blob: 6f920ffa4db249f5d70e255b3da2adf12a0fcfce [file] [log] [blame]
<%include file="header.mako" />
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
load("//build_defs:package_files.bzl", "package_files")
load("//build_defs:fuchsia_select.bzl", "fuchsia_select")
# Note: the cc_library / cc_import combo serves two purposes:
# - it allows the use of a select clause to target the proper architecture;
# - it works around an issue with cc_import which does not have an "includes"
# nor a "deps" attribute.
name = "${}",
hdrs = [
% for header in sorted(data.hdrs):
% endfor
deps = fuchsia_select({
% for arch in sorted(data.prebuilts.keys()):
"//build_defs/target_cpu:${arch}": [":${arch}_prebuilts"],
% endfor
}) + [
% for dep in sorted(data.deps):
% endfor
strip_include_prefix = "${data.includes}",
data = fuchsia_select({
% for arch in sorted(data.prebuilts.keys()):
"//build_defs/target_cpu:${arch}": [":${arch}_dist"],
% endfor
# Architecture-specific targets
% for arch, contents in sorted(data.prebuilts.items()):
name = "${arch}_prebuilts",
% if data.is_static:
static_library = "${contents.link_lib}",
% else:
shared_library = "${contents.link_lib}",
% endif
name = "${arch}_dist",
contents = {
% if contents.dist_lib:
"${contents.dist_lib}": "${contents.dist_path}",
% endif
% endfor