blob: 0972f06196d80f9f4a6ccddbbefd531982ed50ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/string_printf.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_clock.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mix_stage.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/packet_queue.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/audio_clock_helper.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/packet_factory.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/testing/threading_model_fixture.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/clone_mono.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/clock/testing/clock_test.h"
using testing::Each;
using testing::FloatEq;
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
enum class ClockMode { SAME, WITH_OFFSET, RATE_ADJUST };
enum class Direction { Render, Capture };
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultNumChannels = 2;
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultFrameRate = 48000;
const Format kDefaultFormat =
.sample_format = fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT,
.channels = kDefaultNumChannels,
.frames_per_second = kDefaultFrameRate,
// MixStageClockTest (MicroSrcTest, AdjustableClockTest)
// This set of tests validates how MixStage handles clock synchronization
// Currently, we tune PIDs by running these test cases. Most recent tuning occurred 11/01/2020.
// Two synchronization scenarios are validated:
// 1) Client and device clocks are non-adjustable -- apply micro-SRC (MicroSrcTest)
// 2) Client clock is adjustable -- tune this adjustable client clock (AdjustableClockTest)
// A synchronization aspect using DeviceAdjustable clocks -- device clock recovery, from driver
// position notifications -- is tested in
// Another -- fine-tuning a hardware clock to match a fixed client clock, is not yet implemented.
// With any error detection and adaptive convergence, an initial (primary) error is usually followed
// by a smaller "correction overshoot" (secondary) error of opposite magnitude.
// Current worst-case position error deviation, based on current PID coefficients:
// Major (immediate response) Minor (overshoot)
// Worst-case error: 10-nsec-per-ppm-change ~1 nsec-per-ppm-change
// Occurring after: 10-20 msec 50-100 msec
// Thus in the absolute worst-case scenario, a rate change of 2000ppm (from -1000 adjusted, to
// +1000 adjusted) should cause worst-case desync position error of less than 20 microseconds --
// about 1 frame at 48kHz.
// Note: these are subject to change as we tune the PID coefficients for best performance.
// These multipliers (scaled by rate_adjust_ppm) determine worst-case primary/secondary error
// limits. Error is calculated by: taking the Actual long-running source position (maintained from
// the amount advanced in each Mix call) and subtracting the Expected source position (calculated by
// converting dest frame through dest and source clocks to fractional source). Thus if our Expected
// (clock-derived) source position is too high, we calculate a NEGATIVE position error.
// Why are MicroSrc/Adjustable different signs? For MicroSrc we rate-adjust a source (client) clock;
// for Adjustable we rate-adjust a dest (device) clock. The error-causing effect of a fast clock,
// when translating TO it, is the inverse of the error-causing effect when translating AWAY FROM it.
static constexpr float kMicroSrcPrimaryErrPpmMultiplier = -10.01; // positive err? consume slower
static constexpr float kAdjustablePrimaryErrPpmMultiplier = 35.0; // positive err? speed up source
// (or slow down dest)
static constexpr float kMicroSrcSecondaryErrPpmMultiplier = 0.9;
static constexpr float kAdjustableSecondaryErrPpmMultiplier = -25;
static constexpr int32_t kMicroSrcLimitMixCountOneUsecErr = 4;
static constexpr int32_t kAdjustableLimitMixCountOneUsecErr = 125;
static constexpr int32_t kMicroSrcLimitMixCountOnePercentErr = 12;
static constexpr int32_t kAdjustableLimitMixCountOnePercentErr = 175;
static constexpr int32_t kMicroSrcMixCountUntilSettled = 15;
static constexpr int32_t kAdjustableMixCountUntilSettled = 180;
// We validate Micro-SRC much faster than real-time, so we can test settling for much longer.
static constexpr int32_t kMicroSrcMixCountSettledVerificationPeriod = 1000;
static constexpr int32_t kAdjustableMixCountSettledVerificationPeriod = 20;
// Error thresholds
static constexpr auto kMicroSrcLimitSettledErr = zx::duration(15);
static constexpr auto kAdjustableLimitSettledErr = zx::duration(100);
// When tuning a new set of PID coefficients, set this to enable additional logging.
constexpr bool kDisplayForPidCoefficientsTuning = false;
constexpr bool kTraceClockSyncConvergence = false;
class MixStageClockTest : public testing::ThreadingModelFixture {
// We measure long-running position across mixes of 10ms (our block size).
// TODO( If our mix timeslice shortens, adjust the below and retune the PIDs.
static constexpr zx::duration kClockSyncMixDuration = zx::msec(10);
static constexpr uint32_t kFramesToMix =
kDefaultFrameRate * kClockSyncMixDuration.to_msecs() / 1000;
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> device_ref_to_fixed_;
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> client_ref_to_fixed_;
void VerifySync(ClockMode clock_mode, int32_t rate_adjust_ppm = 0);
virtual void SetRateLimits(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm);
zx::duration PrimaryErrorLimit(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) {
return zx::duration(rate_adjust_ppm * primary_err_ppm_multiplier_);
zx::duration SecondaryErrorLimit(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) {
return zx::duration(rate_adjust_ppm * secondary_err_ppm_multiplier_);
virtual void SetClocks(ClockMode clock_mode, int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) = 0;
void ConnectStages();
void SyncTest(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm);
std::shared_ptr<MixStage> mix_stage_;
std::shared_ptr<Mixer> mixer_;
std::optional<AudioClock> client_clock_;
std::optional<AudioClock> device_clock_;
bool wait_for_mixes_; // Does this sync mode require MONOTONIC time to pass between mixes.
int32_t total_mix_count_;
int32_t limit_mix_count_settled_;
int32_t limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_;
int32_t limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_;
float primary_err_ppm_multiplier_;
float secondary_err_ppm_multiplier_;
zx::duration upper_limit_src_pos_err_;
zx::duration lower_limit_src_pos_err_;
zx::duration one_usec_err_; // The smaller of one microsec, and our settled err value.
zx::duration one_percent_err_; // 1% of the maximum allowed primary error
zx::duration limit_settled_err_; // Largest err allowed during final kMixCountSettled mixes.
Direction direction_; // Does data flow client->device (Render) or device->client (Capture)
// MicroSrcTest uses a custom client clock, with a default non-adjustable device clock. This
// combination forces AudioCore to use "micro-SRC" to reconcile any rate differences.
class MicroSrcTest : public MixStageClockTest, public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Direction> {
static constexpr zx::duration kClockOffset = zx::sec(42);
void SetUp() override {
direction_ = GetParam();
void SetRateLimits(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) override {
wait_for_mixes_ = false; // no zx::clock rate_adjust usage: runs faster than real-time
primary_err_ppm_multiplier_ = kMicroSrcPrimaryErrPpmMultiplier;
secondary_err_ppm_multiplier_ = kMicroSrcSecondaryErrPpmMultiplier;
limit_mix_count_settled_ = kMicroSrcMixCountUntilSettled;
total_mix_count_ = limit_mix_count_settled_ + kMicroSrcMixCountSettledVerificationPeriod;
limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_ = kMicroSrcLimitMixCountOneUsecErr;
limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_ = kMicroSrcLimitMixCountOnePercentErr;
limit_settled_err_ = kMicroSrcLimitSettledErr;
// Establish reference clocks and ref-clock-to-fixed-frame transforms for both client and device,
// depending on which synchronization mode is being tested.
void SetClocks(ClockMode clock_mode, int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) override {
device_ref_to_fixed_ = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(
0, zx::clock::get_monotonic().get(), Fixed(kDefaultFormat.frames_per_second()).raw_value(),
device_clock_ =
AudioClock::DeviceFixed(clock::CloneOfMonotonic(), AudioClock::kMonotonicDomain);
zx::time source_start = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
clock::testing::ClockProperties clock_props;
if (clock_mode == ClockMode::WITH_OFFSET) {
source_start += kClockOffset;
clock_props = {.start_val = source_start};
} else if (clock_mode == ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST) {
clock_props = {.rate_adjust_ppm = rate_adjust_ppm};
client_ref_to_fixed_ = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(
0, source_start.get(), Fixed(kDefaultFormat.frames_per_second()).raw_value(),
auto raw_clock = clock::testing::CreateCustomClock(clock_props).take_value();
client_clock_ = AudioClock::ClientFixed(std::move(raw_clock));
// AdjustableClockTest uses the AudioCore flexible client clock along with a non-adjustable device
// clock. AudioCore will adjust the flexible clock to reconcile any rate differences.
class AdjustableClockTest : public MixStageClockTest,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<Direction> {
static constexpr uint32_t kNonMonotonicDomain = 42;
static constexpr zx::duration kClockOffset = zx::sec(68);
void SetUp() override {
direction_ = GetParam();
void SetRateLimits(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) override {
wait_for_mixes_ = true; // zx::clock rate_adjust can only be used in real time
primary_err_ppm_multiplier_ = kAdjustablePrimaryErrPpmMultiplier;
secondary_err_ppm_multiplier_ = kAdjustableSecondaryErrPpmMultiplier;
limit_mix_count_settled_ = kAdjustableMixCountUntilSettled;
total_mix_count_ = limit_mix_count_settled_ + kAdjustableMixCountSettledVerificationPeriod;
limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_ = kAdjustableLimitMixCountOneUsecErr;
limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_ = kAdjustableLimitMixCountOnePercentErr;
limit_settled_err_ = kAdjustableLimitSettledErr;
// Establish reference clocks and ref-clock-to-fixed-frame transforms for both client and device,
// depending on which synchronization mode is being tested.
void SetClocks(ClockMode clock_mode, int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) override {
client_ref_to_fixed_ = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(
0, zx::clock::get_monotonic().get(), Fixed(kDefaultFormat.frames_per_second()).raw_value(),
client_clock_ = AudioClock::ClientAdjustable(clock::AdjustableCloneOfMonotonic());
auto device_start = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
clock::testing::ClockProperties clock_props;
if (clock_mode == ClockMode::WITH_OFFSET) {
device_start += kClockOffset;
clock_props = {.start_val = device_start};
} else if (clock_mode == ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST) {
clock_props = {.rate_adjust_ppm = rate_adjust_ppm};
device_ref_to_fixed_ = fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(TimelineFunction(
0, device_start.get(), Fixed(kDefaultFormat.frames_per_second()).raw_value(),
auto raw_clock = clock::testing::CreateCustomClock(clock_props).take_value();
device_clock_ = AudioClock::DeviceFixed(std::move(raw_clock), kNonMonotonicDomain);
// Set the limits for worst-case source position error during this mix interval
void MixStageClockTest::SetRateLimits(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) {
if (direction_ == Direction::Capture) {
primary_err_ppm_multiplier_ = -primary_err_ppm_multiplier_;
secondary_err_ppm_multiplier_ = -secondary_err_ppm_multiplier_;
// Set the limits for worst-case source position error during this mix interval
// If clock runs fast, our initial error is negative (position too low), followed by smaller
// positive error (position too high). These are reversed if clock runs slow.
auto primary_err_limit = PrimaryErrorLimit(rate_adjust_ppm);
auto secondary_err_limit = SecondaryErrorLimit(rate_adjust_ppm);
// Max positive and negative error values are determined by the magnitude of rate adjustment. At
// very small rate_adjust_ppm, these values can be overshadowed by any steady-state "ripple" we
// might have, so include that "ripple" value in our max/min and 1% errors.
auto min_max = std::minmax(primary_err_limit, secondary_err_limit);
lower_limit_src_pos_err_ = min_max.first - limit_settled_err_;
upper_limit_src_pos_err_ = min_max.second + limit_settled_err_;
one_usec_err_ = std::max(limit_settled_err_, zx::usec(1));
auto primary_err_one_percent = zx::duration(std::abs(primary_err_limit.get()) / 100);
one_percent_err_ = std::max(limit_settled_err_, primary_err_one_percent);
limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_ = std::min(limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_, limit_mix_count_settled_);
limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_ =
std::min(limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_, limit_mix_count_settled_);
void MixStageClockTest::ConnectStages() {
std::shared_ptr<PacketQueue> packet_queue;
if (direction_ == Direction::Render) {
// Create a PacketQueue with the client timeline and clock, as the source.
// Pass the device timeline and clock to a mix stage, as the destination.
packet_queue = std::make_shared<PacketQueue>(kDefaultFormat, client_ref_to_fixed_,
mix_stage_ = std::make_shared<MixStage>(kDefaultFormat, kFramesToMix, device_ref_to_fixed_,
} else {
// Create a PacketQueue with the device timeline and clock, as the source.
// Pass the client timeline and clock to a mix stage, as the destination.
packet_queue = std::make_shared<PacketQueue>(kDefaultFormat, device_ref_to_fixed_,
mix_stage_ = std::make_shared<MixStage>(kDefaultFormat, kFramesToMix, client_ref_to_fixed_,
// Connect packet queue to mix stage.
mixer_ = mix_stage_->AddInput(packet_queue);
// Set up the various prerequisites of a clock synchronization test, then execute the test.
void MixStageClockTest::VerifySync(ClockMode clock_mode, int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) {
SetClocks(clock_mode, rate_adjust_ppm);
// Test accuracy of long-running position maintained by MixStage across ReadLock calls. No audio
// is streamed: source position is determined by clocks and change in dest position.
// Rate adjustment is resolved by a feedback control, so run the mix for a significant interval,
// measuring worst-case source position error. We separately note worst-case source position error
// during the final mixes, to assess the "settled" state. The overall worst-case error observed
// should be proportional to the magnitude of rate change, whereas once we settle to steady state
// our position desync error should have a ripple of much less than 1 usec.
void MixStageClockTest::SyncTest(int32_t rate_adjust_ppm) {
auto& mix_info = mixer_->source_info();
zx::duration max_err{0}, max_settled_err{0};
zx::duration min_err{0}, min_settled_err{0};
int32_t mix_count_of_max_err = -1, mix_count_of_min_err = -1;
int32_t actual_mix_count_one_percent_err = -1, actual_mix_count_one_usec_err = -1;
int32_t actual_mix_count_settled = -1;
auto mono_start = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
for (auto mix_count = 0; mix_count < total_mix_count_; ++mix_count) {
if (wait_for_mixes_) {
zx::nanosleep(mono_start + kClockSyncMixDuration * mix_count);
mix_stage_->ReadLock(Fixed(kFramesToMix * mix_count), kFramesToMix);
ASSERT_EQ(mix_info.next_dest_frame, kFramesToMix * (mix_count + 1));
// Track the worst-case position errors (overall min/max, 1%, 1us, final-settled).
if (mix_info.src_pos_error > max_err) {
max_err = mix_info.src_pos_error;
mix_count_of_max_err = mix_count;
if (mix_info.src_pos_error < min_err) {
min_err = mix_info.src_pos_error;
mix_count_of_min_err = mix_count;
auto abs_src_pos_error = zx::duration(std::abs(mix_info.src_pos_error.get()));
if (abs_src_pos_error > one_percent_err_) {
actual_mix_count_one_percent_err = mix_count;
if (abs_src_pos_error > one_usec_err_) {
actual_mix_count_one_usec_err = mix_count;
if (abs_src_pos_error > limit_settled_err_) {
actual_mix_count_settled = mix_count;
if (mix_count >= limit_mix_count_settled_) {
max_settled_err = std::max(mix_info.src_pos_error, max_settled_err);
min_settled_err = std::min(mix_info.src_pos_error, min_settled_err);
if constexpr (kTraceClockSyncConvergence) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << std::setw(5) << rate_adjust_ppm << ": [" << std::right << std::setw(3)
<< mix_count << "], error " << std::setw(5) << mix_info.src_pos_error.get();
EXPECT_LE(max_err.get(), upper_limit_src_pos_err_.get())
<< "rate ppm " << rate_adjust_ppm << " at mix_count[" << mix_count_of_max_err << "] "
<< mix_count_of_max_err * kClockSyncMixDuration.to_msecs() << "ms";
EXPECT_GE(min_err.get(), lower_limit_src_pos_err_.get())
<< "rate ppm " << rate_adjust_ppm << " at mix_count[" << mix_count_of_min_err << "] "
<< mix_count_of_min_err * kClockSyncMixDuration.to_msecs() << "ms";
if (rate_adjust_ppm != 0) {
EXPECT_LE(actual_mix_count_one_usec_err, limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_)
<< "rate ppm " << rate_adjust_ppm << " took too long to settle to "
<< limit_settled_err_.get() << " nanosec (1 microsecond)";
EXPECT_LE(actual_mix_count_one_percent_err, limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_)
<< "rate ppm " << rate_adjust_ppm
<< " took too long to settle to 1% of initial worst-case desync " << one_percent_err_.get()
<< " nanosec: actual [" << actual_mix_count_one_percent_err << "] mixes, limit ["
<< limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_ << "] mixes";
EXPECT_LE(max_settled_err.get(), limit_settled_err_.get()) << "rate ppm " << rate_adjust_ppm;
EXPECT_GE(min_settled_err.get(), -(limit_settled_err_.get())) << "rate ppm " << rate_adjust_ppm;
if constexpr (kDisplayForPidCoefficientsTuning) {
if (rate_adjust_ppm != 0) {
<< "****************************************************************************";
if (zx::duration(std::abs(lower_limit_src_pos_err_.get())) > upper_limit_src_pos_err_) {
<< fbl::StringPrintf(
"Rate %5d: Primary [%2d] %5ld (%5ld limit); Secondary [%2d] %5ld (%5ld limit)",
rate_adjust_ppm, mix_count_of_min_err, min_err.get(),
lower_limit_src_pos_err_.get(), mix_count_of_max_err, max_err.get(),
} else {
<< fbl::StringPrintf(
"Rate %5d: Primary [%2d] %5ld (%5ld limit); Secondary [%2d] %5ld (%5ld limit)",
rate_adjust_ppm, mix_count_of_max_err, max_err.get(),
upper_limit_src_pos_err_.get(), mix_count_of_min_err, min_err.get(),
FX_LOGS(INFO) << (actual_mix_count_one_usec_err <= limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_
? "Converged by ["
: "NOT converged [")
<< std::setw(2) << actual_mix_count_one_usec_err + 1 << "] (" << std::setw(2)
<< limit_mix_count_one_usec_err_ << " limit) to 1us (" << std::setw(3)
<< one_usec_err_.get() << ")";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << (actual_mix_count_one_percent_err <= limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_
? "Converged by ["
: "NOT converged [")
<< std::setw(2) << actual_mix_count_one_percent_err + 1 << "] (" << std::setw(2)
<< limit_mix_count_one_percent_err_ << " limit) to 1% (" << std::setw(3)
<< one_percent_err_.get() << ")";
FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Final-settled [" << std::setw(2) << actual_mix_count_settled << "] ("
<< std::setw(2) << limit_mix_count_settled_ << " limit) to "
<< max_settled_err.get() << "/" << std::setw(2) << min_settled_err.get() << " ("
<< limit_settled_err_.get() << " limit)";
// Test cases that validate the MixStage+AudioClock "micro-SRC" synchronization path.
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, Basic) { VerifySync(ClockMode::SAME); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, Offset) { VerifySync(ClockMode::WITH_OFFSET); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp1) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 1); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown1) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -1); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp2) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 2); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown2) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -2); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp3) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 3); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown3) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -3); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp10) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 10); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown10) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -10); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp30) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 30); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown30) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -30); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp100) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 100); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown100) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -100); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp300) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 300); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown300) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -300); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustUp1000) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 1000); }
TEST_P(MicroSrcTest, AdjustDown1000) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -1000); }
// Test cases that validate the MixStage+AudioClock "flexible clock" synchronization path.
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, Basic) { VerifySync(ClockMode::SAME); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, Offset) { VerifySync(ClockMode::WITH_OFFSET); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp1) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 1); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown1) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -1); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp2) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 2); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown2) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -2); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp3) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 3); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown3) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -3); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp10) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 10); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown10) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -10); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp30) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 30); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown30) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -30); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp100) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 100); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown100) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -100); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp300) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 300); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown300) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -300); }
// Zircon clocks cannot adjust beyond [-1000, +1000] PPM, hindering our ability to chase device
// clocks running close to that limit, but a reasonable validation outer limit is 750 PPM.
// Because the micro-SRC technique uses no zx::clock, it has no such limitation.
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustUp750) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, 750); }
TEST_P(AdjustableClockTest, AdjustDown750) { VerifySync(ClockMode::RATE_ADJUST, -750); }
// Test subclasses are parameterized to run in render and capture directions.
// Thus every clock type is tested as a source and as a destination.
template <typename TestClass>
std::string PrintDirectionParam(
const ::testing::TestParamInfo<typename TestClass::ParamType>& info) {
return (info.param == Direction::Render ? "Render" : "Capture");
#define INSTANTIATE_SYNC_TEST_SUITE(_test_class_name) \
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(ClockSync, _test_class_name, \
::testing::Values(Direction::Render, Direction::Capture), \
} // namespace
} // namespace media::audio