blob: c3ef66388c344ab6f08da7b13795137febdd07bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/clock.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/gain.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/sinc_sampler.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/analysis/analysis.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/analysis/generators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/clone_mono.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/utils.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/comparators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/hermetic_audio_test.h"
using ASF = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat;
namespace media::audio::test {
class ClockSyncPipelineTest : public HermeticAudioTest {
struct Peak {
size_t index;
float value;
static constexpr size_t kFrameRate = 96000;
static constexpr size_t kPayloadFrames = 2 * kFrameRate; // 2sec ring buffer
static constexpr size_t kPacketFrames = kFrameRate * RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs / 1000;
ClockSyncPipelineTest() : format_(Format::Create<ASF::FLOAT>(1, kFrameRate).value()) {}
void TearDown() {
virtual void Init(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) = 0;
virtual size_t ConvergenceFrames() const = 0;
virtual double NumFramesOutput(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) = 0;
AudioBuffer<ASF::FLOAT> Impulse(float value = 0.5, size_t pre_silence_frames = 0,
size_t post_silence_frames = 0) {
AudioBuffer<ASF::FLOAT> out(format_, pre_silence_frames + 1 + post_silence_frames);
out.samples()[pre_silence_frames] = value;
return out;
AudioBuffer<ASF::FLOAT> FillBuffer(size_t frames, float value = 0.5) {
AudioBuffer<ASF::FLOAT> out(format_, frames);
for (size_t s = 0; s < out.NumSamples(); s++) {
out.samples()[s] = value;
return out;
// For a signal change occurring at frame T, how far BEFORE that frame will the effects of that
// change be reflected in the output. We use no effects; this comes from SincSampler only.
size_t PreRampFrames() {
auto mixer = mixer::SincSampler::Select(format_.stream_type(), format_.stream_type());
return mixer->pos_filter_width().Ceiling();
// For a signal change occurring at frame T, how far AFTER that frame will the output reflect some
// effect of the previous signal. We use no effects; this comes from SincSampler only.
size_t PostRampFrames() {
auto mixer = mixer::SincSampler::Select(format_.stream_type(), format_.stream_type());
return mixer->neg_filter_width().Ceiling();
// Maximum number of frames needed for a transition between two adjacent signals. At the beginning
// of this interval, the output begins to reflect the new signal; only at the end of this interval
// is the full effect shown. During this interval, the output is a cross-fading mixture of the
// preceding signal and the new signal. We use no effects; this comes from SincSampler only.
// These are SOURCE frames, but rates are so near unity that we safely use them interchangeably.
size_t TotalRampFrames() { return PreRampFrames() + PostRampFrames(); }
// Offset of the first audio sample. This should be greater than TotalRampFrames() so that there
// is silence and then transitional frames at the start of the output, following by the signal.
// These are SOURCE frames, but rates are so near unity that we safely use them interchangeably.
size_t OffsetFrames() {
constexpr size_t kFramesOfSilence = 40;
EXPECT_TRUE(kFramesOfSilence > TotalRampFrames())
<< "For effective testing, OffsetFrames must exceed TotalRampFrames()";
return kFramesOfSilence;
// Capture the ring buffer and rotate it leftward by the given offset, so the output starts at [0]
AudioBuffer<ASF::FLOAT> SnapshotRingBuffer(size_t offset_before_output_start) {
auto ring_buffer = output_->SnapshotRingBuffer();
offset_before_output_start %= ring_buffer.NumFrames();
auto shifted =
AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, offset_before_output_start, ring_buffer.NumFrames()).Clone();
shifted.Append(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, offset_before_output_start));
return shifted;
// Return the index of the peak sample, relative to the first frame in the slice.
Peak FindPeak(AudioBufferSlice<ASF::FLOAT> slice) {
EXPECT_TRUE(slice.format().channels() == 1) << "Channels must match";
EXPECT_TRUE(slice.NumFrames() >= 1) << "Slice must contain data";
size_t peak_idx = 0;
float peak_val = slice.SampleAt(0, 0);
for (size_t frame = 1; frame < slice.NumFrames(); ++frame) {
if (auto s = slice.SampleAt(frame, 0); std::abs(s) > std::abs(peak_val)) {
peak_idx = frame;
peak_val = s;
return {.index = peak_idx, .value = peak_val};
// Verify that the clock for this renderer is running at the expected rate
static void CheckClockRate(const zx::clock& clock, int32_t clock_slew_ppm) {
auto ref_clock_result = clock::GetClockDetails(clock);
auto numerator =
auto denominator =
double measured_slew_ppm = (numerator * (1e6 / denominator)) - 1'000'000.0;
// Don't wait for a driver clock to fully settle (a minute or more); accept a tolerance
constexpr double kSlewTolerance = 0.12;
EXPECT_NEAR(measured_slew_ppm, static_cast<double>(clock_slew_ppm),
fabs(clock_slew_ppm * kSlewTolerance));
// Send two impulses separated by frames_between_impulses, using a reference clock with the given
// slew. The output should contain two impulses separated by NumFramesOutput.
// This test validates that time is correctly translated between the two clocks.
// This test validates the following, with two 1-frame impulses during clock synchronization:
// A, The impulses are peak-detected in the output, with expected magnitudes;
// B. The impulse-to-impulse interval is the expected number of frames;
// C. The renderer clock is running at the expected rate.
// All measurements use tolerance ranges except where explicitly stated as exact.
void RunImpulseTest(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t frames_between_impulses) {
constexpr double kInputImpulseMagnitude = 1.0;
constexpr double kOutputImpulseMagnitude = kInputImpulseMagnitude * 0.65;
constexpr bool kDebugOutputImpulseValues = false;
// These should be zero, once lookahead/decay times are properly accounted-for.
const size_t kPreSilenceFrames = PreRampFrames();
const size_t kPostSilenceFrames = PostRampFrames() * 2;
Init(clock_slew_ppm, frames_between_impulses);
// This is a precise timing test, so clocks must converge before we start. This can take
// multiple trips around our ring buffer, so below when calculating the expected start of the
// output signal, we must modulo it with the ring-buffer size.
auto offset_before_input_start = std::max(OffsetFrames(), ConvergenceFrames());
// We use single-frame impulses in the input signal
auto impulse = Impulse(kInputImpulseMagnitude, kPreSilenceFrames, kPostSilenceFrames);
// Play two impulses frames_between_impulses apart.
auto first_input = renderer_->AppendPackets({&impulse}, offset_before_input_start);
auto second_input =
renderer_->AppendPackets({&impulse}, offset_before_input_start + frames_between_impulses);
if constexpr (kDebugOutputImpulseValues) {
auto snapshot = renderer_->payload().Snapshot<ASF::FLOAT>();
snapshot.Display(0, 2 * impulse.NumFrames());
renderer_->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer_->WaitForPackets(this, first_input);
renderer_->WaitForPackets(this, second_input);
auto offset_before_output_start =
static_cast<size_t>(NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, offset_before_input_start));
// Shift the output so that neither "peak detection" range crosses the ring buffer boundary.
auto ring_buffer = SnapshotRingBuffer(offset_before_output_start);
// A. two impulses are detected in the bisected output ring buffer
auto num_frames_output = NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, frames_between_impulses);
auto midpoint = num_frames_output / 2;
auto first_peak = FindPeak(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, midpoint));
auto second_peak = FindPeak(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, midpoint, ring_buffer.NumFrames()));
if constexpr (kDebugOutputImpulseValues) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Found impulse peaks of [" << first_peak.index << "] " << first_peak.value
<< " and [" << midpoint + second_peak.index << "] " << second_peak.value;
auto first_start = first_peak.index - std::min(first_peak.index, PreRampFrames());
auto second_start = midpoint + second_peak.index - PreRampFrames();
ring_buffer.Display(first_start, first_start + TotalRampFrames());
ring_buffer.Display(second_start, second_start + TotalRampFrames());
EXPECT_GE(first_peak.value, kOutputImpulseMagnitude);
EXPECT_GE(second_peak.value, kOutputImpulseMagnitude);
// B. The distance between the two impulses should be num_frames_output.
auto peak_to_peak_frames = (midpoint + second_peak.index) - first_peak.index;
EXPECT_NEAR(static_cast<double>(peak_to_peak_frames), num_frames_output, 1.0);
// C. clock rate check
CheckClockRate(renderer_->reference_clock(), clock_slew_ppm);
// Send a flat signal (step function) of size num_frames_input, using a reference clock with the
// given slew. The output should contain an equivalent step function of size NumFramesOutput.
// Note, the exact values are not important. The primary goal of this test is to ensure the output
// does not have any dropped frames. A buggy mixer might drop frames if there is a gap between mix
// calls, specifically when the destination clock is running faster than the source clock.
// This test validates the following, rendering a step function during clock synchronization:
// A. The output step signal starts at the expected frame;
// B. The output step signal has the expected magnitude for its entirety (no dropouts);
// C. The output step signal ends at the expected frame;
// D. Subsequent output signal (after PostRampFrames) is precisely zero;
// E. The renderer clock is running at the expected rate.
// All measurements use tolerance ranges except where explicitly stated as exact.
void RunStepTest(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) {
constexpr double kInputStepMagnitude = 0.95;
constexpr double kOutputRelativeError = 0.025;
Init(clock_slew_ppm, num_frames_input);
// This is a precise timing test, so clocks must converge before we start. This can take
// multiple trips around our ring buffer, so below when calculating the expected start of the
// output signal, we must modulo it with the ring-buffer size.
auto offset_before_input_start = std::max(OffsetFrames(), ConvergenceFrames());
auto input = FillBuffer(num_frames_input, kInputStepMagnitude);
auto packets = renderer_->AppendPackets({&input}, offset_before_input_start);
renderer_->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer_->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
// NumFramesOutput returns a double. It's OK to truncate this: we insert transition ranges for
// filter TotalRampFrames, between the "must be silence" and "must be non-silence" ranges.
auto offset_before_output_start = static_cast<size_t>(
NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, offset_before_input_start - PreRampFrames()));
// We shift the output so that neither signal range nor silence range cross the ring's edge.
auto ring_buffer = SnapshotRingBuffer(offset_before_output_start);
// The output should contain silence, followed by TotalRampFrames of transition, followed by
// data, followed by TotalRampFrames of transition, followed again by silence. Ultimately we're
// testing that we emit the correct number of output frames. Our test is necessarily imprecise,
// despite our using an input signal that is crisp and maximally detectable, because we ignore
// the sampler's ramp intervals when doing our "signal or silence" checks. To illustrate:
// max PreRampFrames max PostRampFrames
// | | | |
// | V num_frames_input V |
// \ +-----+-------------------------+-----+ |
// \ . |
// \ . |
// | . |
// V num_frames_output (longer) . V
// +-----+-----------------------------+-----+
// In this case, we expect more output frames than input frames. However, since the delta
// is smaller than the maximum PostRampFrames, we cannot be sure if the extra frames are output
// or PostRampFrames. This means we cannot check if the system operated correctly.
// To address this problem, the diff between input and output frames must be greater than the
// TotalRampFrames. This is checked in Init().
// We do not enforce a precise output duration or an exact step magnitude. We draw conservative
// boundaries around the output and verify that no dropped frames occur within the boundaries.
// We do not check data values during the TotalRampFrames transition, because sinc
// filter coefficients have zero-crossings, thus zero data values might be correct during
// transition (if the SRC ratio is 1:1, for example). In our shifted ring-buffer, this ramp
// begins at frame 0 (we include PreRampFrames() of frames of output before the signal begins).
auto num_frames_output = static_cast<size_t>(NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, num_frames_input));
auto data_start = TotalRampFrames(); // signal reaches full strength
auto data_end = num_frames_output; // subsequent silence starts to ramp in
auto silence_start = data_start + num_frames_output; // our signal ramp out is complete
// A. output step starts at expected frame.
// B. magnitude is within tolerance across the entire step range: no dropouts
auto data = AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, data_start, data_end);
CompareAudioBufferOptions compare_opts;
compare_opts.test_label = fxl::StringPrintf("check data (starting at %lu)", data_start);
compare_opts.max_relative_error = kOutputRelativeError;
auto expect = AudioBufferSlice(&input, 0, data_end - data_start);
CompareAudioBuffers(data, expect, compare_opts);
// C. output step ends at expected frame.
// D. subsequent range is entirely silent
auto silence = AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, silence_start, ring_buffer.NumFrames());
ExpectAudioBufferOptions expect_opts;
expect_opts.test_label = fxl::StringPrintf("check silence (starting at %lu)", silence_start);
ExpectSilentAudioBuffer(silence, expect_opts);
// E. clock rate check
CheckClockRate(renderer_->reference_clock(), clock_slew_ppm);
// Send a sine wave using a clock with given slew. The output should be a sine wave at slewed
// frequency. Each sinusoidal period contains (num_frames_to_analyze / input_freq) frames.
// This test validates the following, rendering a sinusoid during clock synchronization:
// A. The output signal's magnitude is essentially unattenuated (within tolerance);
// B. The output signal's center frequency is shifted by exactly the expected amount;
// C. No other frequencies exceed the noise floor threshold (with a few exceptions);
// D. The above-noise-floor frequencies are clustered around the primary output frequency;
// E. The width of that cluster (from leftmost to rightmost) is below a certain "peak width";
// F. The renderer clock is running at the expected rate (within a certain tolerance).
void RunSineTest(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_to_analyze, size_t input_freq) {
constexpr double kInputSineMagnitude = 1.0;
constexpr double kExpectedOutputSineMagnitude = 0.99;
constexpr double kExpectedNoiseFloorDb = -72.0;
constexpr size_t kMaxPeakWidth = 2;
constexpr bool kDebugOutputSineValues = false;
<< "num_frames_to_analyze must be a power of 2";
ASSERT_TRUE(num_frames_to_analyze < kPayloadFrames)
<< "num_frames_to_analyze must fit into the ring-buffer";
Init(clock_slew_ppm, num_frames_to_analyze);
// This is a precise frequency detection test, so clocks must converge before we start. This can
// take multiple trips around our ring buffer, so below when calculating the start of the output
// signal, we must modulo it with the ring-buffer size.
auto offset_before_input_start = ConvergenceFrames();
// For fast input clocks, "output frames written" is less than "input frames consumed".
// To ensure we produce enough output frames for analysis, we repeat the first part of the input
// (specifically, half of the remaining space in the ring buffer).
// We can append this without a discontinuity, because the input signal's frequency guarantees
// that it fits exactly into num_frames_to_analyze frames (thus it can be perfectly looped).
auto actual_num_frames_input =
num_frames_to_analyze + (kPayloadFrames - num_frames_to_analyze) / 2;
auto input =
GenerateCosineAudio(format_, num_frames_to_analyze, input_freq, kInputSineMagnitude);
auto input_prefix =
AudioBufferSlice(&input, 0, actual_num_frames_input - num_frames_to_analyze);
// Verify that this is enough output for our analysis (even after subtracting
// TotalRampFrames)...
ASSERT_TRUE(NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, actual_num_frames_input - TotalRampFrames()) >
// ... and that this additional output doesn't cause us to overrun the ring buffer.
ASSERT_TRUE(NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, actual_num_frames_input) < kPayloadFrames);
auto packets = renderer_->AppendPackets({&input, input_prefix}, offset_before_input_start);
renderer_->PlaySynchronized(this, output_, 0);
renderer_->WaitForPackets(this, packets);
// offset_before_input_start is input frame where signal starts. Add PostRampFrames to get the
// frame where any effect of preceding silence is completely gone. Translate to output frame.
auto offset_before_output_start = static_cast<size_t>(
NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, offset_before_input_start + PostRampFrames()));
// Shift the entire buffer (with wraparound) to produce a full-length signal starting at [0].
auto ring_buffer = SnapshotRingBuffer(offset_before_output_start);
// Compute the slewed frequency in the output.
size_t output_freq = static_cast<double>(input_freq) *
static_cast<double>(num_frames_to_analyze) /
NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, num_frames_to_analyze);
// As the mixer tracks the input clock's position, it may be a little ahead or behind, resulting
// in a cluster of detected frequencies, not just the single expected frequency. Measure this.
auto result =
MeasureAudioFreq(AudioBufferSlice(&ring_buffer, 0, num_frames_to_analyze), output_freq);
// Ensure the FFT has a peak centered on freq.
double peak_magnitude = 0;
size_t peak_freq = 0;
for (size_t freq = 0; freq < result.all_square_magnitudes.size(); ++freq) {
if (auto magn = sqrt(result.all_square_magnitudes[freq]); magn > peak_magnitude) {
peak_magnitude = magn;
peak_freq = freq;
if constexpr (kDebugOutputSineValues) {
double left_max_magn = 0, right_max_magn = 0;
for (ssize_t freq = 0; freq < output_freq; ++freq) {
auto magn = sqrt(result.all_square_magnitudes[freq]);
left_max_magn = std::max(left_max_magn, magn);
for (size_t freq = output_freq + 1; freq < result.all_square_magnitudes.size(); ++freq) {
auto magn = sqrt(result.all_square_magnitudes[freq]);
right_max_magn = std::max(right_max_magn, magn);
printf("\nPeak frequency bin %zu, magnitude %9.6f. left-max %12.9f; right-max %12.9f\n",
peak_freq, peak_magnitude, left_max_magn, right_max_magn);
for (size_t freq = (peak_freq & ~0x07) - 64; freq < (peak_freq & ~0x07) + 64; ++freq) {
if (freq % 8 == 0) {
printf("\n[%zu] ", freq);
printf("%9.6f ", sqrt(result.all_square_magnitudes[freq]));
// A. Input peak magnitude is 1.0. This will leak out to side freqs, but should remain high.
EXPECT_GE(peak_magnitude, kExpectedOutputSineMagnitude);
// B. Output frequency is shifted by the expected amount.
EXPECT_EQ(peak_freq, output_freq) << "magnitude at peak_freq = " << peak_magnitude;
// C. We determine the minimal [peak_start, peak_end] range -- including our center output
// frequency -- such that no frequencies outside it exceed our noise floor.
// D. Our -75 dB noise floor is chosen somewhat arbitrary (12.5 bits of accurate signal).
const double kNoiseFloor = Gain::DbToScale(kExpectedNoiseFloorDb);
size_t peak_start = output_freq;
double left_max_magn = 0;
for (ssize_t freq = output_freq - 1; freq >= 0; --freq) {
auto magn = sqrt(result.all_square_magnitudes[freq]);
left_max_magn = std::max(left_max_magn, magn);
if (magn > kNoiseFloor) {
peak_start = freq;
size_t peak_end = output_freq;
double right_max_magn = 0;
for (size_t freq = output_freq + 1; freq < result.all_square_magnitudes.size(); ++freq) {
auto magn = sqrt(result.all_square_magnitudes[freq]);
right_max_magn = std::max(right_max_magn, magn);
if (magn > kNoiseFloor) {
peak_end = freq;
// E. The peak should be sharply identified, if synchronization is stable & accurate. We
// expressly use a frequency matched to our power-of-2 length (thus require no windowing).
// Our peak width should span a single bin; we round out to 2.
bool peak_meets_requirements = (peak_end - peak_start <= kMaxPeakWidth);
<< "At this noise floor, peak width is " << peak_end - peak_start
<< ". At this width, noise floor is " << std::setprecision(4)
<< std::log10(left_max_magn) * 20.0 << " dB / " << std::log10(right_max_magn) * 20
<< " dB (L/R)";
// F. clock rate check
CheckClockRate(renderer_->reference_clock(), clock_slew_ppm);
const TypedFormat<ASF::FLOAT> format_;
VirtualOutput<ASF::FLOAT>* output_ = nullptr;
AudioRendererShim<ASF::FLOAT>* renderer_ = nullptr;
class MicroSrcPipelineTest : public ClockSyncPipelineTest {
// Expected MicroSRC convergence time, in frames: about 15 mix periods at 10ms per period.
size_t ConvergenceFrames() const override { return 15 * kPacketFrames; }
void Init(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) override {
zx::clock ref_clock = ::media::audio::clock::AdjustableCloneOfMonotonic();
zx::clock::update_args args;
ASSERT_TRUE(ref_clock.update(args) == ZX_OK) << "Clock rate_adjust failed";
// Now that the clock is adjusted, remove ZX_RIGHT_WRITE before sending it (AudioCore never
// adjusts client-submitted clocks anyway, but this makes it truly impossible).
ref_clock = audio::clock::DuplicateClock(ref_clock).take_value();
// Buffer up to 2s of data.
output_ = CreateOutput({{0xff, 0x00}}, format_, kPayloadFrames);
renderer_ = CreateAudioRenderer(format_, kPayloadFrames,
fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage::MEDIA, std::move(ref_clock));
// Any initial offset, plus the signal, should fit entirely into the ring buffer
auto offset_before_input_start = std::max(OffsetFrames(), ConvergenceFrames());
ASSERT_TRUE(num_frames_input + offset_before_input_start < kPayloadFrames)
<< "input signal is too big for the ring buffer";
if (clock_slew_ppm) {
// In Impulse/Step testing, the length change must exceed transition time, to be detectable.
size_t num_frames_output = NumFramesOutput(clock_slew_ppm, num_frames_input);
ASSERT_TRUE(std::abs(static_cast<ssize_t>(num_frames_input - num_frames_output)) >
<< "Change in signal length is too small to be detectable";
double NumFramesOutput(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) override {
return static_cast<double>(num_frames_input) *
(1e6 / (1e6 + static_cast<double>(clock_slew_ppm)));
class AdjustableClockPipelineTest : public ClockSyncPipelineTest {
// Expected device clock convergence time in frames.
size_t ConvergenceFrames() const override { return 13 * kFrameRate; }
void Init(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) override {
// Specify the clock rate for the output device.
constexpr int32_t kMonotonicDomain = 0;
constexpr int32_t kNonMonotonicDomain = 1;
DeviceClockProperties clock_properties = {
.domain = (clock_slew_ppm ? kNonMonotonicDomain : kMonotonicDomain),
.initial_rate_adjustment_ppm = clock_slew_ppm,
// Buffer up to 2s of data.
output_ =
CreateOutput({{0xff, 0x00}}, format_, kPayloadFrames, std::nullopt, 0.0, clock_properties);
// With this uninitialized clock, instruct AudioRenderer to use AudioCore's clock.
renderer_ = CreateAudioRenderer(format_, kPayloadFrames,
fuchsia::media::AudioRenderUsage::MEDIA, zx::clock());
double NumFramesOutput(int32_t clock_slew_ppm, size_t num_frames_input) override {
return num_frames_input;
// Use these to debug the tests in the absence of rate-adjustment
// TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, ImpulseBaseline) { RunImpulseTest(0, kFrameRate); }
// TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, StepBaseline) { RunStepTest(0, kFrameRate); }
// TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, SineBaseline) { RunSineTest(0, 131072, 20000); }
// TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, ImpulseBaseline) { RunImpulseTest(0, kFrameRate); }
// TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, StepBaseline) { RunStepTest(0, kFrameRate); }
// TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, SineBaseline) { RunSineTest(0, 131072, 20000); }
// The maximum clock skew is +/-1000 PPM. These tests use a skew less than the maximum, so the two
// sides have a chance to converge (at the maximum, the slow side can never fully catch up).
// To be discernable from the TotalRampFrames interval, the skew must also be > 291 PPM.
// At 96k rate, to make the offset an exact integer, clock skew should be a multiple of 125.
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, ImpulseUp500) { RunImpulseTest(500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, ImpulseUp875) { RunImpulseTest(875, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, ImpulseDown500) { RunImpulseTest(-500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, ImpulseUp500) { RunImpulseTest(500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, ImpulseDown500) { RunImpulseTest(-500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, StepUp500) { RunStepTest(500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, StepDown500) { RunStepTest(-500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, StepDown625) { RunStepTest(-625, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, StepUp500) { RunStepTest(500, kFrameRate); }
TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, StepDown500) { RunStepTest(-500, kFrameRate); }
// For best precision in measuring resultant signal frequency, input signal frequency should be
// high, but with room for upward slew without approaching the Nyquist limit(num_input_frames/2).
// Input frequency is a multiple of slew, to make expected resultant frequency a round number.
// Sine test input buffer length: the largest power-of-2 (in frames) that fits into 2 secs @ 96kHz.
// The numbers below work out to a frequency of 20k / (131072/96kHz) = 14.648 kHz.
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, SineUp500) { RunSineTest(500, 131072, 20000); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, SineDown500) { RunSineTest(-500, 131072, 20000); }
TEST_F(MicroSrcPipelineTest, SineDown750) { RunSineTest(-750, 131072, 20000); }
TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, SineUp500) { RunSineTest(500, 131072, 20000); }
TEST_F(AdjustableClockPipelineTest, SineDown500) { RunSineTest(-500, 131072, 20000); }
} // namespace media::audio::test