blob: 21302ec055902e6b1d26679301a42fee33aaa489 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "memory_allocator.h"
#include <zircon/assert.h>
namespace sysmem_driver {
MemoryAllocator::MemoryAllocator(llcpp::fuchsia::sysmem2::HeapProperties properties)
: heap_properties_(std::move(properties)) {}
MemoryAllocator::~MemoryAllocator() {
for (auto& it : destroy_callbacks_) {
void MemoryAllocator::set_ready() { ZX_PANIC("not implemented"); }
bool MemoryAllocator::is_ready() { return true; }
void MemoryAllocator::AddDestroyCallback(intptr_t key, fit::callback<void()> callback) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(destroy_callbacks_.find(key) == destroy_callbacks_.end());
destroy_callbacks_[key] = std::move(callback);
void MemoryAllocator::RemoveDestroyCallback(intptr_t key) {
// The key isn't required to be in the map in case of failures during
// create. Erase if present.
} // namespace sysmem_driver