blob: 6278859eb921450eae330534f2fa3879629f389e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fuchsia_inspect::reader::{ArrayContent, DiagnosticsHierarchy, Property},
ops::{Add, AddAssign, MulAssign},
const INDENT: usize = 2;
const HEX_DISPLAY_CHUNK_SIZE: usize = 16;
pub fn format(path: &str, diagnostics_hierarchy: DiagnosticsHierarchy) -> String {
let result = output_hierarchy(diagnostics_hierarchy, 1);
format!("{}:\n{}", path, result)
pub fn format_schema(schema: InspectData) -> String {
let mut result = format!("{}:\n", schema.moniker);
result.push_str(" metadata:\n");
if let Some(errors) = &schema.metadata.errors {
result.push_str(&format!(" errors = {}\n", errors.join(", ")));
result.push_str(&format!(" filename = {}\n", schema.metadata.filename));
result.push_str(&format!(" component_url = {}\n", schema.metadata.component_url));
result.push_str(&format!(" timestamp = {}\n", schema.metadata.timestamp));
match schema.payload {
Some(hierarchy) => {
let payload = output_hierarchy(hierarchy, 2);
result.push_str(&format!(" payload:\n{}", payload))
None => result.push_str(" payload: null"),
fn output_hierarchy(diagnostics_hierarchy: DiagnosticsHierarchy, indent: usize) -> String {
let mut lines = vec![];
let name_indent = " ".repeat(INDENT * indent);
let value_indent = " ".repeat(INDENT * (indent + 1));
lines.push(format!("{}{}:", name_indent,;
lines.extend(|property| match property {
Property::String(name, value) => format!("{}{} = {}", value_indent, name, value),
Property::Int(name, value) => format!("{}{} = {}", value_indent, name, value),
Property::Uint(name, value) => format!("{}{} = {}", value_indent, name, value),
Property::Double(name, value) => format!("{}{} = {:.6}", value_indent, name, value),
Property::Bytes(name, array) => {
let byte_str = array.to_hex(HEX_DISPLAY_CHUNK_SIZE);
format!("{}{} = Binary:\n{}", value_indent, name, byte_str.trim())
Property::Bool(name, value) => format!("{}{} = {}", value_indent, name, value),
Property::IntArray(name, array) => output_array(&value_indent, &name, &array),
Property::UintArray(name, array) => output_array(&value_indent, &name, &array),
Property::DoubleArray(name, array) => output_array(&value_indent, &name, &array),
Property::StringList(name, list) => format!("{}{} = {:?}", value_indent, name, list),
diagnostics_hierarchy.children.into_iter().map(|child| output_hierarchy(child, indent + 1)),
fn output_array<
T: AddAssign + MulAssign + Copy + Add<Output = T> + fmt::Display + NumberFormat + Bounded,
value_indent: &str,
name: &str,
array: &ArrayContent<T>,
) -> String {
let content = match array {
ArrayContent::Values(values) => {
values.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>()
ArrayContent::Buckets(buckets) => buckets
.map(|bucket| {
format!("{}{} = [{}]", value_indent, name, content.join(", "))
trait NumberFormat {
fn format(&self) -> String;
impl NumberFormat for i64 {
fn format(&self) -> String {
match *self {
std::i64::MAX => "<max>".to_string(),
std::i64::MIN => "<min>".to_string(),
x => format!("{}", x),
impl NumberFormat for u64 {
fn format(&self) -> String {
match *self {
std::u64::MAX => "<max>".to_string(),
x => format!("{}", x),
impl NumberFormat for f64 {
fn format(&self) -> String {
if *self == std::f64::MAX || *self == std::f64::INFINITY {
} else if *self == std::f64::MIN || *self == std::f64::NEG_INFINITY {
} else {
format!("{}", self)