blob: ec1ca9cdf98141ec560c80c1ad3cad2a330db505 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "lib/media/audio/cpp/types.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/analysis/generators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/comparators.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/test/hermetic_audio_test.h"
using ASF = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat;
using StreamPacket = fuchsia::media::StreamPacket;
namespace media::audio::test {
namespace {
struct CapturedPacket {
int64_t pts;
AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16> data;
// Represents a pointer to a specific frame in a vector of packets.
using PacketAndFrameIdx = std::pair<std::vector<CapturedPacket>::const_iterator, size_t>;
// Represents an AudioRenderer along with its input packets.
struct RendererHolder {
AudioRendererShim<ASF::SIGNED_16>* renderer;
RendererShimImpl::PacketVector input_packets;
} // namespace
class AudioCapturerPipelineTest : public HermeticAudioTest {
static constexpr size_t kFrameRate = 48000;
static constexpr size_t kPacketFrames = kFrameRate / 1000 * RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs;
const TypedFormat<ASF::SIGNED_16> format_;
AudioCapturerPipelineTest() : format_(Format::Create<ASF::SIGNED_16>(2, kFrameRate).value()) {}
void SetUp() {
// The payloads can store exactly 1s of audio data.
input_ = CreateInput({{0xff, 0x00}}, format_, kFrameRate);
capturer_ = CreateAudioCapturer(format_, kFrameRate,
void TearDown() {
// None of our tests should underflow.
VirtualInput<ASF::SIGNED_16>* input_ = nullptr;
AudioCapturerShim<ASF::SIGNED_16>* capturer_ = nullptr;
TEST_F(AudioCapturerPipelineTest, CaptureWithPts) {
constexpr auto num_packets = 1;
constexpr auto num_frames = num_packets * kPacketFrames;
constexpr int16_t first_sample = 1;
// Start capturing from the input device.
std::optional<int64_t> first_capture_pts;
std::optional<int64_t> last_capture_pts;
AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16> capture_buffer(format_, 0);
capturer_->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = [this, &first_capture_pts, &last_capture_pts,
&capture_buffer](StreamPacket p) mutable {
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_buffer_id, 0u);
if (!first_capture_pts) {
first_capture_pts = p.pts;
} else {
last_capture_pts = p.pts;
auto data = capturer_->SnapshotPacket(p);
capture_buffer.samples().insert(capture_buffer.samples().end(), data.samples().begin(),
// Write data to the input ring_buffer which should be readable 100ms from now.
// This gives us plenty of time to start the capturer before the data will be read.
auto start_time = zx::clock::get_monotonic() + zx::msec(100);
auto input_frame = input_->RingBufferFrameAtTimestamp(start_time);
auto input_buffer = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format_, num_frames, first_sample);
input_->WriteRingBufferAt(input_frame, AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer));
// Wait until the last input packet has been captured.
auto end_time = start_time + zx::msec(num_packets * RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs);
RunLoopUntil([&last_capture_pts, end_time]() {
return last_capture_pts && last_capture_pts > end_time.get();
// Stop the capture so we don't overflow while running the following tests.
capturer_->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = nullptr;
// The captured data should be silence up to start_time, followed by the input_buffer,
// followed by more silence.
auto data_start_frame = format_.frames_per_ns().Scale(start_time.get() - *first_capture_pts);
if (capture_buffer.SampleAt(data_start_frame, 0) != first_sample) {
// Since captured packets are not perfectly aligned with the input ring buffer,
// the start frame might be off by one.
if (capture_buffer.SampleAt(data_start_frame - 1, 0) == first_sample) {
} else if (capture_buffer.SampleAt(data_start_frame + 1, 0) == first_sample) {
} else {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Start frame not found, expected at frame " << data_start_frame << " +/- 1";
auto data_end_frame = data_start_frame + num_frames;
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kPacketFrames;
opts.test_label = "check first silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&capture_buffer, 0, data_start_frame),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&capture_buffer, data_start_frame, data_end_frame),
AudioBufferSlice(&input_buffer, 0, num_frames), opts);
opts.test_label = "check second silence";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&capture_buffer, data_end_frame, capture_buffer.NumFrames()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
class AudioLoopbackPipelineTest : public HermeticAudioTest {
static constexpr size_t kFrameRate = 48000;
static constexpr size_t kPacketFrames = kFrameRate / 1000 * RendererShimImpl::kPacketMs;
const TypedFormat<ASF::SIGNED_16> format_;
AudioLoopbackPipelineTest() : format_(Format::Create<ASF::SIGNED_16>(2, kFrameRate).value()) {}
void TearDown() override {
// None of our tests should overflow or underflow.
std::optional<PacketAndFrameIdx> FindFirstFrame(const std::vector<CapturedPacket>& packets,
int16_t first_sample_value) {
for (auto p = packets.begin(); p != packets.end(); p++) {
for (size_t f = 0; f < p->data.NumFrames(); f++) {
if (p->data.SampleAt(f, 0) == first_sample_value) {
return std::make_pair(p, f);
return std::nullopt;
// Start one renderer for each input and have each renderer play their inputs simulaneously,
// then validate that the captured output matches the given expected_output.
void RunTest(std::vector<AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16>> inputs,
AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16> expected_output) {
FX_CHECK(inputs.size() > 0);
// The output device, renderers, and capturer can each store exactly 1s of audio data.
CreateOutput({{0xff, 0x00}}, format_, kFrameRate);
auto capturer = CreateAudioCapturer(format_, kFrameRate,
// Create one renderer per input.
std::vector<RendererHolder> renderers;
size_t num_input_frames = 0;
for (auto& i : inputs) {
auto r = CreateAudioRenderer(format_, kFrameRate);
renderers.push_back({r, r->AppendPackets({&i})});
num_input_frames = std::max(num_input_frames, i.NumFrames());
// Collect all captured packets.
std::vector<CapturedPacket> captured_packets;
capturer->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = [capturer, &captured_packets](StreamPacket p) {
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_buffer_id, 0u);
.pts = p.pts,
.data = capturer->SnapshotPacket(p),
// Play inputs starting at `now + min_lead_time + tolerance`, where tolerance estimates
// the maximum scheduling delay between reading the clock and the last call to Play.
// The tolerance is somewhat large to reduce flakes on debug builds.
zx::duration min_lead_time;
for (auto& r : renderers) {
min_lead_time = std::max(min_lead_time, r.renderer->min_lead_time());
const auto tolerance = zx::msec(70);
auto start_time = zx::clock::get_monotonic() + min_lead_time + tolerance;
for (auto& r : renderers) {
r.renderer->Play(this, start_time, 0);
for (auto& r : renderers) {
r.renderer->WaitForPackets(this, r.input_packets);
// Wait until we've captured a packet with pts > start_time + audio duration + 1 packet. The
// extra packet is included to ensure there is silence after the captured audio -- this helps
// verify that we capture the correct amount of data. Note that PTS is relative to the
// capturer's clock, which defaults to the system mono clock.
// We add an extra frame to "audio duration + 1 packet" because in practice the actual start
// time might be misaligned by a fractional frame.
auto ns_per_frame = format_.frames_per_ns().Inverse();
auto end_time = start_time + zx::nsec(ns_per_frame.Scale(num_input_frames + kPacketFrames + 1));
RunLoopUntil([&captured_packets, end_time]() {
return captured_packets.size() > 0 && captured_packets.back().pts > end_time.get();
// Find the first output frame.
auto first_output_value = expected_output.samples()[0];
auto first_output_frame = FindFirstFrame(captured_packets, first_output_value);
ASSERT_FALSE(first_output_frame == std::nullopt)
<< "could not find first data sample 0x" << std::hex << first_output_value
<< " in the captured output";
// The first output frame should have occurred at start_time, although in practice
// the actual time may be off by a fractional frame.
auto [packet_it, frame] = *first_output_frame;
auto first_output_time = zx::time(packet_it->pts) + zx::nsec(ns_per_frame.Scale(frame));
EXPECT_LT(std::abs((start_time - first_output_time).get()), ns_per_frame.Scale(1))
<< "first frame output at unexpected time:"
<< "\n expected time = " << start_time.get()
<< "\n got time = " << first_output_time.get()
<< "\n packet time = " << packet_it->pts;
// Gather the full captured audio into a buffer and compare vs the expected output.
AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16> capture_buffer(format_, 0);
packet_it->data.samples().begin() + frame * format_.channels(),
for (packet_it++; packet_it != captured_packets.end(); packet_it++) {
CompareAudioBufferOptions opts;
opts.num_frames_per_packet = kPacketFrames;
opts.test_label = "check data";
CompareAudioBuffers(AudioBufferSlice(&capture_buffer, 0, expected_output.NumFrames()),
AudioBufferSlice(&expected_output), opts);
opts.test_label = "check silence";
AudioBufferSlice(&capture_buffer, expected_output.NumFrames(), capture_buffer.NumFrames()),
AudioBufferSlice<ASF::SIGNED_16>(), opts);
TEST_F(AudioLoopbackPipelineTest, OneRenderer) {
// With one renderer, the output should match exactly.
auto num_frames = 3 * kPacketFrames;
auto input = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format_, num_frames, 0x40);
RunTest({input}, input);
TEST_F(AudioLoopbackPipelineTest, TwoRenderers) {
// With two renderers, the output should mix the two inputs.
auto num_frames = 3 * kPacketFrames;
auto input0 = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format_, num_frames, 0x40);
auto input1 = GenerateSequentialAudio<ASF::SIGNED_16>(format_, num_frames, 0x1000);
AudioBuffer<ASF::SIGNED_16> out(format_, num_frames);
for (size_t f = 0; f < out.NumFrames(); f++) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < format_.channels(); c++) {
out.samples()[out.SampleIndex(f, c)] = input0.SampleAt(f, c) + input1.SampleAt(f, c);
RunTest({input0, input1}, out);
// Although these tests don't look at packet data, they look at timestamps and rely on
// deadline scheduling, hence this test must be executed on real hardware.
class AudioCapturerReleaseTest : public HermeticAudioTest {
// VMO size is rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4096. These numbers are
// designed so that kNumPackets * kFramesPerPacket rounds up to 4096.
const size_t kNumPackets = 5;
const size_t kFramesPerPacket = (4096 / sizeof(int16_t)) / kNumPackets;
const size_t kBytesPerPacket = kFramesPerPacket * sizeof(int16_t);
const size_t kFrameRate = 8000;
const zx::duration kPacketDuration = zx::nsec(1'000'000'000 * kFramesPerPacket / kFrameRate);
void SetUp() {
auto format = Format::Create<ASF::SIGNED_16>(1, kFrameRate).value();
auto num_frames = kNumPackets * kFramesPerPacket;
capturer_ = CreateAudioCapturer(format, num_frames,
AudioCapturerShim<ASF::SIGNED_16>* capturer_;
// TODO( Remove this test.
TEST_F(AudioCapturerReleaseTest, AsyncCapture_PacketsAutoReleased) {
zx::time start_pts;
size_t count = 0;
capturer_->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = [this, &count,
&start_pts](fuchsia::media::StreamPacket p) {
SCOPED_TRACE(fxl::StringPrintf("packet %lu", count));
// Check that we're receiving the expected packets.
auto pts = zx::time(p.pts);
if (count == 0) {
start_pts = zx::time(p.pts);
} else {
auto got = pts - start_pts;
auto want = kPacketDuration * count;
EXPECT_LT(std::abs(got.get() - want.get()), zx::usec(100).get())
<< "\n expected time: " << want.get() << "\n got time: " << got.get();
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_buffer_id, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_offset, (count % kNumPackets) * kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_size, kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ((count == 0), (p.flags & fuchsia::media::STREAM_PACKET_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) != 0)
<< "\nflags: " << std::hex << p.flags;
// To verify that we're automatically recycling packets, we need to loop
// through the payload buffer at least twice.
const zx::duration kLoopTimeout = zx::sec(10);
RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil([this, &count]() { return ErrorOccurred() || count > 2 * kNumPackets; },
ASSERT_GT(count, 2 * kNumPackets);
// TODO( This will become the default behavior.
class AudioCapturerReleaseNewBehaviorTest : public AudioCapturerReleaseTest {
static void SetUpTestSuite() {
.audio_core_arguments = {"--captures-must-release-packets"},
TEST_F(AudioCapturerReleaseNewBehaviorTest, AsyncCapture_PacketsManuallyReleased) {
zx::time start_pts;
size_t count = 0;
capturer_->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = [this, &count,
&start_pts](fuchsia::media::StreamPacket p) {
SCOPED_TRACE(fxl::StringPrintf("packet %lu", count));
// Check that we're receiving the expected packets.
auto pts = zx::time(p.pts);
if (count == 0) {
start_pts = zx::time(p.pts);
} else {
auto got = pts - start_pts;
auto want = kPacketDuration * count;
EXPECT_LT(std::abs(got.get() - want.get()), zx::msec(1).get())
<< "\n expected time: " << want.get() << "\n got time: " << got.get();
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_buffer_id, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_offset, (count % kNumPackets) * kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_size, kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ((count == 0), (p.flags & fuchsia::media::STREAM_PACKET_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) != 0)
<< "\nflags: " << std::hex << p.flags;
// Manually release.
// To verify that we're automatically recycling packets, we need to loop
// through the payload buffer at least twice.
const zx::duration kLoopTimeout = zx::sec(10);
RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil([this, &count]() { return ErrorOccurred() || count > 2 * kNumPackets; },
ASSERT_GT(count, 2 * kNumPackets);
TEST_F(AudioCapturerReleaseNewBehaviorTest, AsyncCapture_PacketsNotManuallyReleased) {
std::vector<fuchsia::media::StreamPacket> packets;
// Do NOT manually release any packets.
zx::time start_pts;
size_t count = 0;
capturer_->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = [this, &count, &start_pts,
&packets](fuchsia::media::StreamPacket p) {
SCOPED_TRACE(fxl::StringPrintf("packet %lu", count));
// Check that we're receiving the expected packets.
auto pts = zx::time(p.pts);
if (count == 0) {
start_pts = zx::time(p.pts);
} else {
auto got = pts - start_pts;
auto want = kPacketDuration * count;
EXPECT_LT(std::abs(got.get() - want.get()), zx::msec(1).get())
<< "\n expected time: " << want.get() << "\n got time: " << got.get();
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_buffer_id, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_offset, (count % kNumPackets) * kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_size, kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ((count == 0), (p.flags & fuchsia::media::STREAM_PACKET_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) != 0)
<< "\nflags: " << std::hex << p.flags;
// Save so we can release these later.
// We expect exactly kNumPackets.
const zx::duration kLoopTimeout = zx::sec(10);
RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil([this, &count]() { return ErrorOccurred() || count >= kNumPackets; },
// To verify that we don't get additional packets, wait for the duration
// of one more loop through the payload buffer.
RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil([this]() { return ErrorOccurred(); }, kPacketDuration * kNumPackets);
ASSERT_EQ(count, kNumPackets);
// After releasing all packets, we should get at least one more packet.
// This packet has a discontinuous timestamp.
count = 0;
capturer_->fidl().events().OnPacketProduced = [this, &count,
&start_pts](fuchsia::media::StreamPacket p) {
SCOPED_TRACE(fxl::StringPrintf("after release, packet %lu", count));
// All further packets should be some time after the endpoint of the last released packet.
auto pts = zx::time(p.pts) - start_pts;
auto last_end_pts = kPacketDuration * kNumPackets;
EXPECT_GT(pts.get(), last_end_pts.get());
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_buffer_id, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(p.payload_size, kBytesPerPacket);
EXPECT_EQ((count == 0), (p.flags & fuchsia::media::STREAM_PACKET_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY) != 0)
<< "\nflags: " << std::hex << p.flags;
for (auto& p : packets) {
RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil([this, &count]() { return ErrorOccurred() || count > 0; },
ASSERT_GT(count, 0u);
// Since we did not release any of the initial captured packets in a timely manner,
// there should be at least one overflow.
ExpectInspectMetrics(capturer_, {
.children =
{"overflows", {.nonzero_uints = {"count"}}},
////// Need to add similar tests for the Capture pipeline
// TODO(mpuryear): validate signal gets bit-for-bit from driver to capturer
// TODO(mpuryear): test OnPacketProduced timing etc.
// TODO(mpuryear): test OnEndOfStream
// TODO(mpuryear): test ReleasePacket
// TODO(mpuryear): test DiscardAllPackets timing etc.
// TODO(mpuryear): test DiscardAllPacketsNoReply timing etc.
// Also: correct routing of loopback
} // namespace media::audio::test