first_input}, first_pts);
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, {first_packets[0], first_packets[1]});
"DiscardAllPackets", []() { AUDIO_LOG(DEBUG) << "DiscardAllPackets #1 complete"; }));
// The entire first two packets must have been written. Subsequent packets may have been partially
// written, depending on exactly when the DiscardAllPackets command is received. The remaining
// bytes should be zeros.
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "first_input, first packet";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, 2 * kPacketFrames),
AudioBufferSlice(&first_input, 0, 2 * kPacketFrames), opts);
opts.test_label = "first_input, third packet onwards";
opts.partial = true;
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 2 * kPacketFrames, output_->frame_count()),
AudioBufferSlice(&first_input, 2 * kPacketFrames, output_->frame_count()),
opts.partial = false;
// After interrupting the stream without stopping, now play another sequence of packets starting
// at least "min_lead_time" after the last audio frame previously written to the ring buffer.
// Between Left|Right, initial data values were odd|even; these are even|odd, for quick contrast
// when visually inspecting the buffer.
const int16_t restart_data_value = 0x4000;
auto second_input =
GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames, restart_data_value);
auto second_packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&second_input}, restart_pts);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, second_packets);
// The ring buffer should contain first_input for 10ms (one packet), then partially-written data
// followed by zeros until restart_pts, then second_input (num_packets), then the remaining bytes
// should be zeros.
ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
opts.test_label = "first packet, after the second write";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, 2 * kPacketFrames),
AudioBufferSlice(&first_input, 0, 2 * kPacketFrames), opts);
opts.test_label = "space between the first packet and second_input";
opts.partial = true;
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 2 * kPacketFrames, restart_pts),
AudioBufferSlice(&first_input, 2 * kPacketFrames, restart_pts), opts);
opts.test_label = "second_input";
opts.partial = false;
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, restart_pts, restart_pts + num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&second_input, 0, num_frames), opts);
opts.test_label = "silence after second_input";
AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, restart_pts + num_frames, output_->frame_count()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16, RampOnGainChanges) {
fuchsia::media::audio::VolumeControlPtr volume;
fuchsia::media::Usage::WithRenderUsage(AudioRenderUsage::MEDIA), volume.NewRequest());
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
const auto num_packets = kNumPacketsInPayload;
const auto num_frames = PacketsToFrames(num_packets, kOutputFrameRate);
const int16_t kSampleFullVolume = 0x0200;
const int16_t kSampleHalfVolume = 0x0010;
auto input_buffer = GenerateConstantAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames, kSampleFullVolume);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
auto start_time = renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
// Wait until a few packets are rendered, then raise the volume to 1.0.
auto start_delay = zx::time(start_time) - zx::clock::get_monotonic();
RunLoopWithTimeout(start_delay + zx::msec((num_packets / 2) * RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs));
// Now wait for all packets to be rendered.
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// The output should contain a sequence at half volume, followed by a ramp,
// followed by a sequence at full volume. Verify that the length of the ramp
// matches the expected ramp duration.
size_t start = ring_buffer.NumFrames() - 1;
for (;; start--) {
if (ring_buffer.SampleAt(start, 0) == kSampleHalfVolume) {
if (start == 0) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "could not find half volume sample 0x" << std::hex << kSampleHalfVolume;
ring_buffer.Display(0, 3 * kDebugFramesPerPacket);
size_t end = start + 1;
for (;; end++) {
if (ring_buffer.SampleAt(end, 0) == kSampleFullVolume) {
if (end == ring_buffer.NumFrames() - 1) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "could not find full volume sample 0x" << std::hex << kSampleFullVolume
<< " after frame " << std::dec << start;
ring_buffer.Display(start, kDebugFramesPerPacket);
// The exact length can be off by a fractional frame due to rounding.
const auto ns_per_frame = format.frames_per_ns().Inverse();
const auto dt = zx::nsec(ns_per_frame.Scale(end - start));
const auto tol = zx::nsec(ns_per_frame.Scale(1));
EXPECT_NEAR(kVolumeRampDuration.get(), dt.get(), tol.get())
<< "ramp has length " << (end - start) << " frames, from frame " << start << " to " << end;
// During playback, gain changes should not introduce high-frequency distortion.
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTestFloat, NoDistortionOnGainChanges) {
fuchsia::media::audio::VolumeControlPtr volume;
fuchsia::media::Usage::WithRenderUsage(AudioRenderUsage::MEDIA), volume.NewRequest());
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
const auto kPacketFrames = PacketsToFrames(1, kOutputFrameRate);
size_t num_frames =
std::pow(2, std::floor(std::log2(PacketsToFrames(kNumPacketsInPayload, kOutputFrameRate))));
// At 48kHz, this is 5.33ms per sinusoidal period. This is chosen intentionally to
// (a) not align with volume updates, which happen every 10ms, and (b) include a
// power-of-2 number of frames, to simplify the FFT comparison.
const size_t kFramesPerPeriod = 256;
const size_t freq = num_frames / kFramesPerPeriod;
auto input_buffer = GenerateCosineAudio(format, num_frames, freq);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
auto start_time = renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
// Wait until the first packet will be rendered, then make a few gain toggles.
RunLoopWithTimeout(zx::time(start_time) - zx::clock::get_monotonic());
for (size_t k = 0; k < num_frames / kPacketFrames; k++) {
volume->SetVolume((k % 2) == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.5);
// Now wait for all packets to be rendered.
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
auto output_buffer = AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, input_buffer.NumFrames()).GetChannel(0);
// If we properly ramp gain changes, there should not be very much high-frequency noise.
// For the purpose of this test, we'll define "high-frequency" to be anything at least 4
// octaves above the base frequency.
// The precise amount of noise depends on exactly when the gain toggles are applied,
// which is not deterministic. The noise signature also depends on the length and shape
// of the gain ramp -- any intentional ramping change may break this test.
// As of early Aug 2020, typical noise_ratio values are:
// * 0.05-0.07 without ramping
// * 0.001-0.015 with ramping
std::unordered_set<size_t> highfreqs;
for (size_t f = freq << 4; f < output_buffer.NumFrames() / 2; f++) {
auto result = MeasureAudioFreqs(AudioBufferSlice(&output_buffer), highfreqs);
auto noise_ratio = result.total_magn_signal / result.total_magn_other;
EXPECT_LT(noise_ratio, 0.02) << "\ntotal_magn_highfreq_noise = " << result.total_magn_signal
<< "\ntotal_magn_other = " << result.total_magn_other;
class AudioRendererPipelineUnderflowTest : public HermeticAudioTest {
static constexpr size_t kFrameRate = 48000;
static constexpr auto kPacketFrames = kFrameRate / 100;
static void SetUpTestSuite() {
.audio_core_base_url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
.audio_core_config_data_path = "/pkg/data/audio-core-config-with-sleeper-filter",
: format_(Format::Create<ASF::SIGNED_16>(2, kFrameRate).value()) {}
void SetUp() override {
output_ = CreateOutput({{0xff, 0x00}}, format_, kFrameRate);
renderer_ = CreateAudioRenderer(format_, kFrameRate);
const TypedFormat<ASF::SIGNED_16> format_;
VirtualOutput<ASF::SIGNED_16>* output_ = nullptr;
AudioRendererShim<ASF::SIGNED_16>* renderer_ = nullptr;
// Validate that a slow effects pipeline registers an underflow.
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineUnderflowTest, HasUnderflow) {
// Inject one packet and wait for it to be rendered.
auto input_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format_, kPacketFrames);
auto packets = renderer_->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer_->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer_->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
// Wait an extra 20ms to account for the sleeper filter's delay.
// Expect an underflow.
ExpectInspectMetrics(output_, {
.children =
{"pipeline underflows", {.nonzero_uints = {"count"}}},
class AudioRendererPipelineEffectsTest : public AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16 {
// Matches the value in audio_core_config_with_inversion_filter.json
static constexpr const char* kInverterEffectName = "inverter";
static void SetUpTestSuite() {
.audio_core_base_url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
.audio_core_config_data_path = "/pkg/data/audio-core-config-with-inversion-filter",
void SetUp() override {
void RunInversionFilter(AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16>* audio_buffer_ptr) {
auto& samples = audio_buffer_ptr->samples();
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < samples.size(); sample++) {
samples[sample] = -samples[sample];
fuchsia::media::audio::EffectsControllerSyncPtr effects_controller_;
// Validate that the effects package is loaded and that it processes the input.
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineEffectsTest, RenderWithEffects) {
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
auto [num_packets, num_frames] = NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(renderer);
auto input_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// Simulate running the effect on the input buffer.
// The ring buffer should match the transformed input buffer for the first num_packets.
// The remaining bytes should be zeros.
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer, 0, num_frames), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, num_frames, output_->frame_count()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineEffectsTest, EffectsControllerEffectDoesNotExist) {
fuchsia::media::audio::EffectsController_UpdateEffect_Result result;
zx_status_t status = effects_controller_->UpdateEffect("invalid_effect_name", "disable", &result);
EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(result.err(), fuchsia::media::audio::UpdateEffectError::NOT_FOUND);
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineEffectsTest, EffectsControllerInvalidConfig) {
fuchsia::media::audio::EffectsController_UpdateEffect_Result result;
zx_status_t status =
effects_controller_->UpdateEffect(kInverterEffectName, "invalid config string", &result);
EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(result.err(), fuchsia::media::audio::UpdateEffectError::INVALID_CONFIG);
// Similar to RenderWithEffects, except we send a message to the effect to ask it to disable
// processing.
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineEffectsTest, EffectsControllerUpdateEffect) {
// Disable the inverter; frames should be unmodified.
fuchsia::media::audio::EffectsController_UpdateEffect_Result result;
zx_status_t status = effects_controller_->UpdateEffect(kInverterEffectName, "disable", &result);
EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK);
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
auto [num_packets, num_frames] = NumPacketsAndFramesPerBatch(renderer);
auto input_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// The ring buffer should match the input buffer for the first num_packets. The remaining bytes
// should be zeros.
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer, 0, num_frames), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, num_frames, output_->frame_count()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
class AudioRendererPipelineTuningTest : public AudioRendererPipelineTestInt16 {
// Matches the value in audio_core_config_with_inversion_filter.json
static constexpr const char* kInverterEffectName = "inverter";
static void SetUpTestSuite() {
.audio_core_base_url = "fuchsia-pkg://",
.audio_core_config_data_path = "/pkg/data/audio-core-config-with-inversion-filter",
void SetUp() override {
void RunInversionFilter(AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16>* audio_buffer_ptr) {
auto& samples = audio_buffer_ptr->samples();
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < samples.size(); sample++) {
samples[sample] = -samples[sample];
fuchsia::media::tuning::AudioTunerPtr audio_tuner_;
// Verify the correct output is received before and after update of the OutputPipeline.
// AudioCore is launched with a default profile containing an inversion_filter effect; a renderer
// plays a packet, and the output is verified as inverted. Then, the AudioTuner service is used to
// update the OutputPipeline with a PipelineConfig containing a disabled inversion_filter effect. A
// second packet is played, and the output is verified as having no effects applied.
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTuningTest, CorrectStreamOutputUponUpdatedPipeline) {
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
auto num_packets = 1;
auto num_frames = PacketsToFrames(num_packets, kOutputFrameRate);
// Initiate stream with first packets and send through default OutputPipeline, which has an
// inversion_filter effect enabled.
auto first_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto first_packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&first_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, first_packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// Prepare first buffer for comparison to expected ring buffer.
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "default config, first packet";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&first_buffer), opts);
// Clear payload to avoid overlap of values from old OutputPipeline ringout with values from new
// OutputPipeline.
// Setup new output pipeline details.
auto device_id = AudioDevice::UniqueIdToString({{0xff, 0x00}});
PipelineConfig::MixGroup root{.name = "linearize",
.input_streams =
.effects = {
.lib_name = "",
.effect_name = "inversion_filter",
.instance_name = "inverter",
.effect_config = "disable",
auto pipeline_config = PipelineConfig(root);
auto volume_curve = VolumeCurve::DefaultForMinGain(VolumeCurve::kDefaultGainForMinVolume);
auto device_profile_with_inversion_effect =
ToAudioDeviceTuningProfile(pipeline_config, volume_curve);
// Update PipelineConfig through AudioTuner service.
device_id, std::move(device_profile_with_inversion_effect),
AddCallback("SetAudioDeviceProfile", [](zx_status_t status) { EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK); }));
// Send second set of packets through new OutputPipeline (with inversion effect disabled); play
// packets at least "min_lead_time" after the last audio frame previously written to the ring
// buffer.
auto min_lead_time = renderer->min_lead_time();
// Add extra packets to allow for scheduling delay to reduce flakes in debug mode. See
constexpr auto kSchedulingDelayInPackets = 10;
const auto min_lead_time_in_packets =
(min_lead_time / zx::msec(RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs)) + kSchedulingDelayInPackets;
const int64_t restart_packet = 2 + min_lead_time_in_packets;
const int64_t restart_pts = PacketsToFrames(restart_packet, kOutputFrameRate);
auto second_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto second_packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&second_buffer}, restart_pts);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, second_packets);
ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// Verify the remaining packets have gone through the updated OutputPipeline and thus been
// unmodified, due to the inversion_filter being disabled in the new configuration.
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "updated config, remaining packets";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, restart_pts, restart_pts + num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&second_buffer), opts);
// Verify the correct output is received after update of the specified effect config.
// AudioCore is launched with a default profile containing an inversion_filter effect. The
// AudioTuner service is used to update a specified effect instance's effect configuration, which
// disables the inversion_filter effect present in the default profile. A packet is played, and the
// output is verified as having the inversion_filter effect disabled (no effects applied).
TEST_F(AudioRendererPipelineTuningTest, AudioTunerUpdateEffect) {
// Disable the inverter; frames should be unmodified.
auto device_id = AudioDevice::UniqueIdToString({{0xff, 0x00}});
fuchsia::media::tuning::AudioEffectConfig updated_effect;
device_id, std::move(updated_effect),
AddCallback("SetAudioEffectConfig", [](zx_status_t status) { EXPECT_EQ(status, ZX_OK); }));
auto [renderer, format] = CreateRenderer(kOutputFrameRate);
auto min_lead_time = renderer->min_lead_time();
auto num_packets = min_lead_time / zx::msec(RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs);
auto num_frames = PacketsToFrames(num_packets, kOutputFrameRate);
auto input_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format, num_frames);
auto packets = renderer->AppendPackets({&input_buffer});
renderer->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
// The ring buffer should match the input buffer for the first num_packets. The remaining bytes
// should be zeros.
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kDebugFramesPerPacket;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, num_frames),
AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer, 0, num_frames), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, num_frames, output_->frame_count()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
// /// Overall, need to add tests to validate various Renderer pipeline aspects
// TODO(mpuryear): validate the combinations of NO_TIMESTAMP (Play ref_time,
// Play media_time, packet PTS)
// TODO(mpuryear): validate channelization (future)
// TODO(mpuryear): validate sample format
// TODO(mpuryear): validate various permutations of PtsUnits. Ref clocks?
// TODO(mpuryear): handle EndOfStream?
// TODO(mpuryear): test >1 payload buffer
// TODO(mpuryear): test late packets (no timestamps), gap-then-signal at driver.
// Should include various permutations of MinLeadTime, ContinuityThreshold
// TODO(mpuryear): test packets with timestamps already played -- expect
// truncated-signal at driver
// TODO(mpuryear): test packets with timestamps too late -- expect Renderer
// gap-then-truncated-signal at driver
// TODO(mpuryear): test that no data is lost when Renderer Play-Pause-Play
} // namespace media::audio::test