blob: 6d1242c79df2f4e5f9a61277853aeed12f7f71d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/span.h>
namespace clk {
class BaseClock;
// clk::Tree class manages an array of BaseClock objects that represent a clock tree
// For more information see -- TODO( Write documentation.
// Example Usage:
// // Create some clock classes that inherit from BaseClock
// class MyGateClock : public clk::BaseClock {};
// class MyMuxClock : public clk::BaseClock {};
// // Instantiate these classes.
// MyGateClock gateClock;
// MyMuxClock muxClock;
// // Add these clocks to an array of clocks and instantiate a clk::Tree.
// BaseClock* clocks[] = { &gateClock, &muxClock };
// clk::Tree tree(clocks, countof(clocks));
// // Now the Clock tree can be manupulated via calls to the Tree class as follows:
// zx_status_t st = tree.Enable(kClk0);
class Tree {
// Notes on ownership:
// (1) The caller is responsible for managing the `clocks` array's memory. The tree class will
// not attempt to free the `clocks` array Note that this permits the caller to statically
// allocate the clock array.
// (2) While the `Tree` class is in scope, it is not safe to manipulate the underlying clocks
// array. While the lifetime of the `clocks` array is the responsibility of the caller, the
// `Tree` class maintains exclusive access to the array for the duration of its lifespan.
explicit Tree(fbl::Span<BaseClock*> clocks, const uint32_t count)
: clocks_(clocks), count_(count) {}
zx_status_t Enable(const uint32_t id) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t Disable(const uint32_t id) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t IsEnabled(const uint32_t id, bool* out) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t SetRate(const uint32_t id, const Hertz rate) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t QuerySupportedRate(const uint32_t id, const Hertz max) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t GetRate(const uint32_t id, Hertz* out) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t SetInput(const uint32_t id, const uint32_t input_index) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t GetNumInputs(const uint32_t id, uint32_t* out) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t GetInput(const uint32_t id, uint32_t* out) TA_EXCL(topology_mutex_);
// The following are locked variants of the public interface.
zx_status_t EnableLocked(const uint32_t id) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t DisableLocked(const uint32_t id) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t IsEnabledLocked(const uint32_t id, bool* out) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t SetRateLocked(const uint32_t id, const Hertz rate) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t QuerySupportedRateLocked(const uint32_t id, const Hertz max) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t GetRateLocked(const uint32_t id, Hertz* out) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t SetInputLocked(const uint32_t id, const uint32_t input_index) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t GetNumInputsLocked(const uint32_t id, uint32_t* out) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
zx_status_t GetInputLocked(const uint32_t id, uint32_t* out) TA_REQ(topology_mutex_);
bool InRange(const uint32_t index) const;
fbl::Span<BaseClock*> clocks_ TA_GUARDED(topology_mutex_);
const uint32_t count_;
// Guards topology changes to the clock tree.
fbl::Mutex topology_mutex_;
} // namespace clk