blob: f035374885a2c61b69227c81916ac68c620c7954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package repository
import (
type ParameterName string
type ParameterType string
type ModuleUrl string
type ActionName string
type FindModulesRequest struct {
Action ActionName
// The ability to accept multiple types per named parameter allows the
// requestor to specify additional polymorphic types.
Parameters map[ParameterName][]ParameterType
type ManifestContent struct {
Url ModuleUrl
Content ParsedManifest
type ModuleResolution struct {
// [0, 1], 1 being most relevant.
Score float32
Manifest ManifestContent
type ModuleResolver interface {
FindModules(req FindModulesRequest) ([]ModuleResolution, error)
SaveAndIndexManifest(rawModuleManifest []byte) error
IndexManifest(rawModuleManifest []byte) (ModuleUrl, error)
UnIndexManifest(moduleUrl ModuleUrl) error
type ParameterNameToManifestSet map[ParameterName]ManifestSet
type ParsedManifest map[string]interface{}
type Repository struct {
// Implements |ModuleResolver|.
// TODO(vardhan): Use a persistent DB for indexing and searching.
// The directory where module manifest files are located and where new
// ones will be stored.
manifestDir string
// The following are different indices pointing to a parsed manifest.
manifestsByModuleUrl map[ModuleUrl]ParsedManifest
moduleUrlsByParameter map[ParameterType]ParameterNameToManifestSet
moduleUrlsByAction map[ActionName]ManifestSet
func NewRepository(manifestDir string) *Repository {
repo := Repository{
manifestDir: manifestDir,
manifestsByModuleUrl: make(map[ModuleUrl]ParsedManifest),
moduleUrlsByParameter: make(map[ParameterType]ParameterNameToManifestSet),
moduleUrlsByAction: make(map[ActionName]ManifestSet),
if manifestFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(manifestDir); err == nil {
for _, file := range manifestFiles {
if file.IsDir() {
if bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(manifestDir, file.Name())); err == nil {
_, err := repo.IndexManifest(bytes)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Could not index manifest file ", file.Name(), err)
} else {
log.Println("Could not read manifest file: ", err)
} else {
log.Println("Could not open manifest directory ", manifestDir, ":", err)
log.Println("Indexed ", len(repo.manifestsByModuleUrl), " manifests")
return &repo
func (r *Repository) SaveAndIndexManifest(rawModuleManifest []byte) error {
moduleUrl, err := r.IndexManifest(rawModuleManifest)
if err != nil {
return err
if stat, err := os.Stat(r.manifestDir); err != nil || !stat.IsDir() {
if err := os.Mkdir(r.manifestDir, 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create manifest directory: %s", err)
if err := os.Chmod(r.manifestDir, 0755); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not set manifest directory permissions: %s", err)
shaUrl := sha256.Sum256([]byte(moduleUrl))
fileName := hex.EncodeToString(shaUrl[:])
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(r.manifestDir, fileName), rawModuleManifest, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not save manifest to file: %s", err)
return nil
// On success, returns the module's Url.
func (r *Repository) IndexManifest(rawModuleManifest []byte) (ModuleUrl, error) {
jsonManifest := make(ParsedManifest)
err := json.Unmarshal(rawModuleManifest, &jsonManifest)
schema := gojsonschema.NewStringLoader(ModuleManifestSchema)
manifest := gojsonschema.NewStringLoader(string(rawModuleManifest))
result, err := gojsonschema.Validate(schema, manifest)
if err != nil {
// The |schema| or |manifest| could not be parsed.
return "", err
if !result.Valid() {
// |manifest| does not follow the module manifest schema.
return "", errors.New("invalid module manifest schema")
action := ActionName(jsonManifest["action"].(string))
moduleUrl := ModuleUrl(jsonManifest["binary"].(string))
// Index the manifest
r.manifestsByModuleUrl[moduleUrl] = jsonManifest
if _, ok := r.moduleUrlsByAction[action]; !ok {
r.moduleUrlsByAction[action] = make(ManifestSet)
r.moduleUrlsByAction[action][moduleUrl] = struct{}{}
for _, parameter := range jsonManifest["parameters"].([]interface{}) {
parameterMap := ParsedManifest(parameter.(map[string]interface{}))
paramName := ParameterName(parameterMap["name"].(string))
paramType := ParameterType(parameterMap["type"].(string))
if _, ok := r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType]; !ok {
r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType] = make(ParameterNameToManifestSet)
if _, ok := r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType][paramName]; !ok {
r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType][paramName] = make(ManifestSet)
r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType][paramName][moduleUrl] = struct{}{}
return moduleUrl, nil
func (r *Repository) UnIndexManifest(moduleUrl ModuleUrl) error {
if jsonManifest, ok := r.manifestsByModuleUrl[moduleUrl]; ok {
if parameters, ok := jsonManifest["parameters"]; ok {
for _, parameter := range parameters.([]interface{}) {
paramName := ParameterName(ParsedManifest(parameter.(map[string]interface{}))["name"].(string))
paramType := ParameterType(ParsedManifest(parameter.(map[string]interface{}))["type"].(string))
delete(r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType][paramName], moduleUrl)
if len(r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType][paramName]) == 0 {
delete(r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType], paramName)
if len(r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType]) == 0 {
delete(r.moduleUrlsByParameter, paramType)
delete(r.moduleUrlsByAction, jsonManifest["action"].(ActionName))
delete(r.manifestsByModuleUrl, moduleUrl)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("could not remove manifest: none exists for %s", moduleUrl)
func (r *Repository) findManifestsByParameter(paramName ParameterName, paramType ParameterType) ManifestSet {
if nameMap, ok := r.moduleUrlsByParameter[paramType]; ok {
if manifests, ok := nameMap[paramName]; ok {
return manifests
return nil
func hasAllRequiredParameters(req FindModulesRequest, moduleManifest ParsedManifest) bool {
if parameters, ok := moduleManifest["parameters"]; ok {
for _, constraint := range parameters.([]interface{}) {
constraintKeys := constraint.(map[string]interface{})
paramName := ParameterName(constraintKeys["name"].(string))
// Parameters are required by default. Check if this was marked optional.
if isRequired, found := constraintKeys["required"]; !found || (found && isRequired.(bool)) {
// It is required. Check that it was specified in the request
if _, found := req.Parameters[paramName]; !found {
return false
return true
// TODO(vardhan): Make this a separate exported API, and rename |FindModules| ->
// |FindModulesByAction|
func (r *Repository) findModulesByParamTypes(req FindModulesRequest) ([]ModuleResolution, error) {
return []ModuleResolution{}, nil
func (r *Repository) FindModules(req FindModulesRequest) ([]ModuleResolution, error) {
if req.Action == "" {
return r.findModulesByParamTypes(req)
// 1. Find all module manifests that contain the action in the request.
candidateModules := make(ManifestSet)
for moduleUrl := range r.moduleUrlsByAction[req.Action] {
candidateModules[moduleUrl] = struct{}{}
// 2. Find all module manifests that contain the parameters in request.
// 3. Intersect the 1) and 2) to get the possible candidate manifests.
for paramName, paramTypes := range req.Parameters {
manifests := make(ManifestSet)
for _, paramType := range paramTypes {
manifests.merge(r.findManifestsByParameter(paramName, paramType))
// 4. Filter through the candidates to make sure their required parameters are
// provided in the request.
results := []ModuleResolution{}
for candidateModuleUrl := range candidateModules {
if !hasAllRequiredParameters(req, r.manifestsByModuleUrl[candidateModuleUrl]) {
results = append(results, ModuleResolution{
Manifest: ManifestContent{
Url: candidateModuleUrl,
Content: r.manifestsByModuleUrl[candidateModuleUrl]},
Score: 1.0})
return results, nil