blob: 4fef0cdd5cbccac77427c997a027a0689b0ffd71 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import re
import subprocess
import time
from buildenv import BuildEnv
from host import Host
class Device(object):
"""Represents a Fuchsia device running a specific build.
This class abstracts the details of remotely running commands and
transferring data to and from the device.
buildenv: The associated BuildEnv object for this device.
name: The device's name, as in `fx list-devices`.
addr: The device's IPv6 address.
port: TCP port number that sshd is listening on.
ssh_config: Path to an SSH configuration file.
ssh_identity: Path to an SSH identity file.
ssh_options: SSH options as in an SSH configuration file.
ssh_verbosity: How verbose SSH processes are, from 0 to 3.
def __init__(self, factory, name=None, addr=None):
assert factory, 'Factory for device not set.'
self._factory = factory
self._name = name
self._addr = addr
self._ssh_options = {}
self._ssh_config_options = []
self._ssh_verbosity = 0
self._reachable = None
self._urls = None
def buildenv(self):
"""The associated BuildEnv object for this device."""
return self._factory.buildenv
def host(self):
"""Alias for"""
def addr(self):
"""IPv6 address of the device."""
if not self._addr:
self._addr = self.buildenv.find_device(self._name)
return self._addr
def port(self):
"""The TCP port number that the device's sshd is listening on."""
return int(self._ssh_options.get('P', '22'))
def port(self, port):
self._ssh_options['P'] = str(port)
def ssh_config(self):
"""Path to an SSH configuration file."""
return self._ssh_options.get('F', None)
def ssh_config(self, ssh_config):
if not
raise ValueError(
'Invalid SSH configuration file: {}'.format(ssh_config))
self._ssh_options['F'] = ssh_config
def ssh_identity(self):
"""Path to an SSH identity file."""
return self._ssh_options.get('i', None)
def ssh_identity(self, ssh_identity):
if not
raise ValueError(
'Invalid SSH identity file: {}'.format(ssh_identity))
self._ssh_options['i'] = ssh_identity
def ssh_options(self):
"""SSH configuration options, as in an SSH configuration file."""
return self._ssh_config_options
def ssh_options(self, ssh_options):
self._ssh_config_options = ssh_options
def ssh_verbosity(self):
"""How verbose SSH processes are, from 0 to 3."""
return self._ssh_verbosity
def ssh_verbosity(self, ssh_verbosity):
if ssh_verbosity < 0 or ssh_verbosity > 3:
raise ValueError('Invalid ssh_verbosity: {}'.format(ssh_verbosity))
self._ssh_verbosity = ssh_verbosity
def reachable(self):
"""Indicates if the device is reachable via SSH."""
if self._reachable == None:
self._reachable = self.ssh(['true']).call() == 0
return self._reachable
def configure(self):
"""Sets the defaults for this device."""
self.ssh_config = self.buildenv.abspath(
self.buildenv.build_dir, 'ssh-keys', 'ssh_config')
def ssh_opts(self):
"""Returns the SSH executable and options."""
ssh_options = []
# Flags
if self._ssh_verbosity != 0:
ssh_options += ['-{}'.format('v' * self._ssh_verbosity)]
# Options
for key, val in sorted(self._ssh_options.iteritems()):
ssh_options += ['-{}'.format(key), val]
# Configuration options
for val in sorted(self._ssh_config_options):
ssh_options += ['-o', val]
return ssh_options
def ssh(self, args, **kwargs):
"""Creates a Process with added SSH arguments.
Provides the additional arguments to handle connecting the device and other
SSH options. The returned Process represents a command that can be run on
the remote device.
cmdline: List of command line arguments to execute on device
kwargs: Same as for subprocess.Popen
A Process object.
args = ['ssh'] + self.ssh_opts() + [self.addr] + args
process =, **kwargs)
# Explicitly prevent the subprocess from inheriting our stdin
if not process.stdin:
process.stdin = Host.DEVNULL
return process
def has_cs_info(self, url, refresh=False):
"""Returns whether a component given by a URL is running.
Relative to the duration of most "fx fuzz" commands, the SSH
invocation to get component status is fairly expensive. Most
prcoesses won't meaningfully change during or command (or will only
change as a result of it). Thus, it makes sense to generally cache
the `cs info` results. This can lead to small degree of inaccuracy, e.g.
"fx fuzz check" reporting a fuzzer as "RUNNING" when it stops
between the command invocation and the display of results. This is
unlikely (and inconseuqential) enough in normal operation to be
deemed acceptable.
If an accurate status is needed, e.g. as part of a long-lived command
like Fuzzer.monitor(), "refresh" can be set to True to re-run the SSH
if not self.reachable:
return False
if self._urls == None or refresh:
self._urls = []
out = self.ssh(['cs', 'info']).check_output()
pat = re.compile(r'^URL: (?P<url>.*)')
for line in str(out).split('\n'):
match = pat.match(line)
if not match:
return url in self._urls
def isfile(self, pathname):
"""Returns true for files that exist on the device."""
return self.ssh(['test', '-f', pathname]).call() == 0
def isdir(self, pathname):
"""Returns true for directories that exist on the device."""
return self.ssh(['test', '-d', pathname]).call() == 0
def ls(self, pathname):
"""Returns a map of file names to sizes for the given path."""
results = {}
process = self.ssh(['ls', '-l', pathname])
# Suppress error messages
process.stderr = Host.DEVNULL
out = process.check_output()
for line in str(out).split('\n'):
# Line ~= '-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 8192 Mar 18 22:02 some-name'
parts = line.split()
if len(parts) > 8:
results[' '.join(parts[8:])] = int(parts[4])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# The returncode is 1 when the file or directory is not found (see
# sbase/ls.c); for our purposes, this is not an error, but we don't
# want to mask other errors such as `ls` itself not being found.
if e.returncode != 1:
return results
def mkdir(self, pathname):
"""Make a directory on the device."""
cmd = ['mkdir', '-p', pathname]
def remove(self, pathname, recursive=False):
"""Removes a file or directory from the device."""
if recursive:
cmd = ['rm', '-rf', pathname]
cmd = ['rm', '-f', pathname]
def dump_log(self, *args):
"""Retrieve a syslog from the device."""
cmd = ['log_listener', '--dump_logs', 'yes', '--pretty', 'no'
] + list(args)
return self.ssh(cmd).check_output()
def guess_pid(self):
"""Tries to guess the fuzzer process ID from the device syslog.
This will assume the last line which contained one of the strings
'{{{reset}}}', 'libFuzzer', or 'Sanitizer' is the fuzzer process, and
try to extract its PID.
The PID of the process suspected to be the fuzzer, or -1 if no
suitable candidate was found.
out = self.dump_log('--only', 'reset,Fuzzer,Sanitizer')
pid = -1
if out:
for line in out.split('\n'):
# Log lines are like '[timestamp][pid][tid][name] data'
parts = line.split('][')
if len(parts) > 2:
pid = int(parts[1])
return pid
def scp_rpath(self, pathname):
"""Returns an scp-style pathname argument for a remote path."""
return '[{}]:{}'.format(self.addr, pathname)
def fetch(self, host_dst, *args):
"""Copies files on the device to a directory on the host.
The host directory is given by the first argument.
This does not retry, even if the fetch is racing the file creation.
In this case, the correct approach is to use some other signal to
determine when the file(s) should be fetched. See Fuzzer._launch()
for an example.
if not args:
raise ValueError('No source files specified')
if not'No such directory: {}'.format(host_dst))
device_srcs = []
for device_src in args:
cmd = ['scp'] + self.ssh_opts() + device_srcs + [host_dst]
def store(self, device_dst, *args):
"""Copies files on the host to a directory on the device.
The device directory is given by the first argument.
device_dst = self.scp_rpath(device_dst)
host_srcs = []
for host_src in args:
host_srcs +=
if not host_srcs:'No matching files: "{}".'.format(' '.join(args)))
cmd = ['scp'] + self.ssh_opts() + host_srcs + [device_dst]
return host_srcs