blob: 2b14911a5f090c62afce41cf2dcdc2b8e0e0823f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library ddk.protocol.camerahwaccel;
enum FrameStatus : uint8 {
OK = 0;
enum TaskRemoveStatus : uint8 {
OK = 0;
struct FrameMetadata {
// The value of the system monotonic clock at the time the frame data was received by the
// driver.
uint64 timestamp;
uint32 image_format_index;
uint32 input_buffer_index;
// The value of the system monotonic clock at the time the root frame associated with this frame
// was received by the ISP driver.
uint64 capture_timestamp;
struct FrameAvailableInfo {
FrameStatus frame_status;
uint32 buffer_id;
FrameMetadata metadata;
[Layout = "ddk-callback"]
protocol HwAccelFrameCallback {
// This is called by the camera HW Accel drivers (gdc, ge2d, ...), every time a
// frame is ready to be consumed.
FrameReady(FrameAvailableInfo info);
// This is the same signature as the Frame callback above, but separating this, in
// case we want to change things around later.
[Layout = "ddk-callback"]
protocol HwAccelResChangeCallback {
// This is called by the camera HW Accel drivers (gdc, ge2d, ...), every time a
// change of resolution completes.
FrameResolutionChanged(FrameAvailableInfo info);
[Layout = "ddk-callback"]
protocol HwAccelRemoveTaskCallback {
// This is called by the camera HW Accel drivers (gdc, ge2d, ...), every time a
// task is released.
TaskRemoved(TaskRemoveStatus status);